Medical Truth Podcast
Medical Truth Podcast
I'm Unvaccinated and Thats OK!- Interview with Dr. Shannon Kroner
Dr. Shannon Kroner has a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, a Master's in Special Education, with a focus in Educational Therapy. She has been working with special needs families in both a private practice and within the classroom since 2001. Her 2013 doctoral dissertation entitled, Childhood Vaccinations: The Development of an Educational Manual, provides a psychological viewpoint of the ways in which parents make decisions regarding vaccinations for their children. She Published her first book Children’s book this year titled I’m Unvaccinated and That’s OK which can be found on Amazon. It is an honor and a blessing to have on the Medical Truth Podcast my Guest Dr. Shannon Kroner
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Get ready to hear the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about the United States healthcare system with your host of the medical truth podcast, James Egidio.
James Egidio:Hi, I'm James Egidio, your host of the medical truth podcast. The podcast that tells the truth. The whole truth and nothing but the truth about the American healthcare system. My guest has a doctorate in clinical psychology, a master's in special education with a focus in educational therapy. She has been working with special needs families in both the private practice and within the classroom since 2001. Her 2013 doctoral dissertation entitled. Childhood vaccinations. The development of an educational manual provides a psychological viewpoint of the ways in which parents make decisions regarding vaccinations for their children. She published her first book. Children's book this year that is titled I'm vaccinated and that's okay. Which can be found on Amazon and everywhere else on the internet. This is a must listen to and view podcast episode for all parents, with, children, it is an honor and a blessing to have on the medical truth podcast. My guest, Dr. Shannon kroner. Dr. Croner, welcome to the Medical Truth Podcast. Thank you so much for having me. Absolutely. Absolutely. Just for the listeners and viewers of the Medical Truth Podcast just a little bit about who you are and what you do and we'll go from there.
Dr. Shannon Kroner:So I let's see, I have my degree in clinical psychology. I have a doctorate degree in clinical psychology. A master's degree in special education with a focus in educational therapy, and I'm the executive director of a nonprofit organization, which I started in 2019. So that's pre pandemic called Freedom of Religion, United Solutions. The acronym is FOR-US. And I started that. Again, before the pandemic and it is a coalition of all these different faith leaders of many different faiths to protect the religious freedom of vaccine choice. And I am the author of the new children's book. I'm Unvaccinated and That's Okay.
James Egidio:Yeah, it sounds like you were way ahead of the curve in 2019 prior to all this. What inspired you and what kind of, what was the inflection point of, creating your organization?
Dr. Shannon Kroner:Yeah. So I I've been in this vaccine fight, this vaccine war for a really long time. I started working with kids with special needs back in 2001. And That was the first time I had ever heard of what, or seen vaccine injury, or even started to understand vaccine injury. I would, one of my roles, I was what's called a floor time therapist. So it's like a play therapist where I work with really little kids who are recently diagnosed with some type of either like a behavioral disorder or in most of the time it was a lot of kids with autism. And in part of my role was to do an intake, the initial intake with the families, and I would always ask, were there any complications with pregnancy or with labor has your child been, meeting certain milestones? And I would always hear the same thing over and over again that, pregnancy was normal, labor was fine, and the child had been meeting the normal milestones. And then, Something happened after a round of shots where the child ended up with a really high fever or started to have seizures or a number of different things. And they were just the never the same again after that. And A child who had a few words by age two had lost all those words by age three. And a child who used to have get excited for opening birthday presents or blowing out the candles on a birthday cake. Really didn't know what to do anymore when it came to their birthday. And I would, hear these stories all the time. Parents showed me numerous before and after videos, before and after videos, before and after pictures. And I was really young at the time. I