Medical Truth Podcast
Medical Truth Podcast
Stop The Shot! Confronting the Dangers of the COVID Vaccine and Government Overreach –Interview with Dr. Joseph Sansone
Join host James Egidio of the Medical Truth Podcast as he interviews guest Dr. Joseph Sansone. They discuss the consequential anniversaries of the COVID-19 pandemic and its vaccine rollout, dissecting a tangled web of controversy. In the crucible of current events, Dr. Sanson, armed with a Writ of Mandamus that was submitted to Governor Ron Desantis State Attorney Ashley Moody, and the Florida Supreme Court, courageously confronts the government's handling of the crisis, bringing to light the psychological warfare and potential legal infractions that have unfolded. This episode is a tapestry of complex narratives, from the implications of globalism on our healthcare to the silent battles waged within the halls of Florida's government. It's a journey through the shadows of bio-weapon allegations, where Dr. Sanson's profound insights challenge us to consider the very fabric of our nation's welfare.
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Get ready to hear the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about the United States healthcare system With your host of the Medical Truth podcast, James Egidio Hi.
James Egidio:I'm James Egidio with the Medical Truth podcast. So it's been exactly four years to the day that COVID was announced and actually two years that we've seen the rollout of a vaccine that they called a vaccine, which turned out to be a bio weapon. There's been a lot of evidence of guests that I've interviewed in regard to a lot of injury and death that was caused by what's called a vaccine which turned out to be a bio weapon. My guest just filed what's called a writ of mandamus in the state of Florida. I'd like to introduce Dr Joseph Sanson. Yes, all right, dr Sanson, welcome to the Medical Truth podcast.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:Thanks for having me on, james, I appreciate it Absolutely.
James Egidio:And then you're here, so a little bit about who you are and what you do, and this writ of mandamus that you just filed with the state of Florida.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:Yeah, I like to say I'm a psychopathic opposed to psychopathic authoritarianism, which means I'm pretty much opposed to everything that's going on and today's twisted upside down world. I have a small niche practice. I specialize in clinical hypnosis. I don't think the brainwashing would work even if I didn't specialize in that. But certainly pick it up, maybe a little quicker.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:But, yeah, I'm like somebody that's been politically aware. At an early age I stepped back probably over 20 years ago and then when COVID hit, I got more involved. But I was a chairman. I won a Papi Canons presidential campaigns. I've been awake to this globalism thing since December 10th 1991, at least, when Papi Canons challenged the first Bush. It was a globalist and I think Pat was probably the first person in the public to call out the New World Order and I think that served me in the sense that when COVID hit I'd say by December of 2019, I knew what was going to happen. I may not have known all the details and that kind of thing I'm not sure I do now either but I immediately saw it for what it was, and COVID-19 was like 9-11, except they wanted to make the whole country and the world the airport, and so because of that I just knew and I say that because a lot of smart people got duped. There's still some smart people that are duped now too, and so I was fortunate enough to have had that background to be aware of what's going on at this point, because when 9-11 hit it was like you're far left and the far was on the right. Obviously the cold BS on everything was the people in the middle that got conned, and now a lot more people are awake today. It's just is it too late, I don't know? But. And so the reason I point that out is I can tell you right now, as a psychotherapist, the smarter the person is, like the specialized in clinical hypnosis, the smarter the person is, the better a subject they are. The opposite of what people think. As long as you have average intelligence, you can be hypnotized. But like men say to people, when they come to me, they drop like flies, they go deep real quick, and so it's hard. If you're at like far as gum level of intelligence, there's a problem because you can't focus and follow instruction. And the reason I want to say that is because a lot of smart people got brainwashed, and some of them still are, and so I look at it like consciousness is inherently innocent. It's like the hard drive on a computer and you put software in there and that's going to run the programs. And so if you've got crappy belief systems that you're putting in there, it doesn't matter how good the processor is, you're screwed Sure. So I guess that was one thing that started me with For the mandamus or mandamus, or I've heard of both ways.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:So for the mandamus, what that is, a command and the state of Florida. In our state constitution it specifically states that the Supreme Court has jurisdiction over this. For a writ of mandamus regarding state officers and the governor, of course there's concurrent jurisdiction with the appellate and the circuit courts and that's appropriate for the Supreme Court to deal with it, because we're dealing with the governor and the attorney general here and what it is. And you can use this in private and if someone's not fulfilling a contract, you can motion for a mandamus with a court to try to get the court to get somebody to fulfill that contract. And what? This is an attempt to force the governor and attorney general to do their jobs and enforce existing laws, and those laws are the state and federal bio weapons laws, treason laws, domestic terrorism laws, murder laws and even our I think it's the cosmetic and prescription acts law, which is deal specifically with the adulteration of drugs. We have a very unique situation here in Florida because the Florida Department of Health is calling for these shots to be halted, specifically because they're adulterated and literally, the words of Surgeon General Lotipo were that they are an actual threat to the human genome itself, and so this is a threat to our future existence as a species, potentially.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:And people are dying. They're continuing to die. I've spoken with multiple medical doctors now that have confirmed that they believe, based on what they're seeing, that everybody that gets shot is developing an autoimmune disease Now, and, to give you an idea, I have type one diabetes. The average lifespan for someone with type one diabetes is 15 years less than the average person Now someone with cystic fibrosis they're lucky to be 25 or 28. So we don't know how this is going to progress in 10 years, how many people will not be alive, or 15 even.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:I don't know. And I'm not saying everybody's going to die or anything like that or any. There I'm a little straight. I stepped up my glasses. Guys, what do you want from me? But they so. That's the serious issue, let alone the cancers and heart attack, heart attack, strokes and so on. So people are being murdered and maimed and I'm going to tell you right now you can't be America first and look the other way while biological warfare is being waged against Americans. That just doesn't connect. There's a certain dichotomy there. It just needs to be corrected.
James Egidio:Yeah, you're not a medical doctor and of course you're not a lawyer. What compelled you to file this writ of mandamus Because you did mention something about being conservative back in 91 with Pap Buchanan and all that but what actually compelled you to? At what point did you say I got to file this?
Dr. Joseph Sansone:Yeah, I was actually a chair in 2000, but the real bad one. But what compelled me to file? Back? In February of 2023, actually February 21st 2023, we passed the first band of jab resolution in our Lee County Republican Party Was lucky to get it done because there was a little window of time. I worked myself and other people worked about how's that better, I don't know. So we worked about 18 months to set up the context to get that thing passed and we're lucky we did it then because our chair and vice chair already the new chair and vice chair were already working against us that resolution. It got some national attention but we were censored on it but still got out there a little bit.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:That resolution declared COVID-19 injections to be biological and technological weapons called on the governor to prohibit their distribution and for the attorney general to confiscate the vials and conduct a forensic analysis, just like this mandamus does. So that resolution got passed in 10 Republican counties Hardee's in Florida, the Idaho Republican Party passed it, maricopa County, arizona passed it, a county in Oregon passed it. So it's getting a little traction. So we followed up in the fall, or in the summer, we actually sent them these grand jury petitions from National Armed National American Renaissance Movement, and these petitions outlined potential crimes and of course we're calling for shots to be pulled off the market. And finally, in October, I sent it to them again by certified mail. I sent the flash drive with the information that, by the way, when I sent this information out of this grand jury petition back then I'm going last summer in the fall went out to all 67 county sheriffs in Florida and I sent it to all 20 state attorneys, along with the attorney general and the governor. No responses, not even we'll look into this. No responses. So then what happened is, in January I sent the demand letter to the governor, february to the governor and to the attorney general to you need to pull these off the market. It's violating these laws and if you don't, you're complicit. And no response. So finally I filed the mandamus. What's prompting me to do it? I'm just doing me, I'm just being me, I'm not going to. I'm not a coward, I'm not corrupt and I'm not out of touch. I'm not going to look the other way.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:So back last April, on April 1st of last year, I couldn't breathe. I woke up, I was in congestive heart failure, like 3.30 to more April Fool's Day. I can't breathe, and so I go into the hospital and I'm in congestive heart failure. So on April 10th they did triple bypass heart surgery on me. Yeah.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:So while I was in the hospital, though, what I was working on was this, and Santa Rosa County had passed the Vantage A resolution. I think they were to 4th county then. But I also got Dr Francis Boyle to. He already supported it because he I talked to him before. But Dr Francis Boyle is the Harvard Educator, law Professor who wrote the 1989 Bioweapons, anti-terrorism Act, one of the words leading legal experts on biological weapons. So he put out a written endorsement, emailed me to written endorsement of the resolution while I was there, and we got him on stooped Peters when I was in the hospital I looked at it like this.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:It'd be a good parting shot. But just at this point, if you're not doing anything right now, you're pathetic. That sounds mean. But you can't look the other way. They're killing people. What do you tell a ton 81 year old woman whose husband died three years ago, a week after getting the shot? Yeah, what do you do? How can you look the other way when these young kids are being killed? There's states in this country where they're still not allowing people to get organ transplants unless they get injected with this bioweapon.
