Medical Truth Podcast
Medical Truth Podcast
One Doctor's Discovery (Precipitin) About the COVID Vaccine That the Experts Are Hiding- Interview with Joseph Y. Lee, M.D.
Could our very understanding of COVID-19 and its vaccines be rooted in misconceptions? Dr. Joe Lee, a seasoned ophthalmologist with a striking perspective on lung infections and antibody theory, is interviewed by host James Egidio of the Medical Truth Podcast to dissect these critical questions and more. Dr. Lee tackles the complex interplay between antibodies, antigens, and the alarming potential for clotting that has accompanied the vaccine rollout. Dr. Lee, bolstered by his investigations and the backing of Dr. Peter MacDonald from Johns Hopkins, brings his challenging insights to the forefront, unafraid to confront resistance from powerful entities.
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Get ready to hear the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about the United States healthcare system With your host of the Medical Truth Podcast, James Zegidio.
James Egidio:Dr Lee, welcome to the Medical Truth Podcast. How are you doing this evening? Good. Good, tell us a little bit about who you are and what you do, and your discovery.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:So I'm at least a surgeon. I went to medical school at University of Michigan, graduated in 1994, and then I finished my ophthalmology residency, did my fellowship in refractive surgery way back a long time ago at USC-Dohini 1998. And then, when COVID hit, I've had lung infections my whole life, meaning everyone around me, anyone who gets sick, I get it. So I've had this problem forever. Ever since I moved to California I would have a chronic cough. So I investigated this lung situation more than most and when January 2020, when COVID hit, I was ready to analyze it and I figured out almost I figured out a lot of stuff in the very first month before the vaccine rollout, because that was a year later. So I figured out all this stuff and when I realized at the end I thought I could have no effect on this, meaning it couldn't provide any benefit, I told all my smartest doctor friends, I talked about it with all my doctor friends and everyone was just a little shocked and they didn't have any answers for me. And so I developed a little bit more confidence in my little theory. And then my mentor, who's a director of ophthalmology at Johns Hopkins, dr Peter MacDonald. He was a director of refractive surgery at USC for a long time and then he moved on and he had done a lot of his training at Johns Hopkins and he went back there and he became the director of ophthalmology at Johns Hopkins. So May 2020, I reached out to him and I explained a lot of my findings and he was just in shock. He said Joe, I think you're going to be going to Stockholm. He said that I didn't even really it didn't register what it meant. But we've had discussions now for three years and he's always incredibly amazed. And in California they passed this bill 2098, into law that says misinformation can be punished. Misinformation by physicians can be punished, and he worried for me. He says he thinks well, I think they're going to put you in prison before they ever give you a Nobel Prize. He says if they do, I'll fly out tomorrow and I'll bail you out because your daughter needs her dad. That's how much he believed in everything I had done, and yet this campaign against misinformation prevented me from getting this information out. So it was a very interesting journey. After I talked to him, I had a lot more confidence, because he's been an academia for his whole life. There's not an ophthalmologist on earth who doesn't know who he is, but he's a very reputable person. He's been in academic research forever. He's been the chief editor of Ophthalmology Times, the most read throwaway journal for ophthalmologists in the whole world, for at least 10 years.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:So then I wrote up a nice one page letter explaining what the lung barrier issue, meaning our lungs are an airspace inside our body. Our body is 70% water. This blood lung barrier that I talk about, it's not a phrase I invented, it's in the literature. There are millions of references to it. My point is the antibody is made on the outside of this blood lung barrier. This blood lung barrier can stop water molecules from crossing through into our lungs. Okay, this lung barrier can stop water molecules which are 18 dolens in size. Ovid antibodies are 145,000 dolens in size. There isn't a pore large enough in the cell membrane in this blood lung barrier to let this antibody through. So that's a nightmare. Big mistake. This is drug development 101. The drug actually has to be in the space where it's supposed to exert its benefit, and if the drug, the molecule, has no chance of getting into that space, it can't work.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:When I reported this to Fauci, I didn't just send it to Fauci, I sent this to a lot of people. I emailed it to dozens of people. They were all in on it. I put everyone in on this email. I sent this letter to every member of Congress. I gave my sister a $10,000 budget to do all that. I wrote the letter and she sent it out. She had piles of letters that she sent out there. I thought she was going to send it certified. She didn't, but regardless it was sent to everybody and I got responses from a lot of people and they directed it to Fauci and then he sent it to Dr Emily Erbelding to respond. She responded to that. She's the director of infectious disease at the NIH and when my mentor saw her response, it was not very good. She was just trying to basically say look, our clinical data looks great. We see that you have concerns and we respect that, but our clinical data looks great. Now my mentor he goes. Oh, so they're still not open-minded. All they would have had to do is throw a few million dollars at it. Have some grad students, phd postdocs look into this issue, because it's a real issue. We're talking about a vaccine that's going to be pushed out to billions of people and they can't even show how it enters along where it's supposed to have its effect. It's like a nightmare issue. When I got the response from Emily Erbelding, it only gave me more confidence because she's at the top of her game. This is the person who's supposed to know this. She's a director of infectious disease at the NIH. She gives out millions and millions, maybe billions of dollars worth of grads a year.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:And she quoted one person to explain how the antibody crosses. She quoted this article by Wagner I don't remember his first name. 1985 or 1986 was the article that's a 35-year-old article to explain how the antibody crosses the blood-lung barrier. So I looked at everything he wrote and there was one paper where he explained how this antibody crosses and he said it was transjudation. And that's what Dr Emily Erbelding said it's transjudation. One sentence to justify vaccinating 10 billion people. And that one sentence was it crosses by transjudation.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:And Wagner, who she quoted, describes transjudation as simple diffusion. And he describes in his articles that transjudation, the simple diffusion molecular size is critical. And he even explains that a 100,000-dollon molecule would cross the lung barrier less than 1% of the time. Now, that was his guess. He didn't even do that study. He was extrapolating because it's not a straight line, the bigger the molecule. At some point it drops off and it doesn't cross. So he was assuming it was a straight line. It could have been 0% or $1,000. No one knows. At any rate, it's a very small amount. It's not just that.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:Look at the situation in 2020. Did anyone have a COVID-19 antibody? When somebody had their first COVID-19 experience like Tom Hanks got COVID-19, did he have a COVID-19 antibody in his blood? He did not. Did he have a vaccine? It didn't exist, so he had no COVID antibody. So if he has no COVID antibody, then how could it have blocked the virus? The COVID antibody wasn't related. It was in no way related to how we healed. It had nothing to do with it. It wasn't there when it finally arrived late. It doesn't have a path to the blood lung barrier to get into our lung. Those are two huge points. They can never get around. How do they try these vaccinologists try. They're not speaking science, though, because I tell people in the year 2020, think back. Did anyone have a COVID vaccine? No, if you had COVID-19 for the first time, you had no natural immunity either. It takes at least a few weeks for a significant amount of antibodies to form, but most people got better in a week.