was in my young twenties at the time. And I was not a mom yet. And so I kept hearing about this like vaccine. Relationship to disabilities such as autism. And that's what really sparked me to look into it. I had thought for the longest time, I had actually thought that it was more of the CDC schedule because there were kids who were getting sometimes five to seven shots at a time. And the CDC schedule today requires that a child get. vaccinated on the first day that they're born with the hepatitis B vaccine. And not only that, but then they also get, the vitamin K shot, which is full of aluminum and full of alcohol. And and so then you combine that with a hepatitis B shot, which also has aluminum. And so kids are being loaded with. Aluminum on day one and then and then they're, required to get shots every two months. And up to the time that they turn about age 18, there's, it's something like 72 different doses of, all of these different vaccines. And then the COVID shot was just recently added. And so I had. Seen all of that from very early on and then I myself actually ended up having a vaccine injury in 2009 when it was during swine flu and I was pregnant with my son and I was 12 weeks pregnant. Swine flu was on every media, all news outlets and my doctor had said you're pregnant. You don't want to get the flu. So you need to get the swine flu shot and you need to get the regular flu shot. And I knew enough about vaccines to avoid the swine flu shot because I wasn't familiar with it. It had just come out. And so I said no to that, but then they said, the doctor had said to me that, you really need to get the flu shot because the one we have is preservative free. So it's safe. There's no, toxins in it or anything like that. And so I thought I guess if it's preservative free, it must be safe. And so I did get the flu shot and I soon after had a horrible reaction. I was only 12 weeks pregnant, had a horrible reaction where I started to leak amniotic fluid. I ended up in the ER. I almost lost my baby. And it was just a really horrible experience for me. And that really shook me awake to vaccine dangers. And then I'm also, I'm in California where we have the strictest vaccine mandate laws in the nation. Not many people realize that we had our religious exemptions and personal belief philosophical exemptions removed from the state in 2015 for children. In order to go to school, and then in 2019, we had all of our medical exemptions removed from the state. If there's a child who has, let's say, a seizure disorder, or has, severe allergies, or autism or something like that, they are not allowed to opt out of the required vaccines in order to go to school in California and not just public school, but public school, private school, religious. School Montessori school, whatever it is, these vaccines are mandated in order to go to school. And really the only option, even if a child is missing one vaccine, the only option is homeschool in California. And I have been in this fight for a long time. I actually have a doctoral dissertation that goes back to 2013. that's literally about vaccine choice. I, had not known that we were going to have our vaccine. The options removed that choice was going to be removed from the state. So I had written this dissertation with choice in mind back in 2013. And then 2015, we lost that choice. And so that's really like everything that led up. I knew in 2019, when we lost our medical exemptions, I knew that adult mandates were next. I did not know how. But I knew that was coming and then, lo and behold, six months later, I had started my organization in. September to protect religious exemptions and to start to build this coalition of all these different faith leaders. I actually, I work with Pastors and Priests and Rabbis and the Emoms and Monks who have all joined together to protect the religious freedom of vaccine choice and, 6 months later, we are in a full blown pandemic and I knew that this vaccine was coming for COVID and my organization just, it blew up at that point because all faith leaders, Prior to prior to COVID, I was like cold calling random faith leaders. Is this something you want to get involved in? And sometimes people would hang up on me or, people, they would say vaccines are important. Don't do this. Then COVID came into play and churches shut down. And then I started to get phone calls of like, how can I help? And and so that's that's my very long history.
James Egidio:No, that's a great history. I have a few questions. Backing up. How does the state of California justify making vaccines mandatory based on, let's say, medical conditions? Who were the doctors that stand up, for this kind of behavior?