James Egidio:Yeah.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:That's disgusting.
James Egidio:Yeah, and that's going to be another episode I think we'll do, since you're a psychoanalyst is the psyche of people that are still wearing masks and still complying with this, even though there's a clear and present danger, is it?
Dr. Joseph Sansone:Stockholm syndrome or cognitive dissonance, I don't know.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:Leon says he had his book when prophecy fails. I think that was in the 50s or 60s where he looked at the UFO cult and it was a secular end times cult. What happened when they had a confederate? I don't know if you probably noticed, but they had confederates infiltrate and when the people like the people like when the date passed and the UFO didn't come, they just came up with a new date and a certain amount of people, when confronting with evidence that showed it was they just clung more to their belief system. So it's like a certain amount of people do that and we're seeing that with an awful lot of people now. It's a lot of brainwashing, mass medium brainwashing and a lot of censorship too. I think the censorship works because there's information that you and I know and all your viewers, but there's people out there are totally clueless on that.
James Egidio:Yeah, this particular podcast has been. Several episodes have been censored on YouTube. I just did a geoengineering episode a few weeks ago and YouTube came back with we have to censor this due to medical misinformation, and that was on geoengineering. Wow yeah.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:Do you put these out on rumble too? Yeah.
James Egidio:Yeah, put them out on rumble. Rumble at least gets some traction, but it's not on YouTube. I've gotten censored several times. I interviewed Dr Peter Breggen that got censored. Dr Maria Mejulcha that got censored. Wow, a lot of them get censored.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:So both of them are colleagues. Dr Bregg is an advisor at the National American Renaissance movement. Dr Anamalchia is on our board there too. Her research is phenomenal?
James Egidio:Yeah, she is. What are some of the statutes that you outlined in the writ of mandamus to the Florida Supreme Court?
Dr. Joseph Sansone:Let's see I'm looking over here because I got them over here I got 18 USC 175, chapter 10, biological weapons, florida statutes 7090.166. That's the state of bioweapons of mass destruction law which I had Dr Francis Boyle look at both of those laws and he verified that they violated them. You've got the treason law, which is 18 USC 2381, and what do we got there? It's Florida statute. No, that's not it, oh, 876.32. We've got the domestic terrorism, which is 18 USC 2331, and Florida statute 775.30. But I also do homicide law. One of the other things that I threw in there too was the accessory after the fact law. So by shielding someone from prosecution or allowing a crime to continue to happen, that's actually, you're actually an accessory after the fact. And so government officials, and they're not exempt from that. So I put that in there because they've got, they know now and what. So in this mandamus, the facts and the case section, friend and colleague Karen Kingston, that's all her work, that's all her research, that's right.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:She gave that to me. I did a little editing and a few more recent studies in there and I added a bunch of the laws in there. But there's so much there that this can't be ignored. Now the Supreme Court can do whatever they want. So they could just look at this. Deny it now Mandum.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:A mandamus is typically used to compel, like for the governor. Give an example if the governor is not appointing metal All examiners, he's supposed to appoint him. That you could. You may get them to force them to fill vacancies. Think that the minister of Duties are supposed to do. It's not supposed to be something that's discretionary, okay, but this is not discretionary because our Constitution says they should that the governor shall uphold the laws of the state of Florida, and these are laws that are being violated and I think, based on that that, that body of evidence is sitting there.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:I don't think. I don't think a reason I don't know how much you've dug into the to the actual document, but I don't think a reasonable person could look at that and Say there's nothing here. I just don't see, because there's a biological agent. You've got these nanodevices in there. It meets the criteria of a bio weapon. Now I think. Here's what I pretty much do I throw the kitchen sink at them, but then toward the end I'm basically saying we're not even asking for indictment or anything here. We're just asking a poem off the market, like the state of Florida is saying should be done Right with a unique situation. A Florida Department of Health is saying he should be pulled off the market. That's the official. That's our state. Our state is saying they should come off the market. So why are they still on the market?
James Egidio:Yeah, and I'm gonna have some questions that are gonna lead up to that, and before I do that, I want to ask you what, if any, response did you receive from governor Ron DeSantis and Ashley Moody, and even the surgeon, general Joseph let up a lot of po.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:I have not received any response. That's why the rent of mandamus is being used. We got to figure out how to pronounce that, huh, but that's why I'm doing that. So, all along the way, it's not even like any point you got a response from. Anybody would say we're looking into it or nothing like that.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:No, responses like like this doesn't exist and so it would be too soon now. They're just getting certain. They're just, they're in a process that gets served. It's just. Was it just got filed this week, right? So they probably date. That's a lot of stuff they need. Their attorneys need to pour through. So part of my hope here is to James is that Interrupt me I will, because I'll just keep going, if you know, but part of my hope here is that we can get enough attention on this and pressure builds. The governor DeSantis, rather than Exposing, rather than being a total fraud and fighting against what he says he supports, will just say We'll listen to the Surgeon General and pull them off the market, because how can the governor ignore this now? They could probably come back and claim that the state doesn't have the authority to do it, but that's BS and I'll respond to that. If they do that, they do remember now they can lock us up.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:They can lock innocent people in their homes for four months in the state of Florida. They can pull something off the market. That's killing innocent people, right, and the argument to some people it's a choice you can't man. It's a choice. No, this is a biological and technological weapon. It's not. This is harming people that get the shot and people that don't get the shot from the shedding.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:So what we need to do, we need to immediately prohibit the distribution of the shots. Then we need doctors and scientists to start brainstorming, to kick around ideas on how to mitigate the damage they just did to the 17 million Floridians. They got at least one shot. And then we need help for these people that are severely injured right now, because we got an event going on the 15th in the villages where we've got Nick Caterino Organized this event. We've got Dr Vila's gonna be there, dr Anna Mahal she's gonna be zooming in Todd Callender, Warner Mendenholz, who got doctors, attorneys I'll be there and then Dr Vila is treating like over 2,000 vaccine injured patients in the villages, because I interviewed her and she's and she's one of the doctors that affirmed that, based on what she's seeing, everybody's getting an autoimmune disease and so over a hundred of her victims are gonna be there. Yeah, good that's interesting.
James Egidio:You say attorneys, because I interviewed Warner Mendenholz and my question Actually was gonna lead into that is how come attorneys or physician organizations such as FLCC have not come forward with filing this writ of mandamus that took you?
