Medical Truth Podcast
Medical Truth Podcast
The Biological Dangers of 5G and Electromagnetic Radiation- Interview with Dr. Martin Pall
Dr. Martin Pall was a professor of biochemistry and basic medical sciences at Washington State University (WSU). During his tenure, he researched and published numerous articles on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. In 2008, he retired from his teaching position to concentrate his time researching the effect multiple chemical sensitivity and low-intensity microwave frequency electromagnetic fields (MWV-EMF) have on the human body.He has been a critic of the expansion of 5G mobile phone networks and the use of wireless technology generally, believing the technology has negative consequences for human health.
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Get ready to hear the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about the United States healthcare system with your host of the medical truth podcast, James Egidio.
James Egidio:Hi, I'm James Egidio, welcome to the medical truth podcast. My guest was a professor of biochemistry in basic medical sciences at Washington state university. During his tenure, he researched and published numerous articles on chronic fatigue syndrome. In 2008, he retired from his teaching position to concentrate his time, researching the effects of multiple chemical sensitivity, low-intensity microwave frequency and electromagnetic fields and their effects on the human body. He has been a critic of the expansion of 5g mobile phone networks and the use of wireless technology. Generally believing the technology has negative consequences for human health. It is an honor and a pleasure to have on the medical truth podcast. My guest. Dr. Martin Powell. Dr. Pall, welcome to the Medical Truth Podcast. How are you doing today? Doing great, thanks. Great. For the viewers and listeners of the Medical Truth Podcast, a little bit about who you are and what you do.
Dr. Martin Pall:Okay, so I'm Martin Pall. I got my PhD at Caltech. I got my bachelor's degree, actually, in physics at Johns Hopkins. Thinking I'd be a pre med and then I changed my mind. Which is interesting. Anyway, both the physics and the biology and the biochemistry are all turned out to be very relevant to our understanding of EMF's. And which has been my main interest for about 11 years now. And all of that work's been done since I quote unquote retired from the university. So I've got now, what, 14 papers out on EMSF's. And three of them have been very highly cited. So they're, they've been highly, widely recognized in the scientific literature. So that even though I'm in a sense a newbie on this, at this stage in my life. It's had quite a bit of impact, and it's mainly been focused on how EMS work on the cells in the body because that's the real essential key to
James Egidio:understanding what's going on. EMFs in the in the media. And it's becoming a subject that gets shied away a lot by the media for some reason or another. Explain to the viewers and listeners, what is electromagnetic frequencies and where are they found?
Dr. Martin Pall:Let me just say first of all, that there is a very big difference between electronically generated EMFs, which is what we're really concerned about here. And most naturally in the environment. So electronically generated EMF's are produced by electric current, and it was shown back in 1831 by Michael Faraday, the great British physicist of that era, that when you have an electric current, it generates this electromagnetic field around it. And and so because of that, and this was later shown the these electronically generated EMF's are coherent. That is, they behave as a single object that has a particular frequency, a particular vector direction, a particular polarity and phase. And for all of those reasons, these electronically generated EMF's produce very powerful electric forces and magnetic forces that can then impact the electric charges in our body. Most natural EMFs, in contrast, are incoherent. They're made up of astronomical numbers of photons going off in various directions, with various polarities and frequencies in vector directions. And for that reason, they only produce miniscule forces. And we don't have to worry about most natural EMFs, but we do have to worry about the electronically generated EMFs. And what's tragic about this is that the safety guidelines that have been generated by the industry and have been adopted by the regulatory agencies Only work for these incoherent natural EMF's. They don't work for the electronically generated EMF's that the industry is using for wireless communication. So we're in this absolutely bizarre situation where you know where everything that's supposed to be protecting us from it completely bugged
James Egidio:us. Yeah. You made a comment about that too, right here where it says putting in tens of millions of 5G antennas. Without a single biological test of safety has got to be about the stupidest idea anyone has had in the history of the world. And of course, this was a quote by you some time ago. And so let's discuss that a little bit about this whole thing with the 5g and the 5g towers and EMFs.