Dr. Shannon Kroner:So what happened in California was so we, at one point before 2015, people could get exemptions. They could get personal belief exemptions or religious exemptions or philosophical exemptions and, then what happened was when that was removed, we, at the time, we had Governor Brown and when our it was with a bill called SB 277. So when our philosophical exemptions were removed from the state, Governor Brown had promised that medical exemptions would stay intact. And so what happened and I'm 1 of these people is what happened is that a lot of the people whose children had philosophical exemptions went to their pediatricians and said, I don't want to I don't want to vaccinate still. Do we have any medical. And for instance, with me my doctor, my, our pediatrician had said I had a severe reaction to the flu shot when I was pregnant with my son. And it actually caused a lot of. At the time when that happened, I, again, I was only 12 weeks pregnant. And so I lost 95 percent of my amniotic fluid and every single doctor told me I needed to end the pregnancy. And I am a very stubborn woman and said no, and was able to find my own research on how to create amniotic fluid and. It was something really simple. It was actually just being hydrated. And so I drank a ton of water and put myself on bed rest. And by week 20, my amniotic fluid was back to a hundred percent. However, when all of that happened, my uterus had collapsed on my growing baby and it dislocated his right knee. And so he grew inside of me with a hyper extended dislocated And so when he was born, he needed like reconstructive knee surgery and he's had to get other surgeries for his leg, throughout the years. And so my doctor had said I was. Had a severe reaction to the flu shot. We don't want to give certain shots. We don't know what's going to happen. So he was able to write me a medical exemption, but the rest of the state did the exact same thing where they lost their personal belief or philosophical exemption. They went to their pediatricians and they were able to get a medical exemption. And so we had this Senator. Senator Pan, who's absolutely horrible. And he said that everybody is now faking these medical exemptions. And he went after all the doctors who wrote, multiple medical exemptions. He used Dr. Bob Sears as the scapegoat for the reason that he was Removing medical exemptions from the state and because Dr Bob Sears had been the most vocal of all the doctors in California to protect religious exemptions and to protect medical exemptions and such. And so what Senator pan did in 2019 with now we had 276 was he removed all the medical exemptions. The only way for a child to get a medical exemption was literally if they were dying or if they were on chemo and if a child, not only that, but if a child had, let's say, had a severe anaphylactic shock to say the MMR vaccine, they could get exempt for that specific vaccine, but we're still required to get all the other ones. And and then he also put the license of pediatricians on the line. And he said, if you write medical exemptions there, we will investigate and there's the potential for you to lose your license your medical license and several doctors in the state of California did lose their medical license for writing exemptions. And and that's really that's how he was able to justify it. I think it's all bull, but but that's. That's California for you.
James Egidio:Yeah. And that sounds like state mandates, correct? Yes. So what about federal protections under the constitution and all that? Was that ever protected? Was that ever brought
Dr. Shannon Kroner:up? So that it's not protected. Unfortunately, and that was what caused me to create my organization Freedom of Religion United Solutions, because at the time it was 2019, President Trump was, in office and he had just signed an executive order that. I forgot what it was called, but it stated that if a doctor did not, if a doctor had the religious beliefs against abortion, that the doctor was not required to participate in an abortion. And so I thought and that was based on our religious freedom, our, constitution first amendment. And I thought if president Trump had signed off on that and is allowing doctors to opt out of. If a doctor has strong religious beliefs to not perform an abortion, then the same should go for, across the board with religious vaccine exemptions. And so I had started the organization with the goal in mind to get some kind of an executive order written by president Trump to protect. The religious freedom of vaccine choice, and it's the craziest story, but it got really close to happening. I was able to get to I was able to have a meeting with HHS. And with the director of the civil rights department, who he was the one who had the executive order on that other, the other one that I was just referring to regarding abortions. I was able to get a meeting with him and bring in all these different faith leaders to explain why vaccine why religious exemptions need to be protected. And so we had a meeting. It was like the first, I want to say it was the first week of March 2020 and so COVID was just starting, like we're just now hearing about it. I guess we had just started hearing about it like in February and and now it was like the first week of March and I met with this executive director. I brought in several, there was pastors, there was a priest, there was rabbis, there was a Bishop. We had all this round table meeting and I had his attention at HHS. He was completely on board. And literally the lockdowns happened the next day, I had to get on a plane, rush home and all the work that I had done for that was completely pushed aside because suddenly we're in this like crisis pandemic and then, and that was it, that was the, that was where that ended and then, he was not president soon after. And it was really interesting because I knew that if Biden were to become president, I knew that we were going to have the mandates of the COVID vaccine. And I had actually met with I had met Tiffany Trump a month before the election. And I spoke to her and I said, and he don't president Trump was already. Pushing for warp speed. And I had met Tiffany Trump and I had said to her like, listen, you need to really speak with your dad about, making it, I know he wants warp speed, but you've got to, let him know that people are not going to want, there are many people are not going to want this vaccine. He needs to start talking about, what's he going to do? Is he going to be mandating them? Is there, or is he going to stand by? Religious freedom, vaccine choice. And she had said to me, my father would never mandate the vaccine. it Will not happen. As long as he's president, the vaccines will not be mandated. And I said to her, I was like, I'm very fearful because I know That Biden will mandate these vaccines. And I even laid out the exact plan. I said, he's going to be mandating it in order for people to, keep their jobs and stuff like that. I just, I already knew the plan had Biden become president. And so she said, she would speak with her dad that he really needs to send the message that he would never mandate the vaccine. It was really amazing. It was like the following day he did president Trump did an interview where he specifically said, I will not be mandating these vaccines. And people believe, there are some people who don't want to receive the vaccine. There are some people who don't want to get it. And, he's for vaccine choice. But we didn't, he didn't stay in office and we ended up with Biden who, mandated the vaccine for everyone. Or they couldn't pay the bills is really what it was, what it came down to. There were I got very involved with our military because there were service members, servicemen and women who had literally signed up to protect our country, put their lives on the line to protect America. And they had served in our military for 19 years and we're coming up to the eight, the time of retirement. And they were literally like, get the vaccine or get out. And if you choose to get out, you get no pension, none of the benefits that come with having served our country. And I got very involved with the military. We had many meetings up in Washington DC with many different members of Congress and Senate. To fight these vaccine mandates for our military and I'm happy to say that they've all finally been dropped, but a lot of people have now been forced to get the covid shot and they're now suffering.