James Egidio:I mean, they were not it took you, as a psychotherapist and a patient, to Drum up the courage to do this, because it does take a lot of courage, I, and a lot of work, I'm sure. But how come these physician organizations, such as FLCC, didn't do anything about this? They should have been doing this right after the rollout and they started to see injuries. They deaths.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:All right, they. I would come up with two answers to that right off top. Man One day might not have thought about it. This is creative use of a mandamus. Like I said, typically it's most Rits of mandamus that they get thrown at them are to stop a death penalty, someone in prison trying to get their wrongfully arrested, trying to get out of jail, that kind of thing. It's not something like this and it's probably not this well crafted either. Not, and again, oh, two-thirds of this is Karen Kingston's work, the other parts are mine. But so one they just may not. And again, I don't know how to court the court could, just they could do what they want here. I don't think they will, though, because there's so much evidence there and it's on the record now. But the other reason might be a little more of a cynical reason. It's. I guess I got two more reasons.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:When you're dealing with these big firms, these more corporate firms, many of these law firms in Florida and across the country force their course, their employees, to get these bio weapon injections. They did, yes, they did I get. I'm not gonna publicly say them, but somebody's big name firms here in Florida. I know for a fact because early on, a therapist friend of mine contacted me because a young girl who was Interning at a major law firm they were trying to pressure her to get the shot. Literally, her supervisor was like embarrassing her in front of everybody to get it. So this is back. One America's frontline doctors was really big at that point. So I got a lot of the laws and data from their website and I gave it to my friend, who gave it to her clients. You put it together and they backed off and I think she might freaked out her supervisor when he saw all the data on it but also the laws. But so yeah, they did.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:I think that's why some of these big firms aren't doing it and the problem with Individual like practice how many, how much money do they have to take on like a big pharma company and that kind of thing? The other reason is, I think, is that most attorneys are afraid of the bar Because you're gonna go after their license. And I'm gonna give you an example. A friend of mine probably you should have on your show. I don't know if you got out of the medical stuff, but Christopher Crowley ran for state attorney down here in Florida and it was a tough race he'd lost to a mirror Fox and a bar complaint was leveled against him, and they're trying to take away his license for political speech during a Republican primary political campaign. Geez, that, and I've written about this a couple times, but this is something that should be all over the news and it's not his name, christopher Crowley.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:Yeah, I can email you his info too, and I'll even email you articles I wrote on it, because this is and that's, and this is something that could impact everybody because, yeah, okay, so what's gonna happen? They're gonna start going after other people's licenses because of their political speech. Are you even gonna be able to find an attorney to defend you're they gonna be afraid to defend free speech? And yeah, I think that they're a little there was concerned about that.
James Egidio:I'm not afraid of the bar.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:I Really don't care what the bar thinks.
James Egidio:Yeah, but I think that this is where we're at is because of fear based on people who took the vaccine or the bio weapon and Getting censored. That's all based on fear. That's what it is. It's intimidation and fear and bullying people. You talk about bullying all these Tentacles of this the world economic form, the United Nations, the CDs are Feckless. President that we call a president in the office also push this Mandate as well.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:And then just recently, a new Watch, the head still spinning.
James Egidio:Yeah, this new here's a post right here by Trump. The pandemic no longer controls our lives. The vaccine that saved us from COVID are now being used to help beat cancer, turning setback into comeback. You're welcome, joe. Nine months approval time versus 12 years that it would have taken you and I keep telling people Don't make these decisions For this bio weapon based on a political decision. You have the God given right to reject this stuff and not put it in your body.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:Yeah. So the problem there is that you can't be America first and look the other way. What biological warfare is being carried out against American citizens? They're being that's right.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:Yes, and I that that was disturbed. In fact, I cross posted dr Paul Alexander's critique of that, and dr Paul Alexander is the big cheerleader for Trump. I voted for my support of them, but I voted for him both times. But and I and his last year was not a good year in the White House, because Some ways you could say this first three years were great, the last year was terrible. Be there, either he got conned or he's in on it, and unfortunately now it's the only way I can explain. That is, either he's in on it or he's an idiot.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:Right the answer is good. I can't come up with a good explanation to that. Probably they should say somebody hacked his account because let's assume the right not totally fake being on computer voting. If it's not totally fake, he's gonna bleed votes to RFK junior and loose that statement and it's all like there's a lot of no like about RFK junior too. So it's. I don't know how do you explain. I still help it to given people cancer. Oh they look. When this came down I was very angry at Trump because in fact I wept when they did the 15 days of slow to curve. I saw they're actually doing it and it was sort of real because I had expected this. Like I said, from the 90s I was aware of this stuff. But Look, president, ron Paul would have thumb through his Ron Paul Constitution, do sorry, no jurisdiction.
James Egidio:Yeah, he had dr Scott Atlas come on board for that COVID task force back in 2020 and he got scorned and and basically taken out of meetings closed-door meetings, that is, with Fauci and Berks and that was, I thought, a great move by President Trump. But then he just allowed these the United Nations and CDC and the World Health Organization to steamroll them on all this stuff and on the decisions that he made. But then again, he was in an election year, which I believe this was all orchestrated for the election year, that in 2020 and he just had no shot at calling any of the shots and I call bullshit on everything with this, because not, not.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:It is not you, but on what they're saying, because you know what? I have no money Credit card debt, medical bills to pay and I'm getting more done than these people are and they've got tons of resources. They can't sit here and tell me you can't secure the border. When President Trump was president, he could have secured the border. Yeah, they do the dog and pony show and the court rules against right, and then you. Then you make a fake insurrection and the military is all over Washington DC. Here's a real simple solution. Apparently you can declare a public. I look at the Constitution. I don't see any emergency powers in there.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:I think it's all bold, it's all crap. It is apparently you can declare a public health emergency and do whatever you want. Why don't you just declare a public health emergency and secured a border when he was president? Because you could lock innocent people in their homes but you couldn't. I mean, I get it. He sent it to the states and that gave him plausible deniability, but it's all scant.
James Egidio:He did implement Title 42, I believe.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:Which one was that?
James Egidio:Title 42 is with anybody that was looking to come over the border, based on the medical emergency with COVID, that they had to be basically turned back, and then that was lifted, I think last year or sometime Title 42. And it really opened up the Pandora's box and the border more or less, for allowing a lot of illegals to come in, even more so than ever, because there's no checks and balances. I just wrote an article about that the top eight or 10 or 12 diseases that are brought in, contagious and deadly diseases from illegal immigration.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:What's your thought on COVID, leaning toward that itself?
James Egidio:Well, that's a good question. So in, oh gosh, 2003 and 2004, when I owned and operated a medical house call practice, we had two bad flu seasons in those two 2003 and 2004. In the fall of those years, and it was a pretty bad flu season, we didn't shut down the economy and lock people down 80 or 90,000 people died, I think a year or two before COVID hit from the flu.
James Egidio:Yeah, absolutely. And even when there was the COVID outbreak, which was sudden acute respiratory syndrome in 2003 and 2004,. Because different flu seasons have different strains. We had swine flu outbreak, we've had H1N1. These are different virus strains and they were pretty severe for people that were compromised. I always had said that you had a 98.9% chance of survival if you were to contract COVID meaning you would live and a 0.0, what 2% chance of dying. With those odds, it just didn't make any sense to shut down an economy and lock people down. Oh no, the whole thing was stupid.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:And here's another thing how do you have, let's see Palestine in Israel, or let's say, iran in Israel, and the United States and Russia all come up with the same stupid, non-scientific playbook yeah, locking people in their homes, the whole thing masked and everything. How does that happen? I don't know. In a real world I don't think that would happen.
James Egidio:No that this was all orchestrated. It wasn't about COVID, it was about this bio weapon that they were using.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:Well, here's what I want to answer, though what are your? Because I am leaning toward it and I'm not rigid on it either, because I think people get a little carried away with that to get entrenched. But from what I'm looking at, I'm leaning toward. Covid itself was a nanoparticle weapon, just like the injections, because I'm wondering if they gave it to us in flu shot as the MRA and we didn't know it I didn't get any shots but if they gave it in the shedding of the nanotech, because the spike protein is connected with the nanoparticles. So I don't know what are your thoughts on that. Was COVID a nanoparticle deal too?
James Egidio:No, I don't think it was ever about COVID. Covid was just the vehicle to push the bio weapon.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:But what was it? Was that in itself a nanoparticle thing, or did it not exist? I hear different theories. There's people that think COVID didn't exist and it was all a PSY app. I don't buy that, because I lost my smell for a month and a half. So was it a lesser concentrated bio weapon, Like they either sprayed, or what do you think it was?