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:I'm a surgeon. If I have an assistant who doesn't know what I'm doing, who doesn't know what my goals are and they're brand new the assistant is not really helping me. They're not facilitating my work, they're just in the way they're actually hindering me. I have an assistant who's worked with me for thousands of cases. They're very useful. They can anticipate my next move, they can hand me the instruments when I need it and they make my work easier. But that's only if they're supporting what I'm doing. So the human body is something incredible.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:20 million people got COVID in the year 2020. One million people died, but 19 million people survived, and under the age of 45, the 10 million under 45, 99% survived. Yes, we respect the people who died, but look at the people who lived. How did the human body heal these people? Not one scientist on earth has a mechanism to show how we actually healed from COVID. Not one person, not one scientist on earth says how we heal from COVID Basically a COVID antibody that helped anyone and no one explains how the human body actually helped us recover from COVID.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:And if you don't know what the human body did, you're in no position to pretend that you're helping the human body. You're like that brand new assistant who thinks they know everything and just keeps handing me a scalpel and I say, no, I didn't ask for that, I didn't know that. But you keep adding it to me. The human body did not use a COVID antibody to heal us in the year 2020. Not a single person healed from a COVID antibody. The human body didn't use it and we got better. If you don't know what the human body did, but you think you're helping, how are you so sure? Now I found out exactly what the human body does, so it's not difficult. You just have to pretend this is a war.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:The virus comes in. You have to admit that when the virus infects a lung cell inside our lung cell, is that viral RNA? Is that COVID viral RNA? Is that the enemy? Yes, does anyone know how it was destroyed? I say it's the RNA's enzymes that destroyed it. No one else is saying that. I am saying it's the RNA's enzymes that's destroyed it.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:Now there is some literature to support that. In the innate immune system they discuss how our races may help. They don't realize that it's the main thing that did it. And if you really understand, see this RNA's enzyme. It's been extremely well studied. It's the most studied molecule in all of biological chemistry. We know more about this than any other biological molecule in all of medicine.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:So there are thousands of people that have worked on this. It was under their nose. This was the enzyme that destroyed the viral RNA inside our lung cells. There's nothing else that anyone even there is, not, even in competing hypotheses. No one even has one. So my contention it was the RNA's enzyme that all the work, the COVID antibody, that molecule got all the credit and it wasn't even present in the year 2020. And that when it finally arrived to the game late, it can't even get through the blood lung barrier. It's like the stupidest thing on earth. If I talk to a scientist like Fauci and we're having this discussion live, he would have no answer and he would turn red in the face and everyone would realize he doesn't know what he's talking about, because I'm just expressing pure science. You have to have the antibody present if you're going to think that it's what saved humanity.
James Egidio:Okay, so the answer is Are you saying that the mRNA was the antibody or immune response to COVID? Is that what you're saying?
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:I am saying it's not the mRNA, it's the ribonuclease enzyme and we call it the RNA enzyme. I am saying that is what destroyed the COVID virus inside our lung cells.
James Egidio:So that was an immune response, correct?
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:An immune response is a big word, right? I don't like using the word immune response and our immune system did it. I don't like using that because the immunologists think everything is the immune response. In science it's about detail and they just say it's the immune system that did it. Yeah, but we got to get details. We have to have details. If you don't have the details, then you don't really know, you're just saying, of course, if somebody healed, you're saying you can say the immune response did it.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:How is that different from saying the body naturally healed itself? How is that different from saying God did it? Yeah?
James Egidio:because they never even mentioned the immunity during COVID in 19, actually in 20. That was never even brought up. When that was brought up, it was poo pooed. They had to bury that. When they start talking about immunity and the immune response and your immune system, that was a total cover-up back in 2020, from what I remember, because we were still actively involved in the medical practice as well. I remember every detail about it.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:Yeah, what I'm saying is they didn't know molecule destroyed the COVID viral RNA inside our lung cells. If you don't know how the human body did that but you want to keep pretending that you're helping, you're not really helping. The chance of you being able to help when you don't I'm the certain. If the assistant doesn't know what I'm doing, she might accidentally help, sometimes by handing me a scalpel right when I need it. The chance of that happening are 100 million. If you think you're helping the human body but you don't know what it did, you're not in a position to say you helped.
James Egidio:We went through a COVID outbreak in 2003 and 2004. I remember when we had our medical house called Practice and those two flu seasons and those two fall years was COVID. It was a COVID virus at those particular years.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:RNA viruses are very common.
James Egidio:Yeah, covid's been around since 1963.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:Before that we just didn't know that but it didn't just evolve in a year. No, of course not. It's been around millions of years.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:The RNA world came before the DNA world, so RNA viruses have been around forever. Sure, it's not a new thing, but what I am saying is everyone wants to say your antibodies from having a previous infection is what helped you. No, because there was always a first time, and the first time you got infected with a virus, you had no antibodies. And how come you still healed? See, this is Tom Hanks 70 years of no training for any kind of COVID-19 virus, and he gets COVID in 2020 and he takes care of it in 10 days. And he had no training of any sort, not with a natural infection, not with a viral vaccine. He had no training and yet he overcame it in 10 days. Did he need training? As the point, you've got a six-month-old baby, never had a viral illness, gets COVID and takes care of it in seven days, wiped out 10 billion viruses from his body. My point is they keep thinking you need training. I say you don't need training.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:I say this six-month-old infant its lung cells are the latest version in a billion years of evolution. It didn't have to face the enemy to know how to deal with it. It wasn't by chance that oh, let me try this, let me, try that. And it got it right. It knew exactly what to do and it did it. Because if you want to say this infant got it right by chance, that means half the time it's going to get wrong. That means half the infected cells have to die. That didn't happen. The infant took care of it very easily. Half the lung cells, okay. If it's by chance that it knew what to do and it got wrong half the time, then the times the lung cells didn't know what to do, it would have died and then the alveolus would have been full of fluid. There's 300 million alveoli and you're saying half of them got filled up with water, saline blood and the baby's still survived. No, the baby would have been ICU for 10 years.
James Egidio:Okay, we're into 2020, right, and you stumble upon this theory that you're talking about, right In what was it June? You're saying maybe.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:I reported to Falksian in September of 2020.
James Egidio:Oh, September of 2020.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:Yeah, I had the emails to do that and I had the replies.
James Egidio:yeah, so you get stonewalled by all these so-called experts that are nationally being publicized as being experts in medicine, of course, and so I guess you start to more concerned about the vaccine, right? Because I know they started to roll out and Trump, of course, was with Operation Warp Speed and emergency use authorization of this, he couldn't wait to get it rolled out. And then what do you discover about the vaccine? I think that's why you really stumble upon some major stuff, right?