James Egidio:Yeah, going back to 15 just to back up a little bit. And I think it was 15 you said is when you were becoming more cognizant of the fact that these children were being harmed with the vaccines, these childhood vaccines. Correct. I
Dr. Shannon Kroner:had started to see it back in 2001, 2001 was when I started to see, I start to hear stories directly from parents and they were telling me, they were showing me videos before and after videos. This was, I was a floor time therapist and then I was a behavior therapist and then I became an educational therapist. So really in the early 2000s is when I started to wake up to vaccines. Yeah.
James Egidio:Were there any specific vaccines that your antennas got up, stood up and you said whoa, what's going on here with this particular vaccine? Was there any one in particular that you heard about
Dr. Shannon Kroner:it was so many, I had heard so many different stories. Sometimes it was the MMR. Sometimes it was the D tap. Sometimes it was, sometimes parents didn't know because the child had gotten like 345 at once. Thanks. And they couldn't just like decipher which vaccine it was, or maybe it was all of them. There's literally never been a single study that looks at how all the vaccines work together. In combination, there's not a single study out there. So if a child is getting 3, 5 or 7 shots at 1 time, there's not a single study out there to say that's safe. And sometimes parents just didn't know and really they. They couldn't know unless they were separating the shots, which a lot of people did do is they would do one or two at a time. And but then in 2015, when the philosophical personal belief exemptions were taken away. Parents were expected to catch up their Children in order to send them to school. And so then they were like, just piling vaccines on so that a child could continue to stay in
James Egidio:school. Yeah, I know. I remember when my stepson immigrated here from Italy for 4 years ago, a year before he came and I, when he had to go to. Naples for his vaccinations to, to come immigrate to the United States. And I remember my wife at that time, she was my fiance was telling me he had to get seven vaccines in one day. Seven. Yeah, it's horrible. It's horrible. Yeah, it's a deadly cocktail. So you wrote this dissertation, childhood vaccinations, the development of an educational manual, correct?
Dr. Shannon Kroner:Yeah. So that was in 2013 and I looked at, and this was again, This was prior to vaccine choice being removed from California. So in my mind, when I wrote my dissertation, we had the option to, get one vaccine, one shot at a time, no shots at all. There were different options, and so that's really what I based my work on was all the different types of. Schedule vaccine schedules that are out there and why a parent may choose to do one over the other or not vaccinated at all. And and I was looking at it through the psychological lens. Of how, of his. Yeah.
James Egidio:And then. We lost all of that choice. Yeah. Then of course, gruesome Newsome took over who I feel is going to end up running for president.
Dr. Shannon Kroner:I, I really hope not. I hope that doesn't happen. Yeah. The only thing, I made a, I make a joke about it, that the only positive with Newsome becoming president is that California doesn't have him anymore, but
James Egidio:yeah he'll make the entire United States. California. So we'll all live in California. It
Dr. Shannon Kroner:would be a horrible option as a president. That's, it's very scary. And I'm worried that's what's happening because he just flew, he flew to Israel and he just flew to China and it's like, why is he doing these things that are like presidential?
