Medical Truth Podcast
Medical Truth Podcast
"The Price of Panic"- Interview with Dr. William M. Briggs
Dr. William Briggs is a Statistician, writer, philosopher, and itinerant scientist who lives far from Experts. He earned his Ph.D. from Cornell University (before it became Woke). He studies the philosophy of science, the use and misuse of uncertainty, the corruption of science, and the uselessness of most predictions. He wrote several books, and his most recent book is titled The Price of Panic: How the Tyranny Experts Turned a Pandemic into a Catastrophe. (2020) and “Everything You Believe is Wrong” (2021). He maintains an active and lively blog at www.WmBriggs.com and also on Substack, where he can be found at https://www. wmbriggs.substack.com.
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Get ready to hear the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about the United States healthcare system with your host of the medical truth podcast, James Egidio.
James Egidio:Hi, I'm James Egidio. your host of the medical truth podcast, the podcast that tells the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about the American healthcare system. My guest is a statistician, writer, philosopher, and iterate site scientist who lives far from experts. Here and his PhD from Cornell University. Before it became fully woken his words. in statistics. He studies the philosophy of science, the use and misuses of uncertainty, the corruption of science. And the usefulness of most predictions. He began life as a cryptologist for the air force slipped into weather and climate forecasting and matured into an epistemologist. He wrote several books and his most recent books are titled the price of panic. How the Tyranny, Experts Turned a Pandemic into a Catastrophe. And his other book is Everything You Believe is Wrong. He maintains an active and lively blog at www.Wmbriggs.com and also on substack where it can be found at. WMBriggs.substack.com. That's actually where he got my attention. It is a pleasure to have on the medical truth podcast. My guest. Dr. William Briggs. I am extremely delighted to have on the medical truth podcast. My guest who got my attention on substack Dr. Briggs, welcome to the medical truth podcast. Thanks
Dr. William M. Briggs:for having me.
James Egidio:Absolutely. Share with the viewers and listeners of the medical truth podcast about who you are and what you do.
Dr. William M. Briggs:Just a guy ex academic recovering academic was canceled from academia. I am mostly interested in bad science. I'm involved in the broken science initiative. Which is started by Greg Glassman and Emily Kaplan to look at all the kinds of bad science, not just look at it, categorize them, but understand philosophically why they're bad, that kind of a thing. And with some hope of teaching the people, the remnant of people who are interested in fixing the way things have got a better way to do things. And that's. That's basically it. I've done all kinds of things. I started out doing cryptography. I was a meteorologist with the weather service for a while. My master's is in atmospheric physics. My PhD is in mathematical statistics and the like, looking at forecast goodness. And from there went into medicine. I've been working in medicine for many years and physics still and nitrogen work and the Netherlands and on.
James Egidio:So pretty extensive background. I know you got my attention. Like I said when I ran across several of your written pieces on sub stack and did a little bit further drilling down of some of your previous work. And I know you have a book that you wrote. That's very popular. It's called the price of panic. I. I believe you co authored that with several other it was J.
Dr. William M. Briggs:W. Richards. J. W. Richards and Doug Axe.
James Egidio:Doug Axe. What's the premise of that book?
Dr. William M. Briggs:Exactly what it says on the cover. How the tyranny of experts is my favorite thing. How experts turned an ordinary pandemic of the kind we seem to suffer from every... 50 years or so into an absolute worldwide catastrophe. First by making the bug and then by coming up with all kinds of mandatory solutions, each more useless than the next.
James Egidio:Yeah. And a little bit, when you say that what do you mean by that? And the price of panic. So
Dr. William M. Briggs:it was a panic. We had gone through and 57 and 58, I guess it was, or 58, 59, I think 57, 58, the Asian flu pandemic, which killed about 4 million people globally. Now, this was at a time when there was I think less than half of the number of people alive on the planet. So proportionately, it killed more people in a shorter amount of time than COVID. But nobody remembers. There was no panic. There was no mask mandates. There was no, lunacy like we saw with lockdowns and all these kinds of things. And even 10 years after that, we had the Hong Kong flu of 68, 69, something like this. And again, about that many people were killed and not that many more people were alive. So again, it killed more people proportionally, as the global population in a shorter amount of, in a shorter amount of time than COVID did. These bugs are still with us too. These bugs. That caused those flus are still in circulation. All flu bugs are, and so nobody remembers these unless they were alive at the time and had some kind of inkling about it. There wasn't the global network of information that we have now that we're able to use to communicate here. So there was absolutely no global panic whatsoever. People handled it calmly and rationally in ways that we should have handled COVID. But did not.