James Egidio:No, I think it was a strain of COVID. It was a strain of COVID. Like H1N1 has appeared or swine flu has appeared. But I don't think. I think that was just the excuse to initiate the rollout of the anti-hannousers the bio weapon. That was the excuse.
James Egidio:They could have said it was H1N1. They could have said it was swine flu. They could have said it was any virus strain, marburg. They could have said it was Ebola. But they used COVID as the excuse and they were working on the COVID vaccine or, if that's what you want to call it, the bio weapon as part of the. I think that was the main thing was the bio weapon. But I also think it goes even further than that and Karen Kingston, I think, is onto a lot with the graphene oxide and this soup, this formulation that they have. But I also think it's tied to and the early adopter of that was Dr Kari Mahia and Dr Sherry Tempani.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:Yeah, Dr Kari they talked about transhumanism, absolutely.
James Egidio:Yeah, medea is that they were the early adopters of this transhumanism thing, because I've done a little bit of research myself and I'm getting ready to put out a series of articles and podcast episodes solo episodes that this all is tied into. Basically cashless payment and connecting us to the internet of the body and internet of things, because Bezos, with Amazon, is really pushing and so, as Gates are pushing for cashless payment, they're not even taking cash anymore at a lot of establishments and there are ways of tying us in with, let's say, metal particles so-called metal particles that are put into vaccines and put into the body, that can be connected to networks, computer networks, because it's all about networks when it comes to connection.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:Yeah, Dr Mahia gets into a lot of detail on that as well.
James Egidio:Yeah, absolutely.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:And we don't know what the payload is in nanoparticles either. I guess in the catalyst could be light, it could be frequency, it could be temperature, whatever to trigger, to whatever to payload is. And yeah, there's big unknowns there and definitely the transhumanist agenda is in full play. These psychopaths are experimenting on us, trying to find a way that they can live forever because they're that afraid of dying. But I think it's like the first three or four chapters of a brave new world that they're going to pretty much kill most of us and keep a few slaves around for experiment on and will beat our servants.
James Egidio:Yeah, but the thing is they have too much invested in this project. If you look at a guy like Bill Gates who's behind a lot of this, he actually collaborated. The Bill Melinda Gates Foundation has collaborated with Dr McHugh Kevin McHugh at a Rice University, with Quantum Tattoos, and if I read the paper and it has to do a quantum computing, quantum Tattoos, luciferace Die, as again Dr Tempani and Dr Mahia talks about that. Mahia is whatever you pronounce it, and you can read right in the paper where Gates talks about quantum tattoos and being used for vaccine records. And it's a tattoo that gets placed under the skin, so they just use basically a scanner, a barcode, and it pretty much has all the information on there on your vaccine.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:I think the experiment that even earlier on was the trust stamp or something and West Africa they were experimenting on it. People had it a couple years ago.
James Egidio:I'll read you about that India too, they also had implemented a program. Gates is behind a lot of this. This is pretty much Bill Gates. So what he's done is he's looking to connect computers with the human body. And then you get that other nut from the World Economic Forum Harari the ball, harari. He talks about that. He talks about connecting humans to computers.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:Yeah, and I guess the way Dr Anna explained it to me is kind of an augmented reality, like a mixed reality. They want to set you up with the whole WPN thing and through your phone it'll connect up to the cloud and then the AI will change things. It'll download back into you and change your biology. So it's a real weird, if you think about it, that anybody even think about that as something. That's stupid and crazy. But here's what I want to look at like this You're going to die. Get over it. Now the question is it's the truth. In fact, I wrote an article called that, but I think I should write a book on that, one with that title. But you're going to die, Get over it. The question is do you want to live like a coward and grovel on your knees, or are you going to stand up like a man or woman and fight this?
Dr. Joseph Sansone:You're here for a reason. You're here to defeat global genocide. That's why you're here. Otherwise, you're here to be a slave. You make that choice and I'm going to say start doing things. If anything, I want what I'm doing right now to be a teachable moment. I have no money, no resources. Yeah, and I just got this filed with the Supreme Court as a pro se litigant. And imagine if I knew what I was doing. And you can do this too. Do this in Texas, Texas. Here we got a unique situation because the state of Florida is calling for you shops to be taken off the market, but so does Texas. In Texas, the attorney general is suing Pfizer for all the fraud that occurred and the people dying from it. What's the stop someone in Texas from just taking this document, duplicating it, applying it to Texas, plugging into Texas laws? Maybe make it a better document and call on the attorney general and the governor there to prohibit the distribution of these weapons of mass destruction.
James Egidio:Yeah.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:There you got an argument because the attorney general is suing Pfizer. Why haven't you taken off the market?
James Egidio:Yeah, and that leads to my next question as to why. So what bearing does emergency use authorization and the prep act have on filing these rits of mandamus in different states?
Dr. Joseph Sansone:Look the Supreme. Let me say this the Florida Constitution and the United States Constitution are the supreme law of the land. In the case of Florida, another state, it would be their state constitution. There is no law that can supersede those. There's no law that can protect the federal government or pharmaceutical companies or anybody for murdering people or waging biological warfare against people.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:I don't buy it. What we need is courageous sheriffs, local prosecutors, governors that will stand up and defend the constitution. And if they think they're gonna be spared, they're not. They're gonna get killed too. It's just a matter of time, right? So I don't. I get what they're talking. I know it has to cover that like they're gonna try to use to keep trying to look, even with this who treaty and the amendments and everything. As far as I'm concerned, a treaty deals with international relations. Once it starts applying domestically, it's not a treaty and anything that violates the Bill of Rights is null and void. So they can go to hell. You just need a governor to tell them to go to hell. Imagine if one governor just said screw you. To the federal government when they were doing the lockdowns.
James Egidio:Yeah, they're trampling on even people's religious rights. I interviewed Jonathan E Mord, who is running for Senate in Virginia. He's an attorney. He went up against the FDA on numerous occasions for other issues and he says that they have no right, constitutionally speaking, to attack the state and even federal laws, constitutional protections. But then I think what it also comes down to and there's an attorney in Florida here and I can't remember her name. You might know who she is, but she was big on protecting your state based on individual sheriffs in your counties who should be proactive, like you were saying but I also think a lot of it has to do with federal funding from the government for individual states. What's your take on that?
Dr. Joseph Sansone:I think they use the money as leverage, for sure. I think there's something else I play too. Remember, most of these people that are politicians are messed up. They're that's the official diagnosis. They are Because what they are is they're slimer climbers. They're not. They're trying to get into the gravy train. I used to think they got in office and then they got corrupted. What they do now is they find corrupt people and there you go, like that. I stepped on my glasses so they find corrupt people and then they put them in office. Sure, these people are just. They're afraid to stick their neck out. They're afraid to do what's right.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:I've spoken to a politician that was forced to get the shop to visit his dying mom in New York when he was visiting. I had no choice. He wanted to see her before he died. They made him get the shop and you would think that person would be doing what I'm doing right now. These people are in office. What are you doing? And if you wanted to make a name for yourself as a politician, stand up, be a man.
James Egidio:Right. Yeah, they're corrupt on both sides. But I think what happens when these politicians get into office? They have the. They get a lot of lobbying groups approach them. So let's say, they were involved in the construction business in their state or whatever. And they get elected in office. So now they get people who lobby and they come to them and say, look, I've got all these goodies for you. And they get envelopes with cash and whatnot and they take the bait, right, cause they want to make money. Right, they want the power. So now they hold it over them to say, okay, we bribed you on such and such a date and now you're in the club, right?
Dr. Joseph Sansone:I think yeah, blackmail is definitely yeah.
James Egidio:Epstein did that to a lot of politicians.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:I've been told like what they do with even some of those, even if they're not corrupted, what they do is they just put something in their water or no drug on them and next thing they got to video them with some little kids and they got to buy a mail on them. Some of these people, they're just not real. Like Lindsey Graham, that guy, how could you even exist? They must have so much on that guy.
James Egidio:They have a lot on all of them.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:Yeah, and honestly, from what I'm seeing is I even think it's at the county level. I think they've got a deep state of operative in every county.