James Egidio:No, he's gonna he's gonna run. There's no question about it. I can almost guarantee that I can't guarantee anything But that's one thing I tell my sister that and she's I don't want to hear it I don't want to hear it. I'm like, okay but I want to share a video of something that's really interesting because I know you're the things one of the things you primarily focus on are childhood vaccines and it's really interesting In fact, I have 2 videos I want to share, but 1 I want to share with you that just popped up recently that I, at least in front of me where they're luring kids and easing the anxiety. Of vaccines and especially the covid vaccine with with virtual reality and so that they can ease their pain. I'm gonna just go ahead and play that right now.
Video:First shot of the covid 19 vaccine. Six year old Laya Stratsa was a little apprehensive. What are you nervous about? Because it was scared because like it hurts a little bit for me Mhm. A lot of kids feel nervous at vaccination centers like this. So staff here are doing what they can to help ease their nerves with therapy dogs, balloons, an inflatable slide, and even virtual reality. On that headset is a therapeutic video game. A tool to distract kids like Lea. I see a big ball. And get their minds off of that moment that can be scary for some. Good job. You're done. When the kid puts it on, then we launch the experience. And then they just grab the remote. You'll see what, exactly what the kid is seeing. Dr. Jean Simon Fortin is an ER doctor and head of the start up company behind the device first intended for more painful procedures for patients with burns or fractures. The shot is usually not a big pain, it's only a second, but the fear of it is usually what's the problem. So they get distracted, they start to play, and that's how it works. That's actually how it is a medical treatment, where distraction really takes the edge off. The company is licensed by Health Canada. The device has been used in pilot studies for other uncomfortable procedures at St. Justine Hospital in Montreal. And research has shown distraction can be a powerful tool to help kids through the anxiety of a needle. Oh my God, it's as I said, another world. So they totally forgot the vaccine. They are having two doses, so they have to come back. So if they are traumatized at the first time, they may not want to come back
James Egidio:psychopaths. So
Video:that's why this makes me brave. She loved it. I think she's, she's going to be looking forward to her second dose. So I'm glad. And staff here say that's an important feeling to leave with. Allison Northcott, CBC News, LaValle.
James Egidio:These are the, look at the, these psychopaths. I just have
Dr. Shannon Kroner:no words. That is, it just makes me like so sick to watch that. And it's and I get it. I understand for other medical procedures, if a child is in the hospital they had mentioned something about burn victims and things like that. Distraction is always great, but in order to coerce a child so that they look forward to the booster my gosh, it's just sickening
James Egidio:to me. It is, and I had some other video footage of another one like that, but it was, I guess they were taking a lot of the footage from Brazil. And it showed like a five year old little boy saying, I'm scared. I'm scared. He's outside of the the nurses station. And, and they're holding the kid down and they're talking about using the virtual reality. But this is where we're at with this whole thing. And it's a very sick and twisted game. And of course, one of the other players in that, as and I'll play the video for you on that. I'm sure you're very familiar with this. I don't even want to call him a gentleman.