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:Okay, basically, the COVID antibody not having a path into the lung. That's huge information. That should have just stopped thought sheet in its tracks. Sure Should have stopped the vaccine that didn't work. I find the cure for COVID because what I discovered was, like I said, is the RNAs enzyme that destroyed the viral RNA. And when I was convinced of that, I looked at it very heavily and I realized this is a science that I found. When you're fasting, reactive oxygen species and your cells go up. It's like a stove, wood stove. If you have less fuel, you have more oxygen. If you have more fuel, you have less oxygen inside that wood stove, inside our cells. If you have less glucose, you have more free reactive oxygen species and those oxidized. The ribonuclease inhibitor because ribonuclease is an amazingly strong molecule. It'll zip through RNA, even ours, so it's inhibited all the time. It's like a pit bull and it's on a leash.
James Egidio:Hence, that's the reason why people who are morbidly obese have a harder time to get through COVID than people who are, let's say, thinner and more fit, correct?
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:Exactly, yeah, okay, because they couldn't stop eating. Look at every human infant in the world that gets sick. They get fussy and they don't eat. Because evolution already found this answer For me, it was like, okay, I know, it's RNAs.
James Egidio:How did?
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:I connect it to fasting. I connected to fasting because all I did, I reverse, engineered what evolution already found.
James Egidio:Right, I know exactly where this is going.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:Yeah, it's so useful to trust what evolution did to think that way.
James Egidio:Aerobic versus non-aerobic oxidation is what this is leading to. Correct Say it again. Aerobic versus anaerobic oxidation. Is what this to the cells and in the production of the ribonucleic acid?
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:Okay. So what happens is this this RNAs enzyme is a pit bull. It's on a leash. It has an inhibitor. That's the leash that keeps it from doing anything. That inhibitor, when it's oxidized, it comes off. That's not my science. Again, remember, the RNAs enzyme is the most studied molecule in biological chemistry and what I'm telling you right now it's established science. They know that when the inhibitor is oxidized, it releases this ribonuclease enzyme. It's in hundreds of papers and they've been fastened with this enzyme forever and they've studied it really well. And that ribonuclease and its inhibitor, the bonding between it, is the strongest known bonding that's not covalently linked between two molecules in our body. So it's incredibly strong.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:Because it has to be, because it's RNAs can zip through a cell, destroy all the RNA and you can't grow. And why is it there then? It is there because sometimes it has to be used right away. We don't have time to have the mRNA for ribonucleic acid enzymes and have the protein made and then have it work. We need it when we need it, we need it right away. We can't wait two days. When we need it, we need it right away. That's why it's there and that's why there's an inhibitor on it. We didn't evolve this inhibitor because we don't need it. We need it but we don't always want it. But when we want it and we want it right away, because when the virus RNA is there, it can become 50,000 copies in a day. So you need it right away. So we have it in there, it's available for us.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:This cell, interesting is out of the hundreds of thousands of proteins we have in our body. Inside the cell there are hundreds of thousands of different proteins. That means each protein should have 0.0001% of the total proteins inside the cell because there's so many different kinds of proteins. The ribonuclease inhibitor makes up 1% of all the proteins inside our cell cytoplasm. It is that important because we don't want the ribonuclease. It's a pit bull. We don't want it to just run around anytime it wants. We want to inhibit it constantly. But when we want it to work, we need it to work and this is why this is the incredible part of this ribonuclease enzyme.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:Let's say, 100,000 years ago, james, you have only 500 calories the whole day. You don't get a lot of food. I only get 500. There's not a lot of food around. What happens is if you use half your calories to grow your cells, then you only have 250 calories to move. If I don't grow my cells at all and I use all 500 calories only to move, I can cover twice the distance as you and I'm going to find the food, and so then I will survive and you won't. Sorry, james.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:So the point being, evolution already found a way for us to stop our cell growth when we don't have a lot of food, and every DNA cell on earth does this. Because imagine if a cell keeps trying to grow and waste resources when there's no food around, it's going to kill itself. Whereas we can go for four weeks, we can easily go for a month without food and not die, because our ribonuclease enzymes start being activated. We destroy our human RNA. Without RNA, you can't make protein. Without protein, without more protein, you can't divide a cell. With the two. 70% of a dry weight of a cell is protein. If you have no RNA, you're not making more protein.
Intro:If you're not making more protein, you're not dividing that cell and making it two, and you're not growing.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:So we have perfect ways to control our cell growth. Every DNA cell on earth does this, and the master. There's many ways, but the master way to stop cell growth is to destroy the RNA. That's the master way. So there's a master off switch.
James Egidio:What did you discover with the vaccine? Because I know we have some visuals here shows listeners and viewers for the Medical Truth podcast. Let's go through and walk through several of these.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:So basically, yeah, this is fat off and I'll put up a diagram on my whiteboard.
James Egidio:Okay. Here's the first one Illustrated on the whiteboard then.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:So let's say you had a vaccine. Okay, so you have a vaccine. Then you have a lot of antibodies to the spike antigen. You have antibodies, the whole thing, everywhere. Now you have a lot of antibodies in your blood and too much later you get a booster. So remember, you have antibodies in your blood. They're going to give you their Mornay that makes spike. Now you're going to have spike antigen in the blood. So I only have two components I use Antibodies and the spike antigen. Here's the first antibody, right. Then it's going to stick to the bottom of the spike. But now the top of the spike is exposed. Why can't an antibody to the top stick? It can. Now it sticks there. Now it has another arm. So why can't another spike stick to the other arm? It can. Now the bottom of the spike is exposed. So then why can't that stick? And then why can't the other arm bind another bottom spike, sure, and then why can't that?
James Egidio:You see how it won't stop growing. Sure, it's a cascading effect. Is what you're talking about, exactly.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:And when I wrote the string theory up I didn't know they had already done these experiments, so this is not new stuff. This is called a precipiton. You take a beaker of saline, you add polyclonal antibodies, you add its antigen and it'll stick.
James Egidio:Which we're looking at right here, correct?
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:Yes, there's so many versions of this. They're never going to be able to scrub the internet free of this, because you're going to find tens of millions of results when you Google it. Just Google precipiton and antibodies and it's everywhere.
James Egidio:Is this what's causing a cytokine and storm with people, and this is why you're getting a lot of people who've been boosted landing in hospitals with COVID-type symptoms.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:I think this is a reason for clots. For clots, yes, because a precipiton according to their literature, a precipiton is visible. Okay, so you put antibodies and antigen together and they'll clot, they will coagulate, they'll stick together. You'll see if it's visible. It's considered 0.1 micrometers or 100,000 nanometers, as small as you get with it, and that you can still see. So, 100,000 nanometer clump of antibodies and antigen. 100,000 nanometers the antibody is 10 nanometers long, so can you imagine a clump of 100,000? How many antibodies and antigens are stuck in there?