James Egidio:Yeah. Yeah. And I know they would say, we're conspiracy theorists people who let's say are in, I was in the medical field for a long time for many years. You're a numbers guy. You see what's been happening in the last, what, three years now. What were some of the red flags? Cause I see you wrote the book back in what, 2020, right?
Dr. William M. Briggs:I, almost from day one, when the news started coming out, I have public articles from January of 2020 urging, stop this idiot panic. There's this famous guy, Nassim Taleb. It's his name, Taleb the black swan guy, he was urging panic. He was saying, if you're not panicking you're a psychopath. This was his words in a published paper. And this is absurd. There was no reason to panic. There, there was never a reason to panic. The panic was purely a product of our own. idiot decisions particularly those people on top. We're much more of an integrated society now. We're much more of a managerial society, not just us, but managerialism is the reigning method of of rule pretty much all over the world, at least in all developed countries from China to to, everywhere in the West. And all of these experts are in charge of trying to micromanage every little thing. First of all, they created the bug and all this research called, which they euphemistically call gain of function, but which really means gain of lethality. They engineer these bugs. Here's the premise. The engineer, these bugs, they say to make them more lethal. So that they could study them to discover what to do if we ever have a bug that is released in the wild that has these particular characteristics, but no bugs like this exist in the wild with these characteristics. So the entire study is just fruitless, masturbatory, academic preening for these people to do something in order for them to gain research and so forth. And the people that created this bug, they should be I won't fed post or fed talk or anything like this, but there's been no there has been no public recognition of the extent to which people are guilty and all of this stuff. And so that's just something that we're going to have to learn to live with too, because they haven't stopped. They're continuing on this line of research in order to to do what? Just to create more grief for the world and of course, more papers for themselves and more grants and that sort of thing, but it's not going to benefit us any.
James Egidio:Yeah, and you know where this is gonna go, but I don't want to finish talking about the pan the plandemic, I call it, because I want to capitulate at some point in this conversation to, of course, global warming, the other fear porn topic of conversation, and you were a meteorologist, but we'll talk about that in the next portion of this, Episode of this podcast, but I still wanna continue to talk a little bit about more of this whole psyop pandemic that did take place in 2020. I know back in 2019, Dr. David Martin exposed the Department of Defense in this event 201 event in Davos. When they were basically planning this whole pandemic. And to me, it seemed like it was more about not just the the COVID, but it was more about the vaccine, this was all set up for the vaccine itself, for the bioweapon. For the covid vaccine, a bioweapon more than it was about the the virus itself. It just seemed like that was setting the stage. What's your take on that?