Video:of the country where vaccines aren't happening because of those You know, the anti vaxxers or whatever you want to call them who have made significant headway in trying to convince parents they shouldn't vaccinate children. I was just looking at new data today from Orange County, California, with more than a few schools showing between 40 and 60 percent children not vaccinated. You could say this is a, we're a victim of success. In the countries where you have measles all the time, nobody gets confused about this. Do you get mad about it? I get more mad about the deaths we're not avoiding. I spend, my time on the countries where you still have, in the case of measles, over 300, 000 kids dying a year. In the case of diarrheal diseases, over a million a year. There's six million kids a year still dying. Why aren't we getting vaccines out in Africa? For diarrhea, for respiratory disease. Why don't we have a vaccine for malaria? Those are the things that I I push forward. I wouldn't say I get angry, but I'm really impatient that we're not moving as fast as I'd like. You can catch the full interview this
James Egidio:weekend. He doesn't get angry, but he gets impatient. I can't
Dr. Shannon Kroner:stand him. First of all, I cannot stand that man. He disgusts me and Yeah. He has done so much damage. In the world with first of all, any new polio that we're seeing that's in the news is that it's literally a vaccine strain. So that's something to, make note of is that if anybody's getting polio right now, it's literally coming from the vaccine as it's like a, a shedding by product. And so there's, That same with, nobody, first of all, that's another thing is, in America, thankfully, in the Western world, we have, very good health care. We have sanitation, we have, people if people need if someone were to get the measles there are very easy ways to treat it. And, nobody is dying from measles and not only that, but like back in the day, I've had this conversation with my mom is that, she had measles, everybody got measles with her generation. It was not a big deal in my generation. Everyone got chicken pox. There were chickenpox parties. Sure. I remember, it was like just something that kids got. It was uncomfortable. I hated it. I remember it. It was not fun, but it's not worth, I would take that over injecting myself with a bunch of toxins that could do further damage down the road. And a lot of the things that kids are being vaccinated for are just these really treatable. They're treatable. And now, not only that, but now they've just added the RSV shot, which is not even a true vaccine, but they've added it to the schedule. It is a monoclonal antibody shot. That's never been done for children before. They're giving it to newborns. And it's a, it's to prevent RSV and. And because it's a monoclonal antibody and not a true vaccine, side effects cannot be reported on this shot to VAERS. So the information is going to be completely skewed if someone wants to go onto VAERS and look at the side effects that people are encountering with this RSV shot because it is a monoclonal antibody. Then they've just added for pregnant women The, it's an RSV shot for pregnant women to get and that one is from, I want to say it's from Pfizer, but Astra's no, wait GlaxoSmithKline, they had created the exact same shot and they had to scratch everything because. Too many pregnant women were miscarrying or delivering very early on. They were having preterm labor and and kids were, babies were being born like super early. And so they completely threw out that shot. But then Pfizer. Decided to create the exact same shot, RSV shot for pregnant women and and now it's being promoted and the FDA, they originally wanted the shot to be approved for second and third trimester. And the FDA said no because of all these preterm births and miscarriages that were happening. So the FDA. limited the shot to only third trimester because the child will have more of a chance of survival if it's a preterm labor, there's more of a chance of survival if the baby is born early in the third trimester. But that, these are shots that have already been gotten the FDA approval. They're being given out. Today they're being pushed on pregnant women along with the flu shot, the COVID shot, all the everything, so now, women are creating women who get all these vaccines while they're pregnant are literally creating a toxic environment. Inside of their themselves where this newborn baby, this baby is being grown, and they're, they are already setting the stage for problems. For the child's health
James Egidio:yeah, I know that's the thing that gets to me. The most is, we heard for gosh went back. Like you said, in February, March of 2020, when covid broke or supposedly the pandemic and they kept parroting this statistic that we all had a 98. 7 percent chance of survival, right? If we caught the covid virus. And got sick, right? So that means that what is that less than 1 percent or 2 percent of the people who get it are going to die and they have comorbidities. I'm sure when they do have it. There's just a lot of inconsistencies to say the least. And I don't know anyone that died from covid. Okay. I know people like that got it. Family members.
Dr. Shannon Kroner:I had Covid. Yeah. I've had it a couple times actually. And the first time was worse than the second time, it la the first time lasted a week and the second time lasted a few days. And... It sucks for the time, but sure,
James Egidio:sure. But I, and I know eight people, eight that died suddenly from the vaccine.