James Egidio:Of course they do. Of course they do.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:Yeah, county attorney or someone on the manager one, but again, they exist. I don't want to be that cynical, but I think you have to recognize. But it's not cynical.
James Egidio:It's not cynical, it's the truth it's like even here in Volusia County, a lot of the people that get on the commissions and stuff, they get bribed by the builders, by the contractors. You don't get a contract unless you're paying and donating to that political cause. So it's own, bought and paid for by big corporations. It's just on a higher level, at the federal level or at this national level, right. You got Zuckerberg, who puts up $400 million to buy an election. Come on.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:That's okay.
James Egidio:Yeah, it's okay. So we're in the middle of it, the people are and, like you said, you don't have anything to lose. So you got to be vocal. You're not going to get it from a politician. Politicians think on both sides of the aisle. As far as I'm concerned, they're not worth a shit on both sides of the aisle.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:Yeah, it's a unit party. It's a working like Dan Schultz's precinct strategy, which is I don't know if you're familiar with that or not that's if you look at the party structure, you've got these. Let's say, in Florida, we've got these county committees each party has, and so you have an executive committee and each person that executive committee represents a district in their county and about 40% of these spots are vacant. And so what? The strategy is to get regular Americans American first people to come in and take over the party from within. And it's a good strategy because you can go on the ballot if you have to, but most of these, like I said, they're vacant. So you basically fill out the paperwork and you get voted in by the membership.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:And this is why there's these battles going on within the Republican Party in Florida and elsewhere. That's how we got these resolutions passed. That wasn't going on in the last few years. We wouldn't have enough people to get it done. But what's happened now in Florida, for instance, because it's all top down in order to stop these band of jam resolutions and other resolutions coming out, because they do have an impact it's your official party making a statement that these are biological and technological weapons.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:What they've done is they've changed the rules now so that you can't remove the chairman. So now so they've removed Christian Ziegler to stay chairman because of his, let's say, unconventional I don't know if you know about that he and his wife, they were at like three some and it became a news story and everything and they do whole family's values thing. So they removed the chairman before that, but they threw him out because he was a raising heterosexual. I don't know, but they removed them for that. But they changed the rules so that the counties can't. We were set to remove our chair in Lee County, so they changed the rules so that the counties can't remove their chairs. Literally, our county chairman, or any county, your county Republican chairman, could be a pedophile and their executive committee members could not remove that chairman. Only the state party can remove it. So they've created this situation where so all they got to do is just break the rules, and which makes it hard to get votes done and stuff like that, because you can't do anything, you can't throw them out.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:So that's the things you're looking at. With what you were saying earlier, though, about the corruption level at the county government level and that kind of thing, it was a reminder me of the original Spartacus movie with Kurt Douglas and the one senator there who was very plump when he was fighting against the crisis. Maybe it was he was arguing against them and he's I'll take a little Republican, meaning what a small are a little Republican corruption over a dictatorship, and when I see it, these county because I've been trying to get stuff done at the county governments too and try to get an ordinance for them to ban it and that kind of thing, as well as even them even just doing a resolution, and they don't want to. They're so spineless they don't do anything. But it's like. I can understand. I'm not naive. I know what county government's about. It's about contract and that kind of thing, but this is genocide.
James Egidio:They don't care, though. They don't care, they don't care, they don't care, they don't care anymore. It's all. The gloves are off on both parties. They don't care about the people anymore. They never, in fact, they never really did. They pretended like they did, and I hear a lot of people say write a letter to your congressman and write a letter to your senator, write a letter to this person. You know what they do with that letter they use it for toilet paper.
James Egidio:I know that's why we have to make a name is but they're using it for toilet paper.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:Yeah, yeah, and I get it. I agree. The thing is that here's the deal. We're not going to let this continue. We're not going to let biological warfare against the people of Florida to continue. It's going to end One way or the other. We're going to stop this. If this path gets blocked, we'll find another one.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:It's that simple. We're not going to let you kill our people anymore. Honestly, my hope here is we get enough pressure here and enough attention on this that the governor will listen to his surgeon general and pull these off the market. If we get these pulled off the market here, it's going to have a domino effect. You need to punch through somewhere and we need to do it here. Governor DeSantis needs to feel the heat. What does he think His kids are going to be spared? Does he really believe that? I don't say that Good.
James Egidio:Yeah, no, I say the same thing. These people. They're setting themselves up in the name of greed for a future where their kids are going to live in as well, in a total hellhole.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:If they're even alive.
James Egidio:Yeah, it's the same thing with the border. The border situation is wide open. You're allowing people that are coming in, bringing in fentanyl, bringing in all kinds of narcotics and gangs and whatnot. You don't think they're going to spill over and you think these people care about your family or anybody's family, when they just got out of prison for murdering somebody down in Honduras or in Guatemala or Nicaragua. These are hardcore criminals. A lot of them are hardcore criminals. Let's face it.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:Yeah, james. The thing with that is that's an issue that since early 1990s, buchanan was the only guy that was already talking about immigration. We got called every name under the book for that. On October 7th, we had this false flag in Israel, where Netanyahu is a globalist Even people from Israel that I talk about say that and they're pissed at him. They gave stand down even General Flynn's saying this. They gave stand down orders for seven hours. The attacks happened there. Netanyahu openly said that Israel was going to be a laboratory for the vaccines.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:Basically, it's like a total Nazi. I even asked a friend of mine who's Jewish I'm like Murray how did they buy this? He said, joe, you got brainwashed, like everybody else. I'm like when did they know better? Because of the Nazis and everything We've got that going on. That's partly probably to get rid of the people in Gaza and Palestine and all that, but I think it's part of a larger globalist agenda.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:What they're going to do now is they're setting it up. They're setting it up so that we're going to have attacks on soft targets in the United States. I'm going to tell you right now any attack that happens shopping malls, that kind of thing our deep state operatives guiding these people, just like when they had that alleged Whitmore kidnapping, where half of the people were FBI agents pretty much guiding the idiots along. These groups are embedded with deep state operatives, cia or whatever, and they're going to be guiding any attacks that happen, because then they can make the whole country a total shutdown. The same people that we're telling you and I to wear a mask are going to be oh, why didn't James go through the metal detector to go get his coffee? That's what we're dealing with. Everything's a scam. If they blow something up, they blow it up. The answer is not taking away my freedom. That's why I knew 9-11 was a scam right away. I had my doubts in the beginning but it was like okay. I've never been in the military but I know the first thing you do in a security situation is you secure your perimeter.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:About two or three weeks after 9-11, they closed our borders and the drug flow stopped coming in. People are Jonesing it already. Then, all of a sudden, they open the borders up. Wait a minute. Then they're starting these wars in the middle of the night. I'm like wait a minute. You're stirring up the Hornets last and then the borders are wide open. That's dumb, right Then.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:That's why I knew the jihadist threat was over-emphasized too, because I can tell you that about 101 ways you could terrorize this country if you got a dozen committed people. It's not that hard, you don't need to. It's not that hard. They got these people supposedly to hijack these planes with box cutters and all that. They couldn't smuggle in a few people to carry out some demolition work in the United States or some sniper work, or some cyanide in people's coffee at the 7-11s and stuff. You can terrorize people easily. Fortunately, most people aren't that psychopathic, except for the people at the top right now. I think that's a setup, but here's the simplest thing that any state could do is pass a law making it a felony for illegal aliens to be in their state.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:Yeah, absolutely, if you did that every illegal alien would leave Florida and go to a blue state. That's probably the only thing the states can really do right now is and here's the thing I'm not that smart If I could think of that, why haven't they?
James Egidio:They don't want to. Though they don't want to, I think what they want to do, too, is the government wants to crash the economy so bad that we get away from a fiat currency and we get into what's called the digital currency. I think they're going to try to do it through Internet of Bodies, because we're already digital slaves to these things right here. You know what I mean.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:Think about that for a minute. I just don't know what you mean. Wait, can you see my flip phone? There you go, there you go.
James Egidio:We're all attached to these phones, most people are to these smartphones, and everything is tied to it. Does that thing even still work?