Dr. William M. Briggs:I want everybody to understand there's no conspiracy. There's no conspiracy in the sense that people were doing this kind of thing behind closed doors, secretively not telling anybody. And in fact, it's quite the opposite. They were boasting of their accomplishments along these lines.. There was a series of papers and academic efforts all through the 2000s, early 2000s, from the late 90s, all the way through the 2000s and so forth. What do we do when the next pandemic hits? Because these people have to make work for themselves. That's what managerialism is, the expertocracy, I call it. They make work for themselves. They planned all of these things in great detail. For instance, like lockdowns, where the heck did lockdowns come from? Downs come from this was the most preposterous idea. Even a vaccine we can talk about the vaccine But even that makes it oh, yeah Maybe we should have a vaccine a drug for this kind of stuff we're all used to taking a lot of drugs that kind of makes a reasonable sense on a On an overview of this kind of thing, but lockdowns were the most idiotic asinine thing they could possibly do How did they come to these ideas? How did they come to things like social distancing? I'll tell you exactly how social distancing got start we talk about this in the book. This little girl had in California somewhere had to do a science project. And her dad was a scientist or is a scientist at one of these big government labs out there. I forget which, maybe Livermore or one like this. And she wanted to do just a model, a computer model. What would social distancing do? And then, so she did this model. Her dad thought it was a fun project. And so they did this model about how social distancing can work. Social agent model. And there's tons of these kinds of things in use all over academia. And so basically, what people never seem to remember is that all models only say what they're told to say. And this little girl's model, which her dad helped turn into a paper. A real paper, in a journal, all that kind of a thing. They basically said if people come within a certain distance of each other they get too close, then they can really transmit a bug, whatever this bug happens to be. And if they stand at least this far apart with six, six feet United States, it was a meter and a half. And some places overseas, two meters. It's just ridiculous stuff. Then the bug can't transmit itself. And they ran the model with these assumptions. And what did the model discover? Discover that if you stand this close, you're gonna transmit the bug. If you stand this close, you won't transmit the bug. It said exactly what it was told to say, like all these models did. And it was just, there was tons of this kind of stuff. Academic or pandemic preparation papers. They were all gearing up for this kind of stuff. All the time. And in fact, what the, it's farcical, but the WHO, the World Health Organization in 2019 published an enormous paper we also detail this in the book about basically, here's what we're going to do in the next pandemic. And so what did they say not to do? They said, whatever you do. Don't lock down, don't kick people out of their jobs, pretty much, and don't worry about masks, all this stuff that we ended up doing, they've recommended against doing in this big guy that they had, it was all thrown out the window after the initial panic to those the fear porn came out of China in early 2020, so it was just One catastrophic failure after the next.
James Egidio:Yeah, and I think when you say now thinking back about how the who wrote this was a paper
Dr. William M. Briggs:on it was a Big one of their documents. They're always Spitting out these documents, most of which only other academics pay any attention to they're only written for themselves and that kind of stuff. It's mostly busy work, but there was ready to go and they threw it over immediately when China got involved and money started changing hands and all that kind of a thing
James Egidio:well, it could have been even one of those things where that was just their way of knowing that eventually in 2020 that they were going to release this to the media about this panic storm to cover
Dr. William M. Briggs:themselves. We can differ about whether it was man made or whether it was a planned... It doesn't have to be. That's the whole point. It just doesn't make any difference. They tried this several times. This guy Ferguson, this nitwit who runs the British model that panicked everybody early in 2020. He tried. Many times through the 2000s to get people in a panic. He thought the bovine the mad cow disease was gonna You know lead to a lot of deaths so they euthanized all these cows cost like 10 billion Pounds or something like this and his model was flawed He thought all of these people were going to buy die from bird flu and like 157 did over six years He thought you know millions were going to die from swine flu and about 300 Get over it like a six year period time and time again. They kept releasing these models trying to get people to panic. And if you remember back when president Obama was in office, when they had the swine flu, was it bird flu or swine flu? I think it was the swine flu. Swine flu. Yes, they tried. They had to have a little bit of a mini panic, but he. Cautioned, this is one thing Obama did right. He's he cautioned, let's not panic about this. And so his word was like from on high and we didn't panic, but Ferguson and England and all these other academics tried to get people to panic and they were of course completely wrong as he was wrong about COVID and that model. He predicted we were going to have millions of deaths in the United States by the summer of 2020. I don't remember what it was. I think he had like a peak of 50, 000 people dying a day. From COVID in 2020, in the spring and summer of 2020. So this is an asinine model. It only said what it was told to say. And yet this time it was believed where has all his other serial failures were not where they were believed, but only by other academics. They were never really adopted by rulers and the populace at large, but this time we were ripe for it. And we bought it. Yeah,
James Egidio:and then they, of course, they usher in the vaccine. I believe it was in the fall of 20. It was a 2020.