James Egidio:I forget it. It's a matrix, it forms a matrix.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:Yeah, it's this huge mesh work and capillaries are only 10,000 nanometers in diameter. A barely visible precipiton is 100,000 nanometers.
James Egidio:And that's what we're looking at there in this illustration, correct?
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:Yeah, this is slightly different. I don't think it has to stick to the side wall or anything, it just is so large it's going to. It's like hair at the bottom of your bathroom bathtub drain. It's going to eventually stop water flow.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:Sure, and in blood you have platelets that get caught in this mesh work of antibodies and antigen. The platelets are activated by antibodies and then, when platelets are activated, they activate, initiate coagulation, fibrinogen to fibrin. You've got this nitus, this barely visible clump of antibodies and antigen that they call precipitons. You put that in blood, platelets stick. The whole cascade starts. Now you have a big clot and no one else has a mechanism this type to explain only going from the vaccine to a clot. I don't use any weird preservative, I don't use any weird contamination, I don't use mercury, I just use their antigen. And the vaccinologists cannot refute that an antigen exists in their vaccine. And then my next point is I only use their best science after that that an antibody and its antigen will stick. And when I first put this string theory up on Twitter like four months ago, I didn't even know about precipitons. And College NICKEY found that for me. It shows the exact diagram that I showed and it's in all their textbooks. I don't even have to prove that this is happening. They already know, right? They just didn't apply it to their vaccines. They knew it about antibodies. They just didn't know. If an antibody and antigen will bind in a big graph saline, why wouldn't it stick in a child's blood at the vaccine they have? Now you have antibodies.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:Three months later, when they give the antigen again, if the antigen molecule is small enough and almost half of them are then it's going to create the scenario. And I don't have to prove it. I already did it. They proved it for me in their literature. I just found what they already did and I applied it to their vaccines. So you ask a pediatrician you just gave a DPT vaccine, the child has antibodies. Three months later you give the booster, you're adding the antigen. What did you think was going to happen when you put antibodies in this antigen in the same blood? What were you thinking? This is the medical equivalent to saying oh the apparatus, no clothes on. There is nothing in medicine that is this straightforward and this simple and this huge of a mistake. That was under their very noses for 200 years and they didn't see it.
James Egidio:Don't you think they know that the researchers I don't need to get into their brain.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:I don't need to get into their brain because the only thing I have to show is it's wrong, whether they did the wrongness out of stupidity or evilness, it's not really. The moment I send this information to them, it's clear that it's evil. But before I send it to them, were they just stupid? I don't know and I don't really care because I'm never going to be able to prove it one way or the other. But I can prove. Once I send them the information and they keep vaccinating, I can prove that they're evil. Then, which they are doing. They can't deny it.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:Now, if it's science, that means I say your antibody and your antigen are sticking in precipitants, just like in your textbooks, and you have to show me where the string mechanism is wrong. Because if you can't show me where it's wrong, that means it's correct. And what the string mechanism says is this antibody from your first vaccine. The chances of it sticking to a virus in your blood is not even there one in a million, I'll give you even one in 10,000. So the chance of this antibody from your first vaccine sticking to the antigen from your second vaccine is almost guaranteed. So this precipitant is the main effect of your vaccine and booster, and the main effect leads to clots. Now I give you this information, now you know it. You can't refute it Now. If you keep pushing it or you don't call for a press conference to stop it now, you're evil.
James Egidio:Which they're not doing.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:Exactly.
James Egidio:Right.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:And see it extends past the vaccinologists, all the anti-vax leaders. Why aren't they promoting this? Jay Cooley did the first podcast with me on this Sure and it got 260,000 views already. Now why does he? He was pushed by my followers. He was pushed. Why aren't you reposting this? Why aren't you promoting this and his one? He had a lame post. He says it's overly simplistic.
James Egidio:It is, but despite it being overly simplistic, you have to keep it simple, right.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:The question is it just simple or is it fundamental? Because now this affects not just the COVID vaccine. This issue affects every future mRNA vaccine Sure, Every one of them and half the current childhood vaccines. So is it a simple issue or is it a fundamental issue that they missed? Fundamental is a lot stronger than simple. Simplistic is actually stupid. Yeah, I don't believe they're stupid.
James Egidio:I don't believe they're stupid. I think this is all done intentionally. Have you read a package insert on the ingredients in this stuff at all?
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:Oh I know, it's crazy.
James Egidio:It's insane. I interviewed Dr Maria Mehlcha and she was talking about these vaccines being formulated with hydrogels and graphene oxide, and I just truly believe that there's more to it than just this vaccine program for better health. I think we're looking at tying in biometrics and technology with what they're injecting in us or not in me, but in people who were takers of this vaccine.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:Yeah, I don't like. The conspiracy theories are great.
James Egidio:It's not a conspiracy theory. There's a lot of research on this stuff. Bill Gates talked about the Bill and Melinda Gates talked about quantum tattoos and quantum for vaccination records underneath the skin. So this stuff is not conspiracy. It's been researched for many years.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:Yeah, I don't see them ever being able to control a person very easily by implanting somebody in a person.
James Egidio:You don't think so. Biohacking you don't think it's possible.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:I think it's a lot more difficult than people say. Just because you can show how something occurs, the probability of it happening is going to be very different.
James Egidio:Yeah, I truly believe that they're tying in technology with biology for biometrics. I truly believe that, and this is what the push is, from what I can see, if it's about control over people.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:I do think the vaccine passports was a way for them to get control over people. Yeah, and I do think that they want to control the people. I do think so, but is it easy to control somebody and make them a zombie and do what you want, just based on some kind of injection into their body? I don't think so.
James Egidio:I think it goes beyond just injecting into people. They're already doing it with satellites, they're already doing it with quantum computing, we're already into the six and seven generation. Basically, the use of these cell phones. We're already into that, they're already into that, they're already using that. It's in the one terahertz frequency band frequency already.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:Yeah, I stick to just science. That I am absolutely certain about yeah, but I'm talking.
James Egidio:They're looking to mesh the biology of the human being with, and they've made it clear.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:They've made it clear the United Nations and the World Health Organization and the IEEE has made it clear that they're looking to tie us in with Technology yeah, and I think the easiest way for them to tie us in like that, the easiest way is, like you said, the phone right, sure, they can track what we do and where we are at all times, right, sure. And then the Evie, because right office, go anywhere we want to sure, so sure with. If they control when we go and what we talk to other people about and what we say and how, if they can limit, if they can control us with the phone and the electric vehicle, they can pretty much stop us Right so, to actually get into us and try to Program us to do a certain thing. I don't know about all that, but I know, that but.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:I know it's fine now. Go ahead. I know in China they control their people because if you don't have the app, then you can't do anything Right. You can't do banking, you can't communicate with your friends, everything is they track everything via the app. So I don't agree with giving big companies that much power over what you do. Sure, because I don't. They ever think it's going to be good, because One thing is consistent powerful leaders don't care about us, they carry themselves.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:Right, and how much they want to kill us all off on them, I don't know, but I know that powerful leaders are greedy and they want to make a lot of money off the backs of their people. That's what China did. I know everything they did was for that right, sure, and their CCP members are wealthy and their average person is dirt poor. And when Trump went to war that trade war with China I Think that was his greatest move.