Dr. Martin Pall:Okay. Let me just say, first of all, that. Wireless communication communicates by a pulse modulation. Okay, so it has an underlying frequency. That's going up and down. And then the intensity of it is modulated over time. So you have some really huge intensities, and you have some modest ones, and so forth, all interspersed with each other. And it's that pattern that carries the information. Now, the only exception to that we're commonly exposed to is FM radio, where they use frequency modulation rather than intensity modulation. But everything else, we have these huge changes, we have these pulses. And when you go from 2G to 3G, you have huge increases in pulsation. Why? It's because that then communicates more information. This is, by the way, it's a slight oversimplification. I just want to point that out, but basically it's true. You go from 3G to 4G, you get huge increases in pulsations. And you go from 4G to 5G, you get huge increases in pulsations. Whenever you have smarter devices, they are smarter because they pulse much more. Now there are many different review articles that have reviewed the literature that have shown that the more these things pulse. In almost all cases, the bigger the biological effect so that a non pulse EMF of a particular average intensity produces perhaps none or perhaps modest effect, whereas you take the same average intensity, but you have these, some of these things that are highly pulsed and the effects are much, much greater. And now I think we, we have an understanding of why they are. But the fact is that empirically it's been shown that they are, and yet the safety guidelines completely ignore this stuff. They are based entirely on average intensity. And so they simply do not predict biological effects, and they do not predict safety. So when you go to 5G, The whole idea of 5G was again to have a huge increase in the amount of communication, something like 20 fold over 4G. And and in order to do that, they went to higher frequencies. Why? Because the more higher the frequencies, the higher, the more pulsations you'd get. And we go to higher frequencies and higher pulsations and possibly higher maximum pulsations. We don't know that for certain, but that's certainly a possibility. They don't and the industry doesn't pay any attention to these things. They don't pay any attention to the biological effects of these things. And so that's where we are. And so 5G is not different in an entirely different kind of thing than 4G and 3G and 2G. It's just that every time you go to higher and higher pulsations, you're taking tremendous risks. And and that's and let me tell you, I think there's some recent studies that I've, some of them I've just and that, that show how these pulsations work and why they, why, so it's not mysterious anymore, how they work and it was clear they did work, but I think we know a lot better how they work.
James Egidio:Yeah, I know they're talking about even 6g and quantum computing and really revving up the like you say, the pulsations, what's the potential harm with even the going into 6g and possibly seven or even whatever they have planned in the future. It sounds like from what you're saying is that the more they ratchet up the is it the gigahertz power and pulsation? The more damage it could potentially do. Correct?
Dr. Martin Pall:I don't think we're going to survive very long. You don't say that. I've made some predictions in the past, which I think were unduly pessimistic because it is in fact quite. Difficult to make predictions about how EFS's, how they're going to impact us and how their impact. will interact with other EMF's that are already in existence. Things are very complex, and they are not easy to predict. But we are seeing things with 5G where certainly people who are near the 5G antennae, and there, there are going to be huge numbers of them, of course. over time, they are being very heavily impacted and they're being heavily impacted in ways that are not completely different from what other EMS do, but they are just more severe and more rapid in terms of their effects. I, I think I believe there are seven different so let me just. Lemme just backtrack a minute here. Sure. Back in, in 19, I think it was 72 or 73, there was a large review articles published as a book on the impacts of these EMFs. Of course, they were looking at different EMFs then on the histology, on the cellular structure of rodents and what they found was that the different tissues were differently impacted, but the three most, and they were all impacted, it wasn't that, some of them don't get, have any impacts at all, but the most severe impacts were on the nervous system, including the brain followed by the heart and the chest, and we are seeing, in human populations, huge impacts on all these things. Which that doesn't prove that those are caused by EMF's, but it certainly raises a gigantic red flag when these effects that we're seeing in human populations, the timing of them corresponds well to all of the new EMF's that are being introduced since around 1998 and so forth. We keep introducing new ones and all this stuff is going up in human populations. And yet, we're not paying attention to it. And there, there are effects on male fertility. There are also effects, by the way, on female fertility. And but female fertility is harder to study. There are effects on the heart, and I can talk about those if you want. And there are, I believe there are probably seven different ways in which EMF's impacts. the brain. I've published on four of those. But you can't do everything.
James Egidio:Yeah, let me ask you. So what? What are the actual? Because, you hear 5G your hear EMF's. What are the actual devices that are putting out these pulsations that are having a biological effect on humans, what are these devices specifically?