Dr. William M. Briggs:They started they started trial on Moderna had been, casting around for a a product, which they were failing as a company for a long time. And they started getting involved in. This and Pfizer too, and they released the first trial results of the Pfizer vax in December of 2021. And immediately again, we lost our minds. Vaccines, what do vaccines do? They hurt you. They injure you on purpose, right? In order to train your body to fight off a greater infection, should it arise. And immediately started lying and saying this, take this vaccine. You can't get infected and you can't spread it just mind boggling stuff. This is not true. Vaccines never prevent infections. They prevent great illness. If they work, they prevent great illness after you have been infected. And of course, you could still get it and pass it on and all that, but they started lying and they know they were lying and they just start and then the vaccine passports. We were warning people in 2020, for instance, the European Union was putting it little bits of. pieces of information and some of their documents and footnotes and the like hinting that they were going to do something like this. And that was another conspiracy theory that was dismissed. And then eventually here come vaccine passports. And in the United States, you remember the mass moronic panic people being fired from their jobs. Let go, barred from entering places because they didn't take the vaccine. We had the head of the CDC, a medical doctor, coming out lying repeatedly that if you got this vaccine, you couldn't you couldn't get sick. You couldn't pass it on. And this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. It's just emblematic of everything that our regime is doing wrong. And they did it wrong to the nth degree during the entire panic. All medical science previously known to 2020 just tossed out the window in order to just blind rush to to our doom.
James Egidio:Yeah. I think if you read, I believe it's the World Economic Forum's website though, these are kind of These pillars of panic that I call them the pandemic global warming, which we'll get into in a minute and all this other stuff are for levers of power. And I said it from day one that they are not finished. I think this was only the warm up, of 2020 was of future so called pandemics, even Tedros from the who talks about that. And then they, like I said, even have the who involved with setting up this treaty, right? This global pandemic treaty, basically trying to Trump constitutional law of the United States with any type of so called health threat or a pandemic or any type of well health threat or a health emergency I should say and that includes not only
Dr. William M. Briggs:Yeah Racism is now a health emergency. Yeah racism gun control Yeah, and they're
James Egidio:absolutely I interviewed James Roguski. He's his, that's his main topic on Substack is is the World Health Organizations pandemic treaty. And he's very diligent about posting something almost every day about that. But, and I even interviewed Alex Newman, who's a journalist with the Epoch Times, but, and he talked about that in a couple of articles that he wrote. About the World Health Organization. Yeah. And they're using global warming, they're using gun control, they're using pandemics, future pandemics. Tedros is already predicting that there's gonna be a future pandemic. Already. So how can he predict that
Dr. William M. Briggs:right? It's easy. It's easy. Of course, we're going to have another pandemic. We have, we've been having regular early. I have this in the book too early in 2020. I tracked all the previous pandemics back through really through history. But we have these things are routine every 20 to 30 years or so we get one. Yeah. Yeah. And every, and I, you could collect these things. I do collect them. I have, I wrote an article about this every third or fourth year, something like this, there is the flu spikes up. It's always there. We always get it. Of course, not during COVID, it completely disappeared. But We normally get it. It's high. It spikes. And every time the headlines are the same, we have raging surges and surging rages of the flu and the hospital capacity overwhelmed. And, people dying in the streets and all that. The propaganda is the same every single time. So he's right to predict this. We're going to have it. It's going to come. And they've already set up for themselves. These experts have already set up for themselves the mechanism where they can take greater control. You gotta understand the mindset of the managers who run everything. They believe they know best about their particular areas and that they cannot be gainsayed. They can't be questioned. In fact, they take questioning them Perversely as proof that they're right, because how could you know more than he could? He's the expert. Therefore, your questioning proves to him the very fact that he's must be right about whatever it is he believes and recommends because he's the expert. It's circular logic. It's the. Old fashioned appeal to authority, all that kind of a thing. So they're setting themselves up now. And remember, during this whole crisis the panic the three years of panic, these people ate it up. They loved it. They loved being at home on their Zoom calls and all this kind of stuff. And not being forced to go into the office and all this kind of a thing. Long may it last with them. Whereas ordinary people were screwed. They were losing their jobs, losing their homes, the inflation. After the government. After the government told everybody to stay home. People were losing their jobs, then the government started printing money, handing the money out as their second solution, and that led to this runaway inflation that we now have. One mistake after another, mistakes don't bother these experts. Ferguson kept his job after serious serial failures, all of the people in charge of the pandemic. The panic response, all of them kept their jobs. Nobody lost a job. You can never be fired for being wrong in the right direction. Not if you're an expert. So this guy, it doesn't have to, my point is there, you, everybody can feel free to believe that there's a conspiracy behind the scenes. If they like, maybe there. I don't know, but it doesn't have to be, we can get, these people are planning for what's inevitable so that they can grasp more power to massage their egos that to show the world how important they really are, why we really need their expertise. That's the thing that drives them more than anything. Yeah, and