Dr. Joseph Sansone:Yeah, no vaccine passport on here. Listen, if you want to have a conversation where people can hear you and vice versa, you go to the flip phone. Yeah, why don't listen to audible user smartphone.
James Egidio:Yeah, I just. It's all about control and power. The more people you control, the more power you have. That's what it's come down to. That's why they keep saying that data is the new gold. Data is the new gold, yeah.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:With the centralized digital bank currency, they can control every aspect of your life. You and I could be on some social credit score thing and they won't even let us transact with each other. No, here's the thing. It won't even be your money. It'll be more like an allowance because, based on your be off, you got tagged again on YouTube. Take a little money out of your account.
James Egidio:That's right.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:That's right. All your cholesterol is a little high. No fried chicken. No, actually we're trying to kill you. Go load up on fried chicken. That's what we're dealing with. You have to laugh at it because it's so good you do.
James Egidio:You have to laugh at it. I think what it is, too, is and I know a lot of people are not thinking about this, but we have to think about it maybe a barter system eventually, maybe, because that's what it may come down to one day. We're talking like 2030, the year 2030 is when it's all going to go down.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:I think the government's going to collapse.
James Egidio:I do too.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:Every government's going to collapse. I do too, I'm going to tell you why I think it. You might have a different reason, but I get the financial collapse out of it, but more and more people continue to get sick and die. They're going to start waking up and figuring out what happened to them. How exactly can a government exist that is allowing their people to be murdered in mass? This is going to happen.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:I'm not saying I'm trying to collapse. I'm just telling you it's a prediction that it's going to all collapse. It's honestly smart for them to turn the ship a little bit here. If the people that tell Governor DeSantis what to do we're smart right now what they would do once this bubble's up I'm not naive. I realize the odds are against what I'm doing here.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:Once it bubbles up, the people that command DeSantis on what to do his bosses will probably smart to co-opt this in the sense of let's take the metadata with the flag, let's move it away from the bowl. What they would do is pull these off the market before they're embarrassed and forced to pull them off the market because they really want to have a debate about whether this is a bioweapon. Do they really want this? Court can reject this. They can accept it, most likely. I think there's enough. This is a solid enough document, especially thanks to Karen's research, that they will hopefully just allow. In a normal process they'll wait for the respondent to reply. Then I have time to reply to that. But in that couple of months period hopefully this will bubble up enough when people realize what it is that there will be so much pressure on the governor that he'll do the right thing. The question is are people going to side with the governor or the Surgeon General of the State of Florida? I think they're going to side with the Surgeon General of the State of Florida.
James Egidio:I'm thinking that he's going to be very hesitant, at least DeSantis' and the state based on the funding from the Department of Health and Human Services, because they must get a large infusion of cash or monies that are allocated to, let's say, the State of Florida, because this is a big state. What do we have Like 40 million people here, 30 million people.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:We got 22 million people in Florida. 17 million of them were poisoned with one bioweapon ejection shot.
James Egidio:Has it been 17 million?
Dr. Joseph Sansone:That's what they claim. I don't know if their numbers are legit, but that is their claim.
James Egidio:Yeah, so this was all funded too. This bioweapon by the government that's the ultimatum is funding gets cut off.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:I don't know. I think sometimes you're better off folding your hand. I think they're better off retreating on this one. Look, if the court immediately just rejects it or something like that, then they're okay. But if the court look, and I don't see any reason why they want it, if they look at this and evaluate it and wait to see what their response is, and, like they should do, I think that we're going to see.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:I think it's smarter for them to pull this off the market because it's very clear I cite the cosmetic and prescription drug law in that document toward the end and that speaks to the adulteration and the Florida Department of Health is saying these are an adulterated product. So that really buttresses my argument. So, like I said, I throw the kitchen sink at them, but then I just back up and say hey, look, we just want you to listen to the Florida Department of Health. These are an adulterated product, pull them off the market. And I think that's a. They don't have to even admit that it's a bioweapon to pull it off the market. They could just like, oh, he's got to do it, he has a lot of outs. They could just say this is a lot of evidence. That was new to us, but we're going to listen to the Florida Department of Health here, because it's an adulterated product, it's not that hard, and then they can poison us in a year with something else.
James Egidio:Yeah, I read. It's a beautiful document. I mean you basically pulled the alarm and the bell's ringing right now. But then you got the likes of Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum, because the World Economic Forum is behind this whole ruse. You got that and I know that.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:And they're not going away. Listen, they're going to learn the. They're going to learn the meaning of fear. They've terrorized the whole world. They have.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:My prediction is some of these people, like I could see class swabs, you know, and being similar to Mussolini's, and I could see Bill Gates hiding in a bunker, like Hitler. These people have committed to worse crimes in human history and I don't think they're at some point. They're going to have nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, because what they've murdered too many people and many more are going to unfortunately, I think it's sick and die. Not saying that's scary, but it's just. We need to stop this, just because there's shedding involved too, and then we need to mitigate the damage.
James Egidio:Yeah, Am I wrong on?
Dr. Joseph Sansone:many of this, because you can tell me.
James Egidio:You're right. I know eight people personally that died from this poison. It's terrible Eight. I don't know anybody that died from COVID not one person.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:I know both, but that's just. That's horrific. Eight people's lives have been stolen from them. Their families are impacted. Yeah, and again early on, I don't know, you probably know Dr Sukhret Bakhi. Early on he was one of the doctors. He's Taiwanese, you know, taiwanese, german citizen, and he was early on explaining how this is designed to look like heart condition but fall from the shot it's look like the heart, the cancer, whatever. And we just have to keep the oppression in people's minds so that they realize that people that are getting the cancer and getting the heart attacks, that it is from the shots, because and how you're going to know that all cause mortality is going to keep going up. Yeah, that's how you're going to know.
James Egidio:Absolutely.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:It's.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:It's what it is, but it's insane, it's insane I want to say this though Do not wait for anyone's permission to lead, just do it. No one is going to save you, no one's going to save your family. Just put on the white hat yourself and do it. If I can do something like this, you can file an injunction, you can file a mandamus where you're at you can do. Just be creative. Be as creative as they are, be more creative than they are, because the future, your future and really the future existence of the human race is at stake, and let alone just not being a total slave into this dystopian nightmare. You've all signed up for the early 21st century dystopian nightmare reality, apparently. Just fight it, don't be a wuss.
James Egidio:Yeah, james Ruggusky is doing a great job when it comes to the WHO, the World Health Organization, and putting the spotlight on them.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:Yeah, james has been all over that and he puts out really good information. I remember he had called me up like when we did the first bandage resolution and he's like telling me it's not the treaty, it's the amendment, so this time, okay, okay. Then we were talking a couple of weeks ago it's the treaty. I was like we want full circle because they keep changing what they're doing. It's like a moving target when you're dealing with that. That's another thing. Come on, we should have Trump should have pulled this out of who.
James Egidio:Yeah.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:Put it down it.
James Egidio:Yeah, yeah, I think at that time too, and I'm not defending him, but I'm just thinking. Okay, at that time he was hit with this by surprise as well. I think, yeah, at least that's what I want to believe, but I still don't understand why he's continuing to push this narrative right here like he did, and again, like you said, hopefully that this was a hack job on his account with, Assuming the computer election isn't totally fake.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:If I were his advisors I'd say we got hacked because he's going to bleed votes to RFK Junior on this.
James Egidio:You think so?
Dr. Joseph Sansone:Oh my God, yeah, in a close election. Yeah, he's going to. I think so Enough to throw the election.
James Egidio:Yeah, yes and no. I looked at some. I think it's.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:I'm not on the RFK Junior bandwagon either. I'm just saying there's enough people that I think Trump will lose to him because of this, because at least he's critical of the shots. He hasn't said it's a bio weapon yet or anything but, and I have problems with him on a bunch of other issues. But I think Trump's got to walk this back if he's. But again, that's a political thing. I don't feel comfortable with somebody who's saying something this stupid this late in the game. I don't either.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:I've never seen anybody got conned before. Here's what I've been saying to people. I'm like, look, either you got conned or he's in on it as a psychotherapist. I got to look at the, because I want to believe he got conned and it's just described. But then I'm like I got to look at the ugly, because it's usually the ugly, yeah, and so I don't know. It's very disturbing. I saw that and somebody was telling me about it last night and I'm like, are you kidding me? And she emailed it to me and I'm like, oh my God, how could you be so stupid, stupid, literally, saying it's helping people with cancer, people getting cancer, people getting cancer from it.