James Egidio:Sure, because sure, the very same side effects that you're talking about With these clots and what I've been doing, a little reading about graphene oxide, which is being used in medical technology, which is and I've done just scratching the surface right now, has points in that direction, with all of the Signs and symptoms that people are receiving from these shots. Okay, so it's hard for me not to believe that they're not tie, trying to tie in technology with these vaccines and with quantum tattoos and With central bank, digital currency and payless, because you have to remember, think about all the buzzwords that were used Back in 2020 with the great reset and Changing things and changing the way we're gonna be living in the future up until up to Starting in 2030 really is where they want to usher in. All this technology is Contactless payment was one of them, about the scare with handling money and picking up Viruses and all this, and when we've been handling money for how many years? Decades, right, but all of a sudden out's becoming an issue With getting infected with a virus. So now we have to use contactless payment, central bank, digital currency.
James Egidio:How do you do that? You and chip and plan a chip. There's two publicly traded companies that are involved with the RF chip. We've been chipping animals, our pets, for years. They want to chip children, bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, like I said again, with the quantum dot tattoos for vaccine records for children. Dr McHugh out of Rice University in Texas has been doing this research for years. He published a paper in 2019, december of 2019, and again, lo and behold, it was all about vaccine passports. World Health Organization talks about that a lot and, of course, as our friend James Riga ski, who's on the leading Edge of providing information about the World Health Organization, who I've interviewed several times, talks about the changes that are going to take place. So this, I believe, is all tied into the technology, this whole vaccine thing. This is just one entry.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:I just have a very simple view. I know that the moment I informed Fauci the Antibiotic can't enter the lung and yet he persisted and pursued it, even in spite of my 73 pages. I sent them, outlining every aspect of this issue and any scientist who reason. Now there is no rational response to me giving him this information but to stop it. There is sure the rational response because the animal has to get into the one. That was our hypothesis and I blowed out of water. Then why do they think it works?
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:What's your advice to anybody.
James Egidio:About as a patient, like what's your advice to, to taking this back so-called vaccine? You're a physician. What's your advice on?
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:If they've already had it or if they're gonna.
James Egidio:They haven't had it, or yeah, what's your advice?
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:I can be here all day because I wrote 150 page document that explains Antibodies were never useful in our fight against viruses. For the very first, they were misled. Edward Jenner, the father of modern vexology what was a liar? And I can prove it because a cowpox antibody has no similarities with a smallpox antibody and he gave a boy a cowpox virus. He inoculated him, he said Now he's immune to smallpox and he gave the boy smallpox and he said the boy was fine. But we know, oh, even assuming their science is correct, that the cowpox antibody and the smallpox antibody are completely different. It could never have worked. So see that in a one they gave, he gave the boy a cowpox virus as a vaccination. The boy is supposedly vaccinated to smallpox and the boy, he says, doesn't suffer from smallpox. All a lie, because it could not have worked even the way they describe it, because we know today that the cowpox Antibody in the smallpox and I'm completely different and there's no cross reactivity. Okay, so they're gonna make all sorts of other arguments, but I think he just lied.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:Yeah, I think Edward Jenner had an idea. Oh, milkmaids weren't getting smallpox. Okay, this is my hypothesis. My hypothesis is very simple milkmaids were very happy about their complexion, very happy that they were pretty. And when a fellow milkmaid got the cowpox and got red bumps all over her face they're small but they're still bumpy and they're still annoying. If she spent time with that girl she got it. So she learned if my friend gets cowpox I'm gonna stay away for a week or two, I don't want to get it. Yeah, she learned that staying away means you don't get it.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:So then this milkmaid with beautiful skin, she sees a smallpox patient with these horrible, disfiguring deep lesions and they scar horribly and it's just whoa, scary as hell. It's like horror fiction movies. It's just crazy ugly. You think she's gonna get near, he's gonna stay, she's gonna be the furthest away, she's not gonna be interested in looking at it. So there are going to be some curious people that don't know and they get close right, she's not going to be one of them. So the reason why she had immunity was because she knew that isolation works. Staying away from the virus means you don't get the virus and that's all. Smallpox was Sure. And then, if the vaccines are so effective and they eradicated smallpox from the world, why can't they eradicate measles? Oh, because the antivacures didn't get it. There are plenty of people who had the measles vaccine. Millions of mothers will testify Sure, but their child still got measles. So what does it? We?
James Egidio:know that from.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:COVID. You get the vaccine, you still get COVID. But see, they thought that the smallpox vaccine took care of smallpox. Look, I have a great hypothesis. And you'll never get over a huge red legions and you stay away. You're not going to get it.
James Egidio:Yeah, I just published a real simple paper recently on Substack Post about eight deadly and contagious diseases from illegal immigration and again we're starting to see an uptick in a lot of things that were dormant for such a long time. Polio and, of course, tuberculosis is at the very top of the list. So we're starting to see a lot of these diseases that were, like I said, dormant for a long time being ushered in, and they're creating a lot of vaccines and they're using the messenger RNA technology to create these. So this is all done deliberately. As far as I'm concerned, it's obvious at this point.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:Well, this is, this is-.
James Egidio:So we've got to quit burying our heads in the sand and believe that this stuff is just all good and these vaccines, and it's for the greater good. It's not for the greater good. None of it is not the illegal immigration or the making of these messenger RNA vaccines, these poisons, so it's just an excuse to usher in these vaccines. And God only knows what they're putting in these vaccines. Again, like I said for the, for what the ultimate goal is, which I believe is to tie in biometrics and use fear porn for people to go out and get the vaccines is what they're doing. I'm sure about one thing the the solution.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:The vaccine industry. Yeah, the vaccine industry at least 20 or $30 billion. It's a huge industry. Every year, huge.