James Egidio:I don't think, I don't think any of this is done by accident. I think this is all deliberately well methodically planned out. I do. Plus they have too much money invested in it, not their own money, but taxpayer money. Like for instance, Bill Gates involved in vaccine programs and now plant based foods, right? I was actually having a conversation with a friend of mine today on the phone and he's a chef. He was a celebrity chef. And he's telling me about the benefits of plant-based food and that we're really not carnivores or, we're omnivores, I guess for the most part. I'm not a big meat eater myself personally, but
Dr. William M. Briggs:best stuff for you, he's huh. Yeah. Meat. The best stuff for you,
James Egidio:And the thing is we're moving in a direction where Bill Gates is taking over and endorsing and promoting. Plant based food, right? And now this thing with the world economic forum pushing bugs and eating bugs, so these are people that are just not just hungry for power, but they have so much at stake because this, these are investments to them. And we're the spectators of their investment. And we're the
Dr. William M. Briggs:participants, there's the whole range. There's the people at the top who are invested in the financial monetary sense they really are invested in these companies. They have a vested interest in them. And therefore they're, because they have an interest, they should not be allowed to comment on any policies that people governments make on them because otherwise they're obvious beneficiaries. But there's that managerial class from the bureaucracy, academia, the journalists and everything else. They are also invested. They... Live to prove their worth, their intellectual worth. And they do that by fobbing off all of their theories on the rest of us that become mandates and the like that we can't escape. So it doesn't matter if they're wrong, they still get their way because they're in charges. It's this managerial system that we have. It's been in place for almost a hundred years. It seems difficult to escape from. I don't know how we're going to do that. That's the real key. If we can maneuver away from a managerial society. But it's not just us. It's all over the place. China has their own version and the way they, they do things differently there, but it's still too this expert level. control over every aspect of your life, and that's what they want for us, too. So it's, they use all of these crises, never let a crisis... Go to waste. And if they don't have a crisis, like with global warming, they make it into one so that they could assert their intellectual authority. That's how it works. Yeah. And it doesn't necessarily mean need to be nefarious, although it could be. It's just this is the way the system itself functions.
James Egidio:Yeah, it's interesting. Like you said I think we're going to, we're in for more of this fear porn with pandemics. I think, there's just, they're not they're relentless. They're not going to stop what I want to talk about and capitulate to is get to talking to you about because you're a meteorologist or have a background in meteorology. Global warming.
Dr. William M. Briggs:a well, I got my start. Actually, I got my start believing global warming was the thing. That's why I went into meteorology. This is back in the nineties when I was a student and everything. And I thought it was interesting. I thought all these people can't be wrong. They've been predicting global warming back starting. What was it? 1980 something. I forgot the exact year, 88, perhaps something like this 86, 87, 88, something along those lines. And I thought it was interesting. So I went and I did the standard thing, learning thermodynamics, learning fluid flow over a rotating sphere, all that kind of a thing. I became a meteorologist for a while. And then I got interested in looking at predictions, models, and how they made forecasts. What was, what were good models, what were bad and things like that. So that's how I did. Statistics, but of climate models and, some models are good, like weather models. They've they've increased in accuracy over from like the fifties till now, they're much better, but the increase in accuracy goes up to a certain point. And it they increase incrementally. Now they're not necessarily getting much, much better. They can't they've got all the low hanging fruit and the atmosphere itself is just very complicated, but they're not bad. But climate models. They're not so good, they've been predicting, they've been predicting all this heat we're going to get someday, which doesn't come to pass. So they start to backtrack a little bit about on that, but it's not so much the climate models that are problem. They're not the worst models in the world. They're not. The best. And they're not doing very much by themselves. It's all the other models that are tacked on to the climate models, because this is another thing where all of these experts say, Oh, this is an this is an area in which people need to understand my expertise. I'm an expertise in Peru. In pottery climate change, huh? That's got to be bad. Let me show using my model how Peruvian pottery will suffer under climate change and they build a model proving that Peruvian pottery is going to suffer under climate change and you think I'm joking. You go to scholar. google. com and you type in Peruvian pottery. Just about anything you like, and the word climate change, put climate change in quotations, and you'll find some idiot academic has written a paper showing how his pet area is going to suffer under climate change. So it's all this nonsense that just accretes on to some actually very crude models of the atmosphere, which we have no way of proving are going to be any good or bad because we can't predict. We, we haven't been around long enough to see if these predictions are really any good or not because they're made out for 50 years in the future. So how should we believe them? We can't, we shouldn't, there's no reason to panic again. There's no reason to panic, but our first reaction, of course, is all this need to show our expertise. So we do panic.