Dr. Martin Pall:Okay so with, obviously with 5G and other cell phone systems. Huh. Have the knitting antennae. Which which put out pulse EMF's and then there's a phone. And so the newer phones, I think, have something like seven different antennae on them. And so they're, and they are emitting not only when you're making a phone call or receiving one, but they emit all the time because they're always searching for the nearest cell phone antenna. And so they're putting out, eMS all the time. And that's and let me just say there is published evidence that where people carry their cell phone influences what kind of effect you get. So You know so these are things that are going on. Let me just say something else about, about cell phones, because the industry claims those cell phones can't do anything. It's just nonsense. There are a number of studies that have shown that the side of your head that you carry your cell phone, whichever cell, is there, there are changes that are going on, including cancer, including headaches, including DNA attack on the DNA of the cell that occur on one side of the head, not the other preferentially. Now, it doesn't mean they don't occur at all on the other side, but they occur higher on the side that people use this elbow. Now that is very strong evidence for something. And, when you bring this up to the industry, they say, Oh, but these things started too early. And you know what? They did. What does that tell you? It tells you that what, that that part of those phones do the same thing and they came in earlier. Yeah. She makes all these denials and yet they don't work. And there are effects, by the way, on, on a number of other things, because I can't remember all of them. One of them is it affects the the blood circulation in the brain. And produces tinnitus on one side of the head, preferentially and there are two or three others, but I can't remember what they are. Anyway yeah.
James Egidio:What are some of the bio, biological, go ahead. About
Dr. Martin Pall:other kinds of devices.
James Egidio:Yeah, what are some of the biological dangers to 5G, because I know you wrote a couple papers, I know one paper in particular you wrote. This one here, microwave frequency, electromagnetic fields produce widespread neuropsychiatric effects, including depression. So that's a paper that you wrote, and what were your findings on that?
Dr. Martin Pall:Okay, so what, this was a review article where I looked at various kinds of things, and What I did, I various kinds of radiation producing these various, and I divided them up into different types and it was only when I had five or more papers reporting a particular thing that I considered that to be established. And so there were a lot of things and they included, I can't sleep, tired all the time, I'm depressed, I can't concentrate, my memory doesn't work the I've got headaches there, there are at least three or four others that I can't remember right now. They, so all the things that people are complaining about basically are things that we know are caused by EMF exposure. Based on the, on their impact on the brain. Now let me just say, I'm not the only one that published a paper of this sort. The paper I published I think Was was wider and it also talked about mechanisms and there are at least 10 other papers that have published somewhat similar effects. Some of them going all the way back, the earliest one was published back in 1955. So this stuff is not is not new. And the One of the interesting thing is that when there were three studies which, which studied occupational exposures. So this was at a time when there was essentially no exposure in the general population. So people in certain occupations, such as or we're seeing these effects and what was shown in these three studies was they got worse and worse with time. Yeah. Over time, and something that may might have only modest effects in a couple of years, and as I say, they were looking at different exposures than what we have, some of ours, so much more rapidly the effects on 5G, by the way, for people who are exposed to it, there's there, there are three different case studies that have been published now by Dr. Leonard Cardell and a colleague in Sweden. And they each show that you see widespread, psychiatric dementia, they occur very rapidly, extremely rapidly from the 5G. And if you take these people out right away. from these 5G exposures, put them in a low EMF environment, they go away. The causation is clear from those findings, and and yet, we're still doing nothing about it. And now, there are also cardiac effects that are produced. And there are EHS effects, so electromagnetic hypersensitivity is another issue which has been discussed and documented in the literature. Again, the industry claims it doesn't exist, but there's very good evidence in the literature that's not true, that it does exist. It's still uncertain how common it is, and there is no real understanding in the literature about mechanism. I've published that that EHS involves the hypersensitivity of the main targets of the EMS. It's in the voltage gated calcium channel. The evidence for that is, can be questioned. Let me just say I believe it's good, but I think you can argue that there, there's, it's not definitive. But anyway, but that'll, I guess I'll leave it at that. Yeah, where else? What else?
James Egidio:I wanted to get down to some of the biological dangers to this 5G because I know when we were speaking off the episode, you mentioned that at the cellular, there's a multitude of things that occur when we expose ourselves to 5g, because I think a lot of people take it for granted, when they're using a phone it's the convenience factor. I think we, we spoke about that as well. This convenience factor of everybody's attitude is someone, you got to die at some point and you're going to, you're going to get sick at some point. But I don't think people realize the seriousness of these, this 5G rollout and these EMFs, correct? They're underestimating them, it sounds like.