James Egidio:Gates admitted it, gates said it. He says he makes more money in the vaccination industry with vaccines than he did in the computer industry.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:So this string mechanism. It affects half their vaccines, sure, and any parent that sees this is like whoa, you guys have to have an answer for this. No one has so far. So this is that powerful. It destroys every future mRNA vaccine, sure, okay. So if they don't have an answer, that means they're agreeing, acknowledging that it's correct. This is correct. The vaccine industry is going to lose $15 billion a year, sure.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:You think they're just going to roll over and let it happen? No See, okay. So now how will they fight it? Will they come out in the open and hire the smartest vaccinologists on earth to refute this, rebut this? They can't, because they don't. There's not a rebuttal possible. The antigen how can they refute that Antibody? And antigen sticking how can they refute? They can't refute it. So what are they going to do? They're going to. This is what I think. Do I have proof? No, I think they're going to fight dark. They're going to fight not in the open. And how are they going to fight? By spending money. Sure, the computer virus, antivirus software industry is huge. Sure, now, do any of us think that they don't release computer viruses? Of course they do. Okay, the vaccine industry can they release a measles virus? Of course they can. I agree with you. There's dark conspiracies here at work.
James Egidio:Well, you have to just keep the gates open down in the southern border and that's it. You've got your disease spreaders. Everybody's coming in unchecked. Let's think about this for a minute. The borders are wide open, there's? No. It's not like it was Ellis Island in 1920, where everybody was going through Ellis Island to get quarantined and checked for health checks. When you've got a wide open border, people are coming in. You see an uptick in tuberculosis, smallpox, measles, all this stuff.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:You're just allowing people to spread disease. I've never heard of smallpox before, because it's right. You're right about everything else, right?
James Egidio:Yeah, not to say that the number of people that are dying from fentanyl overdoses and the drugs that are coming in methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin, fentanyl, all the other drugs that are coming in unchecked it's a recipe for disaster, and anybody that's listening and watching this knows this. What do we do? What do you do? When it comes to vaccines, I would say you have to think twice about getting them. I know I did.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:I didn't even have to think twice, just once you have some amazing points. It's like this the Democrats. I hope you're a Republican.
James Egidio:I stay out of politics because I think they're all shit.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:Excuse my language they don't even want to do anything for anybody anymore. None of them, I know I agree. See, the Democrats want. They don't care about a border, they want a porous border and they want as many people coming in through the border as possible Of course they do.
James Egidio:They don't want a single. And the Republicans too? The Republicans did the same thing. Both parties are guilty as charged.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:I'm just saying they don't want a single lung cell infected by the virus, but they want the borders to be completely porous. Everything they do is inconsistent. Everywhere I look, they're just not consistent. I'm not saying the Republicans are perfect by any means. I'm a strong Trump supporter. I think the guy is amazing.
James Egidio:Sure, I think he did a great job. He did A lot of his policies were good.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:The hate that people have for him is because is the way he speaks his words. But to me he got a lot of stuff done and I know how he thinks because I'm always asking questions. I always ask questions and sometimes they sound stupid when I ask questions, but by the end of my conversation with somebody they'll know I'm not stupid because I don't care if I ask dumb questions, if it's some area I don't know, eventually I'm going to ask them really smart questions. And so Trump has that basic attitude because most businessmen do that.
James Egidio:The only thing I disagree with him is his pre and post vaccination rollout stance. Because he was so eager, because he was in an election year in 2020. And he was just so eager to want to become the hero with this vaccine and, of course, he was probably being pushed and prodded by the deep state to say you better agree with this vaccine, nod your head and say yes, you better go along with this. And that's what he did. And we look back now. We see the deaths and injuries due to this vaccine and what's going on, and it's still being rolled out. Professionals like you who are doing a great job and being courageous to come out, submit papers and try to get a hold of the right people. I commend you for that.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:Yeah, and in my defense of Trump, this is what I would say to that Because RFK Jr got all my information. Okay, so I have this paper trail that's super tight with copyrights and thousands of emails, and August 2022,. Rfk is excited to get my information Because I sent it to his lawyer. I spoke to his lawyer because I figured out this is the best way to get through to people call their attorney, because their attorneys have phones that they answer. So I called up his attorney. He gave me two minutes, I spelled it, I emailed him my 73 pages and everything else he ported to RFK. Rfk forwarded to all his consultants, including me. I was CC'd on that. And then Paul Alexander says oh my God, dr Lee is 100% correct. Oh yeah, I completely back him.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:And then there was a lot of arguments about that information, but to me it was this simple I give you the best information at the time to stop the vaccine, because the antibody doesn't even enter the lung. And you guys are acting like you don't want it and I was getting frustrated with them, and then they ended up not using it. But then it was Corey Malone, mccullough, nas. Okay, so to me they're all guilty RFK, because RFK Jr has said himself many times I can read the vaccine science, and how hard is this to read? The antibody doesn't enter the lung. How hard is that? And so I look at blame Trump. I'm gonna blame RFK. There's a million people to blame before I ever get to RFK, because you know what An anti-vaxxer is considered dumb and stupid, and what presidential candidate wants to be dumb and stupid?
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:What average person wants to be dumb and stupid? Who wants to be labeled an anti-vaxxer? No one. So why does Trump have to be anti-vaccine about anything? If RFK had not even agreed with me but had a public press conference that there's this crazy stuff going on, that this doctor has all this information, and then all these scientists look at it and they're like, whoa, this is crazy and stop the vaccine, then Trump wouldn't be in this position of having to say whether he supports or doesn't support the vaccine. Why does Trump have to come out and say he's anti-vaccine when that's stupid? He doesn't? If all the other people, the anti-vaxx leaders, were doing the right thing and the common consensus among the general public was whoa, this is stupid, then Then Trump would have never had been in this situation. So I blame RFK much more than everybody. Trump.
James Egidio:Yeah, when you think about it too, when you go back to 2020, the emotions were running really high because there was a lot of capitulation with mask versus not wearing a mask, which we know masks they don't work. It was ridiculous, and there was a lot of early adopters on a lot of this stuff, such as Dr Tempani, sherry Tempani and Dr Kerry Maheus when it came to transhumanism theory and the whole thing with the vaccines and how they operate it. And then there was Dr Judy Mikevitz, who wrote a book early on in March of 2020 about masks not working, and that book got censored. You're over the mark when you get censored by social media platforms or you get your life threatened. You're over the mark for sure, but we know by now that we're being censored. People are being censored that are coming out with the truth and this stuff.
James Egidio:When I hear conspiracy theory, it's not conspiracy theory. I see I know eight people personally that died from the vaccine, the youngest being 30 years old. That's not conspiracy. These are people that died Absolutely. They died suddenly. They're not faking their death, it's not they're not backing.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:My brother had a heart attack. My dad had a heart attack. I had to have his body by my mom. I had to have two strokes. I get it.