James Egidio:Yeah, it's interesting too, because I saw where and I was trying to get this gentleman on by the name of Dane Wigington. He's an expert on chemtrails. And again, that was something that was theorized as being a conspiracy for many years. And then I had seen some video footage of John Brandon, who was with the CIA talking about the geo engineering program that the CIA funds with chemtrails and spraying chemtrails in the air. Some people say that's just, you're just, being paranoid or it's not true. It, they don't exist. Chemtrails don't exist, but isn't there a difference between chemtrails and contrails?
Dr. William M. Briggs:I don't know much about that subject, so I really can't can't comment on it. Yeah. Yeah. I do know what contrails are. I could tell you about that, but. We can't have it both ways with contrails, jets fly around and they leave a condensation trail just for the differences in pressure and all the stuff that comes out of the back of an airplane and whatnot. And you can see them in the sky, you can see the paths and when the atmospheric conditions are right and so forth. But if we allow that chemtrail, or not chemtrails, but contrails are really that influential on the climate, then maybe they're right about all the other climate change things. Yeah, I don't think that they're very influential as far as the climate goes, that's
James Egidio:not so much contrails, though, but the chemtrails, it was basically, they've had researchers at a Harvard University who were involved in this project and still are with these chemtrails and they're talking about how it deflects the sun and there's certain chemicals, aluminum oxide, barium oxide that are in these chemtrails and it's used to deflect the sun because it all has to do with global warming. I just thought maybe that's well,
Dr. William M. Briggs:there are people that there's been lots of proposals in order to block the sun's rays, just great foolishness. They have all kinds of things. Yeah, that's one thing. But the problem is all these things precipitate out pretty rapidly. So they were thinking about even lofting some of these particles into space, at the L one point, one of the L one points or something out in space so that we could block back. This is one of Gates idiotic. Like ideas, this guy sold software. He was a big software salesman, and he thinks he's a genius about everything because he's a billionaire and everybody who wants a piece of his money is very happy to tell him, yes, indeed. You, all your ideas are brilliant, but just absolute ridiculousness. They're going to somehow. Put particles up. It's just not going to make any difference. And if you, they do manage to block the sun, but I got, I went through some calculations while I was just showing the kind of the effort that would be required. I don't, I think it was like, Oh boy. I don't know, a thousand rockets a day, 10, 000 rockets a day I can't remember some just absolutely preposterous number that would take to loft enough stuff up into the atmosphere in order to block the sun's rays back. It's just foolish panic. Again, it's, we're going to see, they'll try to get away with global warming, which they now call climate change. It's brilliant. Rhetorical move. They'll, most people don't care about it anymore, but they do. So if that doesn't work and maybe the next thing is yet another pandemic, I don't know what the heck they can do. They tried they tried UFOs for a while and no one was buying that. I don't know. I don't know what's on tap for them, but it'll be something that they can turn into a panic to show how much they are needed.
James Egidio:Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's interesting too, because you had mentioned about the there's these bad flu seasons again, getting back to the flu season thing just before we start talking about this global warming thing. I remember in 2003 and 4, the fall of the that year we had a real bad SARS, sudden acute respiratory syndrome outbreak. That was the flu season of the year, those 2 years. And those were both covid viruses back then. And there was no panic. At all. So it's just really interesting how a lot of this stuff gets.