Dr. Martin Pall:Yes, but it's also true for 4G and 3G. And smart meters and and all the other exposures we have radar, we put out self-driving cars with radar. So we have radar all over the place that they go ahead and do all this stuff. And and that, that has impact they all have impact and none of them are I guess I shouldn't go quite that far, but pretty close to none of them of these major exposures and things that are benign. There are, by the way, in this figure, you've got up here. Let's talk about this figure because it will help in terms of discussing those things
James Egidio:that would be right. Absolutely. Yep. So we have
Dr. Martin Pall:a, excuse me, a whole series of of EMF, and they range all the way from millimeter waves, which are used for 5G. Through microwaves and and radio frequencies and intermediate frequencies, extremely low frequency, including 50 and 60 hertz in our power wiring, and even static electric fields and static magnetic fields. And there's another set of EMFs, which are nanosecond pulses, very rapid pulses. All of those work by activating these VGTPs, these voltage gated calcium channels. And the way we know that is that we can use an inhibitor that inhibits those VGCCs. And we can block most of the effects of the EMF's. And that's been shown in many different experimental studies. The first paper I published on this was actually the first paper I published on EMF's was published in 2013, and it had 24 different studies where it was shown that the the VGCC's calcium channel blockers could block effect or at least greatly lower the effect for these. And since then I've published on, I don't know, six or seven others, and they're and so they're, and there's still others I haven't published on. So there's a large literature on this acting in that way. The first thing that happens then when you have EGCC activation is that you get increases in intracellular calcium. So that ca two plus I is intracellular calcium and that then produces essentially all the effects that are diagrammed here. And a lot of the effects go through excessive calcium signaling. So calcium signaling in the cells of our bodies, and in fact the cells of all eukaryotic organisms, including plants and fungi and so forth, is a very important thing. So if you get too much calcium in the cell, it produces too much calcium signaling, or inappropriate calcium signaling. That'll produce pathophysiological effects. Then there are several other effects that are produced. They're also actually produced through calcium signaling, although it's not shown on this. diagram here, but there's a there's a pathway by which you get increases in nitric oxide and superoxide. And they react with each other to form peroxide nitrate. Peroxide nitrate is a very potent oxidant. It breaks down to form highly reactive free radicals. So if you're looking down at that line going from peroxide nitrate towards the lower right corner you get highly reactive free radicals, you get oxidative stress, you get elevation in NF kappa B, and you get inflammation. Now those things are involved in essentially all chronic disease, almost all chronic disease. So that's a big deal. And and so you get that physiological effect as a consequence of that. You also get increases in nitric oxide. Which I already well, I guess I already mentioned that and nitric oxide signaling And the there is a pathway for the producing therapeutic from EMF's and that goes through increases in nitric oxide and you get cyclic GMP and 9HP and Nrf2 and all this stuff that I have diagrams in there along the the upper right part of the diagram here and you get therapeutic effects. Now, what's the difference between the conditions that you get therapeutic effects and you get the two main categories of life you can affect? is basically how big the intracellular calcium is. If you have modest increases in intracellular calcium, you get you can get predominantly therapeutic effects. If you have larger increases, then you get predominantly the pathophysiological effects. It's complicated. I'm not saying it's simple. It's not. But I think we have a good understanding of what is going on here. Now there's one other thing, and I've published on this. I have a paper on Alzheimer's causation by EMF's. And in there, I showed that The therapeutic pathway and the peroxy nitrate pathway each inhibits the other via multiple mechanisms. And so what that means is that, you can have one condition that gives you, one level of intracellular calcium and you get, and you have, a predominant therapeutic effect, you get another condition. maybe even just slightly higher intracellular calcium, you can get all kinds of tests, which in turn will suppress the therapeutic effect. Anyway, okay. So there's a, and then there's the fourth pathway on the top. I don't know whether you want me to talk about that or not.