James Egidio:Dr William Makis, who I've interviewed in the past, talks about turbo cancers. I even interviewed Dr David Rassnick on a turbo cancer.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:Yeah, and just so your viewers understand, I voted for Trump. I was America first. Listen, I was in a Buchanan thing when Trump President Trump was an open borders guy in the 2000 campaign before 9-11. He wrote an editorial in the Washington Wall Street Journal, I think it was calling Buchanan a Nazi because of his immigration views. So after 9-11, he changed it, which is okay. I get it. He woke up, I'm okay with that. So it's not like I'm some lefty here criticizing Trump, but this is the dumbest thing I've ever seen.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:Yeah, I have to agree. People are dying, they're getting sick and they're still getting sick. So they think it's like a psychological brainwashing thing because they don't talk about it. It's not real. They talk about everything else and they don't want us to talk about. Think of how fake this is.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:If this election were real, during the presidential primary, DeSantis would have turned around. He would have listened to us, banned the jab after that first resolution and started calling out President Trump for Operation Warp Speed. That's what? Because that would have been his weakest. He could have really hammered him on that. Sure. That would have made him look less like a traitor, because Trump did pull him over to a finish line to get elected first of over. That would have made him look less disloyal to people in the state and like he's really doing it for a reason.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:Then none of the other candidates are bringing it up. Come on, If you were to take here let me put it this way If you did a poll of everybody in the state of Florida I don't know if it would be 30% or 40% or 50% or even 20% A certain percentage of people would not only say these shots should be pulled off the market, they'd be saying they're bio weapons. Sure. Now I don't know if only 25% of the people are that informed to know that, but think of all the politicians we have. Not one of them, as far as I know, has said, certainly in the state of Florida, but I think the whole country has said that these are biological weapons. Now there are people that are saying they should be pulled off the market, like Dr Mary Bowden, as the people signed in her pledge, like they'll support pulling it off the market. But statistically that's not possible. It's not possible that every politician doesn't believe it's a bio weapon. Yeah, and I don't think it's possible that none of the presidential candidates brought it up.
James Egidio:Yeah, but have you ever thought about the fact that maybe some of them have a vested interest as far as purchasing? Have purchased stock in these companies?
Dr. Joseph Sansone:Yeah, yeah, the corruption fact. That's my point.
James Egidio:So they're like they don't care if your family takes it. Do you think for one minute that Fauci or any of these celebrities actually took the actual bio weapon? It was the placebo, it was the sailing.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:That's how you know who's expendable, because you do see some politicians and famous people that got sick and died from this. Here's how bad it is too. Look at that Pennsylvania race when the liberal Republican, dr Oz, the Trump endorsed in the Pennsylvania Senate race against Federman. Now Federman got a stroke, I would say, from the shot he got boosted and a month or two later he gets a stroke, and that was at the time where I think they were gonna put it in the childhood schedules there or something. Dr Oz is a medical doctor, doesn't even bring up the issue. Not possible, it's all fake.
James Egidio:It is.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:It is, it is, it is, it is.
James Egidio:It's a big shell game. The whole thing is one big shell.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:And that's why I think right now in Tallahassee their heads are spinning, because this mandate was just real. That evidence is real, absolutely. And I guess what I wanna say is you're allowed to win. This isn't about like they wanna convince you. They want you to learn to lose, and I don't mean learning that sometimes you lose. You gotta get up and keep going. They want you to learn to lose and get okay with it, get used to it, and they don't want you to try to win. They want you to get used to, oh, like when you had your high school grudge match on Thanksgiving, where each team played. You had your grudge match, but it's like, oh, we fought them hard but we lost. They wanna go. This is a freaking football game or something. It's not. They're killing your family members. So I'm doing this to win, and if we don't win this way, we're gonna have to find another way, cause we can't let them continue to murder to people we know and love.
James Egidio:They were thrown out the buzzwords back in 20, as early as 2020, if you remember and March, april, may on television, it was always the new normal and we're all in this together. Those were all buzzwords that were all manufactured by the likes of the world economic form. This was all methodically planned out. This wasn't just, oh, all of a sudden, we've got a COVID outbreak and we gotta come up with a solution. And Trump's the hero and he operation warped speed and he comes with the big S on his chest. It wasn't like that. This was planned many years ago. In fact, I remember dating a girl back in 2010 that worked with bio weapons and lab research as a biologist and she was traveling all over the world and she was working in hazmat suits and working with this kind of stuff back in 2010. Wow, and it was very clandestine and quiet Her line of work was, and even I think it was back in 2009,.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:Was it, I think, dr Rima Lebrun, when she was on Jesse Ventura's show, literally talking about how they're gonna hit us with a vaccine? Yeah, this is. Yeah. It's clearly a long-term strategy. It's obviously a depopulation strategy. They're killing me, they're lowering birth rates, they're killing off the old people and they're making us sick and weak so that we can't fight.
James Egidio:Yeah, that too but I think that's a lot of it too is, like I said, control. I think they're looking to basically make us digital slaves, but in a way where they've meshed us with the technology or actual bodies with technology, and I think what they did is they manufactured this soup, and Karen Kingston, she lays it out really well, and so does Dr Anna Maria and Halcha, and they're absolutely 100% correct, because I've been on, james.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:you wanna pronounce her name like it's an Italian name Mi Holcia.
James Egidio:Mi Holcia. She's Romanian, I believe.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:Yeah, but it's pronounced. Just pretend it's a dutiful. It's Mi Holcia.
James Egidio:Mi Holcia okay.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:I always say Well, it's still smile when you say it the right way.
James Egidio:It's a mouth, but anyway, that's what I believe they're looking to do. I just that's my take on it and some of the research that I've done on this, and then I actually have gone back to school for basically IT and networking and cybersecurity. So, just based on what I'm learning and researching and studying- so you'll be able to put the firewall up.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:So you've all known Harari can't hack me.
James Egidio:Absolutely.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:The thing. It'd be interesting if you could find a way, because apparently I don't know how many of your viewers know it, but I guess apparently all of our, even unvaccinated people, like 100% of us have cannabinated blood.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:To somebody with this nanotechnology and the hydrogels and everything, and what would it be? I know they look like Dr Anna talks about the accumulation therapy, things like that, the detox, but I wonder if you can find a way to truly block the nanotechnology and nanoparticles entering you. Or I don't know if you could do it with frequency or what. I don't know what you're talking about.
James Egidio:That's what it is. We're actually into the sixth and seventh generation of technology, with networking and with, but it's all based on tear hurts. Now we're up to almost a tear hurt and frequency. This technology is, and this technology they've got so much money invested in it. That's why they have to follow through with this narrative of mending. Could you?
Dr. Joseph Sansone:protect yourself with frequency from the nanotechnology.
James Egidio:It's hard because, like what Elon Musk has done by sending up satellites and more satellites were sent up into space with Starlink and all of them that there's basically a satellite grid that pretty much encompasses the entire world and we're through facial recognition and even through this microphone that I'm talking through, and the technology is just. It'll blow your mind if you knew what technology is out there and they're using a lot of military technology against us. It's all military technology and it's been around for many years, but it's just gotten more honed in and better. They have ways of basically looking through your home without-.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:Let me ask you this question. You probably talk to a lot of doctors and stuff, I'm assuming, like mental doctors.
James Egidio:I do.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:Have on your show and on average, you're gonna have at least 25 points in an IQ of over me, right, but so how many of them? What do you think the hesitation is for a lot of people to talk about the nanotechnology I mean because they're talking about engineer nanoparticles, which is nanotechnology. Why is this word nanotechnology like a taboo all of a sudden?