Dr. Shannon Kroner:I unfortunately know several people, actually my OBGYN who delivered both my children. He died suddenly and he was in his fifties. I want to say he was maybe like 51, 52 and he was the epitome of good health. Like he worked out all the time. Was not overweight in any way. He's like super healthy guy. And he got, because he was with the Cedars Sinai hospital, it was mandated through the hospital. The boosters were mandated. And so he got the vaccine and it's, what's crazy to me. What I guess what upsets me the most is that very early on, I gave him the information. About how these vaccines are dangerous for pregnant women and or not even pregnant women, but women who want to conceive, I gave him all the data very early on. And he had said to me, he's okay, I'll look at it and I'll see. And then he made a joke about it and was just like. You're, are you scared if you're scared of shedding, are you scared for me to touch you? And I was like, honestly, like I, cause he had already gotten so many COVID shots and I gave him all that data and then he got the first two shots and then he got two boosters and soon after the second booster. He was riding his bike and had a heart attack and died. How old was he? He was, I think he was like 51, 52. Young guy, very healthy. And and I know many people who either ended up in the hospital or they died. My own, my cousin, he My cousin did not want to get vaccinated. He put it off for as long as he possibly could. I told him I would help him with a religious exemption, but he did not want to make waves at work because he had a new job. And I think it was only with his job for the, for a year. And so he didn't want to be that guy who causes, problems with within the company. And so he put it off for as long as possible until they. Demanded that he get vaccinated and he so he decided to get the Johnson and Johnson one because it was only one shot he got it and. Within a couple days he was in the hospital with blood clots in his legs and his lungs and he he now has to stay on blood thinning medication for the rest of his life. He's a young guy. He's in his 30s. And that's what I, that it's horrible what happened to him. And he literally almost died. He could have died. And, we're hearing about celebrities all the time, celebrities, athletes, young athletes, child, like children, athletes who are literally having heart attacks on the field or while playing basketball celebrity athletes suddenly having heart attacks and just falling over on the field. There's. Videos of news anchors who are just collapsing on film and, so many celebrities are dying.
James Egidio:Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Matthew Perry, just what? Three days ago.
Dr. Shannon Kroner:And with Matthew Perry, a lot of people are saying that it's because of the drugs that he had taken. And I would like to say that. Yes, he had addiction problems in the past, he had gotten clean, but obviously drug addiction really messes up that your insides but he had gone clean and he had also had some like stomach issues and stomach surgeries and stuff, but he was doing really well. However, he was fully vaccinated for COVID. Not only that, but he was promoting the vaccine and he was like offering. a shirt that said, could I be any more vaccinated? And what we're seeing with the COVID vaccine is that even, and it's not even a vaccine. I think it's a bioweapon, but what we're seeing with this shot the COVID shot is that whether somebody has. Either cancer or cancer that is in remission or some other kind of a, let's say they have an autoimmune disorder or some other kind of issue, whether it be, prior drug use or something, this shot, this COVID shot, it is triggering. It is bringing to the surface, whatever dormant. Issues or things that people have had under control, it is bringing it out and making it so much worse and we're seeing these like turbo cancers in people who, had their cancer was in remission for years. Suddenly they get the covid shot and suddenly. They've got stage four a month later, right?
James Egidio:Yeah, it's crazy. It is. Yeah. I interviewed Dr. William Makis. He's a Canadian radio radiological oncologist and he's on substack. He's a diligent substacker and he reports sudden deaths amongst, high profile. And just normal, regular people, but a lot of people airline pilots, nurses, athletes celebrities, and then I just interviewed for the 2nd time. Dr. David Rassnick. He's a biologist. His field is cancer. We talked about that. We discussed turbo cancers with this bioweapon. It's just horrible. And, I tell people and I parrot this all the time on a lot of episodes because it was so politicized and it created a lot of division. And that division, of course, is the tool of the enemy is that take the politics out of it, take the politics out of all this, because you mentioned, of course Joe Biden, and you mentioned president Trump Trump, president Trump, with the operation warp speed, it kept pushing the vaccine and saying, you got to get your vaccination. You got to get your vaccination. And then of course Brandon, he kept pushing it for a long time saying, you got to, mandates, squint in the camera and say, you got to get your mandate mandated vaccine amongst all the other poison that he pushes. But take the politics out. We have a God given right. To choose what we want to do with our body. And now that's where when you talk about my body by my choice that applies the vaccines and vaccines only and all this other stuff that these people want to push on you. Like I said, we have a God given right to refuse that. And we have a God given immune system to fight these things. So we don't need to listen to these people. And you have to push back and fight against this kind of stuff. If it means, fighting for your rights to do that, you got to do it. And people like you who are very courageous to come forward and do this. I just thank you so much. Thank you so much for that.