James Egidio:Yeah, that's not conspiracy theory, that's fact. Those are facts.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:Those people are not coming back but see what pisses me off about the anti-vax leaders. They're supposed to use the best science to take it down right, then why wouldn't they? There's culpability to go around, there's accountability to go around, and there is. I'm sorry, but RFK is going to have catch hell because of all my paper crills.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:And I am not going to back off on him because he was in the position to take it down and he didn't do it. And now he avoids me studiously. He is scared to death of me and I got canceled last year off Twitter. I had $50,000 followers in four months and March I lost my account writing a thread about RFK. And then I find out later his daughter-in-law was an executive at Twitter before, and all that makes sense to me. They want to control the message. They want to be the heroes that take down the COVID vaccine. They don't even have science, they just have a dislike for the vaccine, which is great.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:But they don't have the science and it was their responsibility as a leader. When the good science comes, take it and run with it. But they didn't. So they have accountability.
James Egidio:Sure, there's a reason for controlled opposition, there's a reason for all this and, like you said, it's all controlled by vaxxers versus anti-vaxxers. It creates a lot of distraction with what's really going on behind the scenes and, like I said, I think behind the scenes this is my, I'm putting the puzzle together and looking at the pieces is this all has to do with technology and biology? They're trying to mesh those two eventually for control. There's definitely a reason why.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:This is the way I look at it. They don't have to implant anything in us. They just gave us a phone and no one wants to be anywhere without it.
James Egidio:It's almost in the they want to go beyond that. They want to go beyond that.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:Yeah, but beyond that is a lot harder than people realize. What I'm saying is in biology you have to have a perfect explanation and people don't right now. But what I'm saying is the control they have over us is plenty with just the phone and the EV.
James Egidio:So what if they say to you tomorrow, Dr Lee, in order for you to access your bank account, you got to get chipped with a-. I agree with that. What are you going to do?
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:Of course I can what?
James Egidio:are you going to do?
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:What I'm saying is they can't control you, but they can know where you're at.
James Egidio:But I'm asking you a question. If they said to you tomorrow you have to be chipped in order to access your bank account, ok, a chip underneath your skin, but what are you going to do?
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:You're right, you got to the point Once they know where you're at once, they know where you're at at all times, then they can control you.
James Egidio:But that's to control you that's the control I can Putting out information about vaccines. Oh, we don't like what Dr Lee put out, so we're going to close his account. Yeah, now, what Exactly? Now what Then?
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:I'm screwed. I'm screwed and they have control. I'm screwed, so I would never agree with somebody putting anything into me.
James Egidio:You go to chapter 13 in the Bible, verse 18. You see that when you explain, there, I completely understand. But you know, on the it's called the mark of the beast, but on the molecular level it's always-.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:On the molecular level, it's a lot harder than that.
James Egidio:No, it's not. It is, it's not. You think it is, but it's not. It's around the corner, my friend and I think we're very close to it. We're very close to it. This is what they're fretting for, this is what they want. This is what and I say they, we know who they are. So it's not they and it's not conspiracy. We know what they want.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:They want it, I can tell you they will never get off because of string mechanism. If you want a weapon to stop mRNA, that's string weapon, that's string theory. That string mechanism is like a nuke to their whole vaccine industry. Yeah, it just shows how stupid they are. You did put antibodies in that void. Now you're adding antibodies. What do you think will happen? They'll stick and it's that silly. So they really don't know what they're doing. But if they're doing all sorts of other things and you want to stop it, the way to stop it is to show how stupid they are.
James Egidio:Give a lot of power and money to stupid people and they can do a lot of damage to a lot of people. We know that from previous experience with Stalin and Marx and all these other people.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:I completely agree. Now they got the-.
James Egidio:Now they have the technology to do that.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:That's why there's bodily autonomy laws and that's why anyone who thinks that they I have this analogy I always use. I say if I tell my neighbor about this amazing medication, miracle drug, and give it to all my kids he uses it too His kid gets paralyzed. That neighbor's going to hate my guts, of course. But let's say I hold his son down by force and shove it down his throat and make him swallow it, and then he's paralyzed. You don't think that dad will hunt me down to the ends of the earth and flame me alive, sure?
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:And torture me for 10 years.
James Egidio:Sure, what about the people that, during these mandates, had no choice but to oh, I have to feed my family and lose my job take the vaccine.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:It's so hard to stop that.
James Egidio:Yeah, that Biden and Newsom pushed it too in your state, I know.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:So this email everyone? Kaiser got thousands of emails from me. I was emailing everyone. La County, barbara Ferrer I can't report her to the California Medical Board Found out she's not even an MD.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:I tried to report somebody any organization I didn't even know what she was. I couldn't figure out why she was being called a doctor. I left hundreds of emails with her faxes, called them up. They're all bizarre. And you know what? When she was appointed, I'm like why would you appoint somebody who doesn't have any medical background? Why is she that? Because you know what. If it was a physician, I could have gotten through to them because they would have a practice, they would have phone numbers, they would have other people around them and I would have been able to get through to this. Whatever position Barbara Ferrer had, if it was a physician, I would have been able to get through to them and I would have made embarrassed them and they would have had fax numbers and I would have had proof that I gave them all the information and all the surrounding people around them. Because this way it's the California Medical Board. I called up every one of them.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:Harold Katz was an ophthalmologist. He's like oh my god, you make sense and he emailed me back and said OK, I'll try to help you. So I'm never worried about the California Medical Board taking away my license, because I had one of the board members agree to help me because I sent him all my information. Ok, so if he doesn't call me some information and he's trying to help me, then how is it misinformation? Just because you make a law? All right, I was fine with it. But, oh my god, huge company. I had done LASIK for the medical director, so I thought I had some pull. So I'm like OK, here's a company I can get through to Call up. Ok, they changed the medical director of some other women.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:I explained everything to her. She understood it. She said it's not my duty. I'm like OK, I'm trying to help you, help your employees who are forced to get a vaccine. They don't want to. They're going to get fired. I'm trying to help you. Why are you giving me this attitude? You should just run with it. Just help me, because do you just want to fire these people? It sounds like that's what you want to do. You just want to fire these people. And that's when I got more and more upset at Democrats, because these were Democrats I'm like OK, so you're going to have such loyalty to your party that, even if I show you exactly where your party from, you don't want your party to be embarrassed, so you're going to just not stick to science.
James Egidio:Yeah, I try to tell people don't make a decision on these vaccines from a political standpoint. Don't do that, Don't make decisions.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:There is that it became completely political on both sides right.
James Egidio:Yeah, because the worst decision you can make is a health decision based on a political decision. Take advice from a physician, from a professional who has some valid points or makes valid points about the dangers of this and, of course, personal experience of people you may or may not have known that died from it or were injured from it. So there's enough evidence out there.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:I try to spend $50,000 advertising that the antibody doesn't even enter the lung and the RNA. Since I was originally, we survived 2020. And even the Orange County Register was too afraid to put out an info commercial for me and I was willing to spend $50,000 with them. So this campaign against misinformation that the Democrats did they have to take responsibility for what they did. That prevented me from getting all this information out, and so, no matter what they say, in science and medicine, actually in any democracy that kind of censorship is over the top. They were ridiculous and they caused all this. I say they have to take responsibility for it.