Dr. William M. Briggs:Theorized as being People forgot. People who should know better. Yeah, I remember telling a lot of people at the beginning of the panic in 2020, the coronavirus is with us continuously. It's one of the causes of the common cold. No, this is brand new. This is Oh my goodness. All sense This is the problem. When you're under stress, when you're panicked, you don't make rational decisions. And that's One, one idiot moved to the next. That's all we saw. And of course, people are only just now calming down. In the summer, this past summer, just a couple of months ago, they tried to, again, Oh my God, it's raging surges of COVID again. Oh, we better have mask mandates. Some stupid colleges reinstituted mask mandates. Masks are absolutely useless. We've known for a hundred years, but they've instituted new mask mandates again. Yeah. And a little, it was just a little blip. Little blip. It's all over. Oh, I guess we can calm down now just a little. Yet again, there, there were just there's almost a hopefulness to their predictions of doom. They're just really looking forward to it with a, with an absurd sort of black glee. Yeah. That they're hoping this stuff really does happen to, so that they really are going to be useful to all of society instead of being, Blots of nature like they are, the real solution, of course, is to eliminate, 90 percent of all universities eliminate all this higher education, eliminate all this over credentialing of people, eliminate all this requiring of all this for credentials and so forth. And just calming people down by telling them they're not nearly as smart as they think they are, but that's probably not going to happen.
James Egidio:No, and then when we're going into an election year next year, and it's just going to be really interesting to see what crops up, between now and November of 2024, just very interesting times. We're living in very interesting. Yes your website, your blog is https://www.WmBriggs.Com. And that's for your blog and your substack is substack. com forward slash. What is that
Dr. William M. Briggs:WM
James Egidio:Briggs. Yes. Great platform. Great writer. Again, the book is right here. It's the price of panic. Believe you have 407 reviews with a 4. 7 star rating. On Amazon, so it's pretty popular book, and there's no need to panic, right?
Dr. William M. Briggs:There, never, ever. Panic is never a rational response. One might need to act, one might need to act aggressively in the face of any kind of threat. Whether it's medical or physical or military or whatever. But panic, never. Never. Panic is always stupid. Panic always leads to the grossest mistakes, and it leads to one mistake after another, chasing after, the bad money after good kind of a thing. The sunk cost fallacy was huge during the COVID panic. Yeah, I think
James Egidio:the stress killed people more than the actual virus did, more than anything.
Dr. William M. Briggs:I wouldn't be surprised if it led to quite a few heart attacks. There was a lot of idiocy by the highest credentialed people. The proportion of stupid... People in the world grew larger, put it that way, and even with high titles, doctor, professor, so on and so forth, full professors, that didn't make much difference to whether the person was a fool. In fact, it it was inversely correlated, I think.
James Egidio:Yeah, I think that's also the premise of this book here that you wrote as well, which is Everything You Believe is Wrong,
Dr. William M. Briggs:correct? It is. This is more general. It's not there's some science in there, but this is, we live under all of these fallacies, which we accept as being somehow good arguments. I'll give you the one. I'll tie one in the global warning. My favorite in there, the one I, everybody has heard of the appeal to authority, which is how experts, of course justify their own actions. We have these little kids, the UN is touting people like Greta Thunberg and they have this new squeeze. I forgot her name already. Some new, Greta Thunberg got old and she was never good looking, but she got old and ugly. So they replaced her with a younger, prettier version of her that they're touting. Just some kid who's completely ignorant on the subject of, thermodynamics and so forth. And we're supposed to listen to this kid because she's a kid. This is the appeal to non authority fallacy and it's used all the time by the people in charge to it's appeal to pity. Look at how piteous this child is when they have such a sad face when contemplating climate change. Oh my God, we can't allow women to have tears. Let's, let's overhaul the entire economy so that this poor child doesn't cry. That's the level. That's the level we're at. The U. N. itself, global boiling U.N. is touting this level of fallacy that we're living under. All this woke nonsense that we all suffer from. I try to hit all the big ones in this book. I'm working on a second edition right now. This edition is fine, but it's my enemies managed to slip in a few typos into it. I'm correcting those and adding a whole chapter on on animals and meat and... And so forth, so that'll be,
James Egidio:and it's so interesting is that the same people that are pontificating that global warming narrative are the same people. And I'm talking about celebrities and these political figures.