James Egidio:Yeah, that's fine. It, like I said, it seems like it's a cascading effect and it's it's opening up a Pandora's box for a lot of, sounds like a lot of health issues. This whole thing with 5g
Dr. Martin Pall:and I believe that. When you look at the things that we have seen changing over the last 25 years, or we've seen major changes over the last 25 years, I believe that you can make an argument that EMF's have an important role in every single one of us. Now, you can question that, and I'm not saying that my judgment is necessarily irrefutable. And I'm not saying that there aren't other things that might be involved, but but when you have a single thing which is being universally ignored in terms of its biological effects and its effects on the human body and on other organisms, and yet may be generating all kinds of negative effects. We're in very deep trouble and I, I can't so I think that almost everything we see in our society and know where we scratch our heads and say how can this be, how can this be, how, why is it we're seeing this? Why are, why is it and every time people are saying it's caused by this sex And that may be true, but it may not be a complete explanation. And in some cases,
James Egidio:yeah there's, I know there's wide speculation that there's a tie between the chem trails. I know we talked about this before and I know it's not your expertise, but there's a speculation that. And the sentiment out there that there's a tie between these chem trails that are out up in the air that are spray, they're spraying in the air. And I've done a little bit of research on that. The gentleman that talks about that a lot and has done extensive research on that is Dane Wigington. He's actually even did a documentary on it. That talks about, metals and how they're tied, the metals that are in the chem trails, the aluminum oxide and the barium oxide because they're electro, they attract electromagnetic waves, but that's all part, that's all part of the 5G as well. Let me
Dr. Martin Pall:say something about chemicals, because I've also worked on chemical toxicity in the context of multiple chemical sensitivity, which is a condition that's quite similar to electromagnetic hypersensitivity. There are quite a number of chemicals that also produce increases in intracellular calcium. Most of those, but not all of them, act by increases in the NMDA receptor activity. And when the NMDA receptors are activated, they also open up a channel that allows calcium to flow in the cell. The predominant effects produced through that mechanism are are are free to the excessive intracellular calcium. Now that doesn't so you get, so for example, when people talk about excitotoxins in the brain, they're talking about excessive intracellular calcium. So there are a lot of chemicals that act that way. Aluminum, interestingly, also raises intracellular calcium, but it does it by a different mechanism. And so there may be connections there as well. And I think that excessive intracellular calcium is absolutely key. Variable in, many different toxic.
James Egidio:Yeah. It just seems like a lot of the research that's been done in a lot of the rollout with 5g and these vaccines and these chem trails all have some kind of electromagnetic metal that is tied into all this together. It's hard for me to believe that it's not, and that they haven't advanced far enough. To where they want to plug humans in to these computers, almost like a, almost wifi machines, cyborgs. I know it sounds like, a lot of people. So that's a conspiracy theory, but I don't think so. I think there's been a lot of research. I did a little bit of research on, I think we mentioned this, or I mentioned this to you is quantum computers and quantum tattoos, and this was a Dr. McHugh out of Rice university in Texas. Who is doing research on quantum tattoos, which is tied into quantum computing. And it went back to vaccine passports and vaccine for vaccine for vaccines. I think a lot of this stuff is all tied in this 5g and this advancement in 5g technology, along with a lot of these metals that you're talking about, or that
Dr. Martin Pall:Mercury can also. increase the the NMDA receptor activity and lead probably can do it as well. I, but what I'm saying here is the following that, that when you have chemicals acting through excessive intercellular calcium and EMFs also acting via excessive intercellular calcium. They can biologically interact, but they don't have to interact in terms of basic, their individual mechanism. They may be interacting just because of a similar biology rather than rather than say one acting to the EMF's or EMF's acting to the chemicals, etc. It's anyway,
James Egidio:yeah. So what are some of the, for the listeners and viewers of the medical truth podcast, what are some of the safeguards or precautions that someone can take to minimize the exposure to EMFs and 5G?
Dr. Martin Pall:Let me just say, first of all, it's getting harder and harder to do it. And that's, that's a huge problem. There are shielding materials that you can use to help protect your body from from the radiation. And they come in different types, like there are paints you can get that you can paint on your walls that act as shielding material. There are, they basically, at this point, come in two different types. There are paints that have graphite in them, so they're black. And the graphite fibers basically act as the shielding material. There are also paints that have little metal little flecks of metal in them, and so the metal acts, again, as a shielding material. You can get clothes that are shielded, where they have little metal fibers off of silver, but not always. And in the clothes. And and they typically have to be clean using a special detergent rather than the usual way because they lose their shielding properties. It's my opinion that shielding works to a great extent, not by Absorbing the EMF's, although they do that, but by causing the EMSF'sto lose their coherence. So I mentioned before the importance of the coherence of the electronically generated EMF's and it's the coherence that makes them have much stronger electric and produce much stronger electric and magnetic forces, which can then impact our bodies. And the The main target, and I haven't said what that is yet, I think, so what am I saying? The main target is a structure called the voltage sensor, which controls the voltage gated calcium channels, but also other voltage gated. It turns out that the calcium channels are the most important because of the importance of calcium. But they all are activated and all these channels that are controlled by the same kind of molar sensor are activated. And and so the voltage sensor has something like 20 different charges that are important in controlling the response of the the of the channel to electrical forces. And and it's designed to be highly sensitive to changes in these electrical forces. And so it's that's the way you get the activation, I believe it's a direct activation by the electric forces on the charges of the components of the circuit. That's and let me just say something about this, because, when I talk about these things some of you may say do I really need to know that? And in one sense, the answer is no, you don't need to know that. But on the other hand, because biology, including medicine, is so stunningly complex that people can generate all kinds of hypotheses about what's going on. And most of the time, we don't have the foggiest idea whether they're right or wrong. And what you need and what you always need when you look at biology and medicine is you need some information about basic mechanisms that are involved. And when you have that information, then you can say, okay, this hypothesis makes sense. This one makes no sense at all. And you can say it with a high degree of certainty. When you don't have that, then you're in deep trouble. And that's why I spend a lot of time looking at fundamental mechanisms. Because you really need to know those in order to, in order to get to your medical proof. Let
James Egidio:me ask you, getting back to my question about safeguards and precautions. It's doing something as simple as putting let's say some aluminum foil around your wireless router and modem. Would that help deflect some of the radiation that comes off that router or modem?