Dr. Shannon Kroner:Thank you. That's actually that's literally the reason why I wrote this children's book. Is that, we, kids need the information because this battle is now unfortunately with them and they are being, these children are being coerced, they're being bullied, they're being made to feel. Inadequate by their teachers, by their peers, by family members. I can't tell you how many stories I heard of like grandparents saying, you can't come over because I don't want to die because of the children, and and families and children being not allowed to Thanksgiving dinners and Christmas dinners and family gatherings and things like that. That's why I wrote this book. I'm unvaccinated and that's okay because, children now need to know the truth and they need to have the information so that, and it's unfortunate. I wish that wasn't the case that children had to fight these battles, but they need to have the information so that when they are bullied. Into, being, if they're bullied to get vaccinated or they're bullied because they're unvaccinated, kids need to know the facts and my book talks about, it talks about the overwhelming vaccine schedule. It talks about how it goes into. What vaccine injury looks like and what vaccine injury is. It talks about how there are no two kids that are the same, they're not this. So one of the things that's a problem is that the vaccine program is a one size fits all program. And so the book talks about how the main character, he says none of my friends are, we're all not the same size. We're not the same height or the same weight. And we all have. Genetic differences. How come none of that is considered? Why the why are vaccines a one size fits all thing? Because, and that is the case is that a child who's required to get, let's say, the hepatitis B. Vaccine at day one, right? We're taking like a seven pound baby and they're requiring that, that's what is suggested by the CDC is that child get a hepatitis B shot. If that parent chooses not to get the hepatitis. The vaccine for the child on day one in California, it is required in order to go to seventh grade. So a lot of parents will then get their seventh grader who is now possibly a hundred pounds more than the one day old baby. That exact same shot, it's, there's no difference between the hepatitis B vaccine that's given on day one and the hepatitis B vaccine that's given to the seventh grader. And and so my book really talks about what are the different reasons why a parent. May choose not to vaccinate and the book was really, it was really meant for both parent and child to sit down together and allow a parent to answer any questions that a child may have. There's a really great glossary that goes into, in a very. easy to read and easy to understand way glossary that covers like why certain ingredients are in vaccines. Why is there cow serum and what is formaldehyde and why are there monkey cells? What is autism? What is the toxin? And and then I also One of my favorite parts about the book is that I put together a resource list on the last page of the book and I've made it really easy for readers to Access that resource list because there's a QR code on the last page That will just take everybody to like the live links of you know It's some of my favorite books, some of my favorite websites how to report a vaccine injury, where to go to report a vaccine injury and and things like that. Yeah,
James Egidio:it looks like you did you write this around a character on the cover there. I see a little character of a little boy there. Is that is either like the main character for the
Dr. Shannon Kroner:book or main character? His name is Nicholas Novaxx. Okay. And I like that. It's from his perspective on, he talks about how he is unvaccinated and his, the reason why he's unvaccinated is because his older sibling, Is vaccine injured and and so he talks about his older siblings, vaccine injury and all the different reasons why his parents have chosen. not to vaccinate him. And it talks about what liability is and how, there's no liability for any vaccine. And and it's a really cute, story and the illustrations are really beautiful and it's very easy to read. And it actually, I have it right here. It recently received a mom's choice award. So it got the gold sticker for the mom's choice award. And It's, I've had a lot of really great celebrity support, which is nice. And on my website, drshannonkroner. com, people can see all the different. Celebrities who I've given the book to and who are supporting the book. And there's people like Rob Schneider and Isai Morales. And I just, my most recent, the most recent person I gave my book to was actually President Trump. And he held it up at an event and so that was really neat. And And yeah, so there's just a lot of really good support behind this book. And what's really amazing, so people can actually buy it directly from me at drshannonkroner. com and I will sign it and send it out. However, if people are not interested in having an autograph copy. It's sold everywhere. It's being sold everywhere. So it's on Amazon and it's on Barnes and Noble, but the most surprising place where it is actually at Target. Target is selling the book. Oh, good. So yeah, it, that means it's. Hitting the mainstream, which is wonderful. Yeah.
James Egidio:Good. Yeah, and I'm actually posting the website right underneath there, DrShannonKroner.com. kronner.com, DrShannonKroner.com. Yeah. And so I'll also post it on the website a Medical Truth podcast as well. So absolutely. Thank you so much. You so much. I really appreciate you joining me for this episode of the Medical Truth Podcast, Dr. Kroner.
Dr. Shannon Kroner:Thank you so much. This is a really great conversation to have.
James Egidio:Absolutely. Absolutely.
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