Dr. William M. Briggs:So there's more non authorities. Yeah.
James Egidio:Yeah. And yeah, that are jetting around in there, their Lear jets and their G sixes and, going across the continent in their jets. And they live in homes that are. What 10, 000 square feet or more on water, on, on beachfront property. And they're telling us how to live. They're saying that we have to eat bugs. We have to Do away with eating meat. We have to drive electric cars. They're telling us what to do, and we're the masses there's more of us than there are of them.
Dr. William M. Briggs:There always are more people in the masses than the people in charge, but the masses almost never, ever are the cause of any revolution or overthrow or change. It's always when the elites themselves start warning. between themselves. So what we need on our side are people elites who got themselves screwed over by some of these climate change deals and so forth, and they decide to attack the other elites and then they bring people, the masses along with them. That's the only way we're really going to get any change. It's not going to happen from us uprising and voting. When you vote the wrong way, what do they do? They say we're going to ignore that vote. And institute what we want anyway, or we're going to vote again until we get it right. That's how we work in our democracy, so the masses, it's important for us and for people to understand and know what's going on, but we don't have a lot of real power. The only solution of course is to seize power and then use it. So we can't be afraid of you. Using power once we if we ever can get it, but in order to get it, we need to enlist the help of other elites who are important and who can monetarily and militarily and so forth help influence matters, for instance I don't want to mention any names or anything like this, but I think you get the idea.
James Egidio:Yeah the we are still the majority and majority does rule. So when we buy into these things and we don't connect the dots, then we're doing a disservice, not only to ourselves, but to future generations, don't you think?
Dr. William M. Briggs:So I think we're doing many disservices. Yes, I do.
James Egidio:Because, if you just take it, people take a deep breath. Get away from the panic, the fear porn and they start connecting dots and they start to look at, okay, we know, like I interviewed Edward Dowd Cause Unknown. And he wrote a book called Cause Unknown he's a numbers guy, just like you are. And, he found this link with the vaccine with deaths that, you know, between the ages of, I think it was 18 20 and 40. The number of deaths have rose 40 percent in that age group, right? So you have a lot of people that are getting the word out there about what's going on. So we have to just be prepared for the next so called pandemic, right?
Dr. William M. Briggs:And push back on these things the media the propagandists are very powerful and they generally get people. To believe the current thing, whatever the current thing is, whatever it is, all of a sudden, the next day people on social media having that icon in their bios and so forth. So they're very powerful. Still the best thing you could do the absolute best thing you as a person could do. We don't have a lot of power, but we do, we can do this, shut it off. They had no attention. Don't respond to anything they say. Don't look at it. Don't listen to it. Don't read it. Ignore them. Ignore them. Just shut it off. If you could do that with NPR, CBS, Fox all of them, get all that stuff. Just shut it off. Don't listen to them. Turn it off. Don't listen on the radio. Don't watch on TV. If you could do that'll be the most powerful thing that you can do. If they lose you then they've lost a lot. They have. Yes.
James Egidio:But when you do that don't get off of Substack.
Dr. William M. Briggs:That's different. We dissidents, we have to stick together. We have to, we have to read and promote each other's work like we're doing here. That's perfectly fine. I'm talking about all the mainline regime based. Propagandists, all of these what people like to call the legacy media and so forth. There's nobody who is on our side at all in that legacy media whatsoever. They're all part of the same thing. You just have to shut it all off.
James Egidio:Yeah, I agree. That's 100%. 100%. Dr. Briggs. It was so nice to have you on the show today and I will continue to promote your work. Absolutely. Through substack. And again, it's a www.WM Briggs.Com. That's www.WmBriggs.Com. Also on substack. That's Substack/wmBriggs.com and I'm going to post this on the medical truth podcast website as well. Thank you so much for joining me for this episode of medical truth podcast.
Dr. William M. Briggs:Thanks for having me.
James Egidio:Absolutely.
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