Dr. Martin Pall:Yeah, but of course, if you're using a wireless router, then you need to get, you need to have the EMF's in order to, in order for it to work, but you can certainly, if you're. In a different location than where your device is that's one thing, but if you're in the same location, then, you need to have, you need to have those EMF's. Let me just say I use a a wired connection for all of my internet work, except on rare occasions when I'm in traveling and I can't do that. And. You can buy I'm sorry, I don't know what to call it. You can buy cable modems which don't produce any Wi Fi and only allow you to connect up with a a wired connection. You can use the wired connections with with other kinds of modems and get the wireless turned off. You have to also turn off the Wi Fi on your computer. Yeah, part of the problem is that people use things like some of the tablets where where the Wi Fi is turned on all the time. Yeah. So you don't want to use those things. And so those are all things that can be done. Let me, let's talk about a few other things. You telephone and those things, a lot of this stuff is very poorly designed. And for example the bases, the base station on these for these wireless telephones is in almost all cases irradiating 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The only time it needs to irradiate is when you're receiving or placing a telephone call. Yeah. So that makes absolutely no sense. It's crazy, but that's the situation. I believe in Europe you can get some phones that are actually better than that, but they're only a specific type. In the U. S. I don't think you can get them at all. Yeah. This is really outrageous and it is, and it's stupid. But in addition to that most of these wireless telephones are designed to be able to use 400 feet away from the base. How often do you need it? 400 feet away from the base.
James Egidio:Yeah. Almost never. Yeah. Yeah. The TV, the televisions though, too, today they're all working off of wireless as well. And then when you have a, several televisions in the house in different rooms and you're streaming and it's all done wireless, then now you're also adding this new technology, which has been around for a while now. Internet of things, which is your. Refrigerator these wireless devices that these Apple watches all these things are all, you're just bathing yourself in these waves. These 5g waves and these wifi waves. But
Dr. Martin Pall:let me say something about that. The I criticize them for not doing biological safety testing on 5g. But in another sense, it's impossible to do that. Why do I say that? Because when you have a 5G system, and you've got relatively few things attached to it that are using 5G, then the effects are going to be very different from when you've got, 10, 15,100 more times as devices. Connected to it, right? When you talk about connecting this to the internet of things. That's exactly what you're talking about gigantic increases in numbers, right? So in a sense, it's impossible to do actually by the face to face But the fact is they don't even do the basic stuff that you know that you think That anybody would do before you put this stuff out And that tells you something. It tells you they know these things are unsafe.
James Egidio:Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I always said it. I think the Amish were way ahead of their days during their time. They didn't have all this stuff. They're not tied to these electronic toys that we're all probably killing ourselves with. I
Dr. Martin Pall:think, I think that there are a lot of these technologies. We can use without these exposures. We can do them wired. The only thing that cannot be done wired is cell phones. But even cell phones could be designed so they were much safer than they are. And so the whole thing is just, it's just it's truly outrageous what's going on. It is.
James Egidio:Dr. Martin Pall, thank you so much for your time on the Medical Truth Podcast. I'd like to get you on again. I know you also have done some research on chronic fatigue syndrome and I'd like to maybe get you back on and we can talk about that as well and some of the other findings that you have discovered. Okay. Thank you so much. I really appreciate your time on the Medical Truth Podcast. It's been an honor. Thanks. All right.
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