James Egidio:Yeah, I think the only politician in Washington that's been vocal about all this, and I'm not even sure how valid his is.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:Rand Paul, no just a minute, but Rand Paul is an ophthalmologist.
James Egidio:Yeah, he's an ophthalmologist as well. And I reached out to him thousands of times and what happened?
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:Never a response. You know how much time I wasted For me to call up their offices and chat with a secretary or assistant. I did that at least four times. Wow, and left great records and then faxed them and then emailed them nonstop and then even on Twitter, reached out to him. He's going to say later he didn't see any of my stuff. Look, my mentor is a director of ophthalmology at Johns Hopkins and the chief editor of ophthalmology at times, and Rand Paul is an ophthalmologist. My mentor should have some pool. He says I can't reach him. Rand Paul is not what you think. He is. Ok. He's got complex relationships with big farming. You really think he wants to have the vaccine industry lose $30 billion next year?
James Egidio:No, of course not. So is he helping?
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:No, of course not. He's just spinning. He's just doing what he thinks he needs to do. He's I don't think he's the same person. Ego is ego, but he's not. If he wants to take down Dr Fauci, no one on earth has been better paper crowed than I do. I have responses to. So why won't he use it? Because he doesn't really want to. If he really want to, no one on earth has a better paper trail. Yeah, and my paper trail with Fauci says it was thorough, it was 70 pages and there is no backing out of it. Every concern he had I had addressed before he even made it. He can't get around it. He'll go to prison because at some point he's all going to come out.
James Egidio:Yeah, he's going to go to prison for it. I don't know about that, these guys, they never go. They're so insulated from any recourse. It's sickening anymore. It's disgusting.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:This is what I did. The PREP Act gives all these organizations vaccine legal immunity. But the SHER Act also includes a major exception the Wolfful misconduct. So I informed Big Pharma, Moderna, Pfizer, all these companies. I informed them, even via attorneys, and I said look, your hypotheses for why your vaccine works is the antibody neutralizes the virus before the virus infects a lung cell. That means the antibody has to be in the lung and I show it can't get in there. Now you are informed. You didn't know this before, but now you know this. Now if you don't have a response for this and you still want to sell your vaccine but you can't show how the antibody enters the lung, then that's Wolfful misconduct and you can be sued and the PREP Act cannot cover you. So this paper trail can destroy Pfizer Because no one else preemptively, proactively, created a paper trail.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:They're all saying, yeah, what's fine is it's bad. But did you tell them they were bad before they did it? Yeah, I did. And so now there's a lot more copability. If you tell them after the fact they can say there were side effects, but I told them before. You don't even know how it works. There's a major flaw in your hypotheses. And if you still want to continue, and I explained the prep back to them. I explained all this in writing and said no mother on earth would have their baby vaccinated if they knew the antibody couldn't enter the lung. And if you still want to sell it, there's something very dark and evil about you and it's wolf or misconduct, and you will void and negate your prep act legal immunity.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:And yet they continued, right, and I even have some responses from them, One of the side effect profile hotlines. They gave me a reference number and they try to explain it. We modeled it after the flu vaccine. I'm like the flu vaccine has the same flaw. I'm not saying you've covered because of flu. I know you modeled it after the flu vaccine and I'm saying the flu vaccine has the same flaw. Why do you think the results were so horrible? Just look up on Wikipedia. They had horrible data and I'm explaining. Their excuse was oh, the strain changed on us. So no one really found the real flaw with their vaccine. Their flu antibody doesn't enter the lung either. And I tried to respond and then, of course, they stopped emailing me, but they're on the hook.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:Sure, they are and they know it and I gave them the information before anyone else did and no one else gave it to them before. Because that's what makes it a huge issue for the NEIH, FDA, CDC, because I gave all this information to them very carefully and I had responses, like the epidemiologist at the CDC. I explained everything. She understood it. She was in shock and I said I'm going to email you everything. Please respond to confirm that you got it and please move it up the chain of command. She said she would and the one I emailed her. She emailed me back. That's proof that she got it, Of course.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:So, I did all that, even with the FDA, the chief legal counsel. I had three or four emails, the director of the FDA. I had back and forth emails. They got the information. I said if you don't have one FDA scientist that can explain how the antibody enters the lung, you need to put a warning label on every vaccine that says that.
James Egidio:Yeah, you know what that's called, don't you? It's called censorship. It's called censorship. Like I said, you're over the mark, so that's why you're not hearing back. It's an echo chamber for them. Let me ask it Do you have a website or a sub-stack that listeners and viewers of the Medical Truth podcast can go to?
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:Oh yeah. So lungviruscom is my website A lot of information but obviously I put out 50,000 tweets every three months. My Twitter is LasikEyeCenter, with the number one, because I had an account last year and I had 10,000, my first viral thread. It was like three weeks after I got on Twitter and then three months after that, four months after that, they canceled me, of course, and so I had a null account from one of my practices. I had a null account that I had set up and never used. So I got on about four months ago with that one because I didn't want to Twitter's going to just I'm going to press our new account, they're just going to cancel me again. So I had this account that started so long ago. They don't even know that was mine. So I'm using my professional business account.
James Egidio:Are you on sub-stack as well?
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:Sub-stack too, josephyleemd.
James Egidio:JosephYLeecom Okay.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:JosephYLeeMD yeah, md and sub-stack Forward.
James Egidio:slash sub-stack right. Yes, I think it's forward slash sub-stackcom. Yeah.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:I don't have a huge following on sub-stack, but what I do is I put all the information on there because, as I write threats to the American Academy of Pediatrics, to Texas Children's Hospital, to the NIH director, I email them, but I also publish the thread because that's for me, it's legal information, legal evidence in the future. Of course, my emails are stronger to them and certified letters are better, but I want people to be able to read it and so I put it up there. Yeah, sure.
James Egidio:It's interesting in strange times.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:Wouldn't you agree? Never anything stranger in my life. It seems like we're winning a little bit, so I'm happy yeah we are, We'll be all right.
James Egidio:It's just one, that famous Chinese proverb a journey of a million miles starts with one step. So that's where we're at right now Exactly. And that's what we have to continue to do is just get the word out, and I'll continue to bring you on. Just keep me and my audience updated on what's going on your end. I know I'm going to get James Rogusky back on and get to give updates on the World Health Organization on their antics. So things are moving along.
Dr. Joseph Y. Lee:They were very corrupt because remember they were too close to the CCP right.
James Egidio:Of course, they're of course when the money comes, you have to follow the money right. Absolutely. Thank you so much for joining me for this episode of Medical Truth Podcast, sir, thank you, thanks, thank you. Thanks for listening to the Medical Truth Podcast.