James Egidio:That's a good question. I think it's a multi-layered subject topic because you've got tech. You've got tech mended with biology and medicine, but you've got people that are so far advanced. We hear about the Klaus Schwab's and the Bill Gates and all that, but there's, like I said, there's this Dr Kevin McHugh with Rice University. There's all these researchers in these research departments that are well-funded by the likes of Gates and the World Economic Forum. That's where all the money's getting funneled into is the R&D and this technology it's called the Great Reset Technology is what it is and this is a real thing. This is not like conspiracy theory, and no, it's a conspiracy.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:It's not a theory, it's just a conspiracy.
James Egidio:And they're gonna usher this in and we're not gonna have a choice. You either are gonna have to accept this or you're gonna have to reject it. It's basically the mark of the beast. It's I call it. The beast system is what it is. It is the beast system, If you notice.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:But why are people not willing to talk about nanotechnology in these injections and stuff?
James Egidio:They don't believe it. They don't believe it, so you think?
Dr. Joseph Sansone:it's really like a social thing. They're afraid to get like out, be like ostracized, like they look, like a people are. If there's not enough. I have friends who are like this I'll tell them something two years, two years later we'll start saying, oh yeah, such and such, to say I'm like yeah, but don't you understand? That was too like I told you that two years ago. Why is it acceptable for you to talk about now? Cause your mainstream podcast, you're talking about it. If it's not socially acceptable, is it a social thing? Or is it because there's just too much money and they don't want to take it on?
James Egidio:You have to think about where we're at in this whole thing. So when I opened up this episode I mentioned four years ago to the day is when COVID was announced okay, so I remember when it was first announced it was like the joke around the water cooler that COVID and coronavirus, corona beer and all the BS on social media, and it took some time for people to process that. And then the media took a hold of the narrative and they ran with it. And then when they ran with it, they ran with it with the likes of all the media outlets. You had the counter of the death clock, of the number of people that were dying from the virus itself. So then it still took a while. There's people that are still hung up on six feet apart and they're still hung up on your mask.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:They were totally just think of, like the idea that you'd be afraid to shake someone's hand, or afraid to stand three feet away from somebody, or like you get six feet away. They're literally making you fearful of other human beings.
James Egidio:What about putting caution tape around a park, around a playground, if anybody knows anything about viruses, which a lot of people don't, and I don't expect a lot of people to know about viruses. But it's a lipid bilayer coating, so it's gonna melt in the summer and that's when they started implementing masks, at least where I was living in Vegas around June, july. Viruses don't survive in outdoors in June and July and that's just asinine to even think that.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:I'm gonna go there, james, I'm going there. So we talked a little bit before the show. What's your feeling about this whole virus exists, doesn't exist thing, because we're talking about viruses and there's many people that say they don't exist. I've looked into a little bit. I don't like to discount a viewpoint because I don't know enough. I've looked into it. But every medical doctor I talk to says they do exist. What is your view on that whole theory? Is there any legitimacy to that point of view? They exist.
James Egidio:Yeah, they do. Of course they do. That's what I was taught as a biology student.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:Okay, okay. So do you think there's any legitimacy to their view on it, saying they don't exist, or is it just?
James Egidio:All I could say is whoever they are, I'd like to interview them on the Medical Truth podcast and talk to them about that. Get their take on that. Because, I actually have invited a couple of people on the podcast to talk about that.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:Yeah, because it to me it seems like a little bit of a red herring, but I honestly haven't had the time to dig deeper enough into it to totally discount it either. I mean, I've looked a little bit, but so anyway, we're in strange times.
James Egidio:I think we are. We're in very strange times, but I think what we have to do is we have to air with caution on all this stuff that's going on around us and we have to take about four or five steps back and take a deep breath, everyone, and just process what's happened in the last four years and see it for what it really truly is. And like you said, I think and unfortunately it's too late I've already rolled out the vaccine. A lot of people have gotten one, two, three, even four shots, four boosters, whatever you want to call it. I've even read an article on Substack. You probably read the same article where some guy in Germany got 217 vaccines.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:My wife was telling me about that and I'm like what doctor would give someone 200 or something vaccines?
James Egidio:Over a 29 month period of time. So if you do the math, that's eight vaccines a month.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:That's two and a half. What doctor would do that? Nobody. That's fake Is it fake.
James Egidio:Yeah okay, that's gotta be fake. It's gotta be fake. Nobody could survive that or sustain that.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:Yeah, I certainly would take over injections, but even a normal shot, I just I don't believe a doctor would do that. Let's just give you as many shots as we can see if you die. I don't know if the IRB would approve that. I think, though, what's going on right now is we've got an opportunity here to like some people are saying, because some people say, well, this should have happened two years ago, that kind of well, okay, but where were you? So I think that we have an opportunity to stop this now, which, again, we need to mitigate the damage they've done, but also to prevent. We need to get rid of this whole MRA platform, because the biological and technological weapon, because if we can get this stopped here in Florida, it will happen elsewhere, it will ripple out, and I think that we can maybe get the next one stopped before it happens. Does that make sense?
James Egidio:Yeah, let me ask you a question what's the best case scenario and the worst case scenario with this mandamus?
Dr. Joseph Sansone:Yeah, so worst case scenario is the Supreme Court looks at it, rejects it. They could claim and I address it in there, but they can claim they don't have jurisdiction. Or they can claim I don't have standing. I address both of those. Or they could say, let's say they could come up with a reason to reject it. Best case scenario is we win. Actually, a real best case scenario is we put enough pressure here that the mandamus just pulls them off the market and makes the whole case mood. That's the best case scenario because it saves time and money, both of which I don't have.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:But the worst case scenario is what I just said. So it could happen a few ways. The Supreme Court could grant it, they could reject it. They could grant it, they could allow the respondents to respond, and I will have a certain amount of time to respond to that. They could allow for a oral do put in their request for, if necessary, to establish the facts in the case of hearing. They could claim that, even though we got that mountain of evidence there, they could say that this hasn't been a stat, that you want testimony, in which case, if you're agreeing, you have jurisdiction and this is a serious enough issue. Then let's have a hearing to determine the facts in the case. In a sense, that might be the best case scenario, even though they're coming off the market right away, because then we could discovery. Then we're gonna have a huge hearing on whether it's a bio weapon or not. That would be fun.
James Egidio:Yeah, yeah, I'll tell you, if the decision is not to take them off the market, then the blood is gonna be on the hands of these politicians and these people that manufactured this stuff and allowed this to happen.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:It's already on their hands, but I'm hoping that the Supreme Court of the state of Florida will have the wisdom to take this seriously and to do the right thing. They have the power to save human lives and they can do it. Yeah, and I hopefully there's enough. When you see what goes on, people lose their humanity and I think we have to, even though we have to fight tenaciously and vicious. We have to viciously fight but at the same time, you wanna be able to open people up to their humanity. It's like the people go bomb, those people go blow those kids up that kind of thing. They would never say that if they're right there watching those kids get blown up. That's right, and it's the same thing here, and I think we have to. These people all know people that have been killed and are dying Maybe. So the problem is a lot of people haven't connected to dots In Florida. I think we're a little more awake Now. We still have people.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:There's a PSI op that goes on right here, and I'm gonna tell you what the PSI op is. The PSI op is that you're behaving like a Democrat. You're trying to mandate something. No, this is a biological weapon. It meets the legal criteria of biological weapons according to what was leading the legal authorities on biological weapons, and there's here's a whole bunch of evidence. But we don't wanna mandate anything. It's a trick. No, you wouldn't be saying that if radiation was being dropped on us Weapons of mass destruction, they harm the people that get the shots and those around them. So that's a bit of a PSI op. And it is a PSI op because everybody I know that's a medical freedom activist agrees that they should be taken off the market to their weapons, and but they try to twist that argument and so that's an issue. I think. In its own way it's an issue that some people struggle with, but in Florida people are more awake, and hopefully the Supreme Court. Now, when you deal with these institutions they're usually like a little behind.
James Egidio:Yeah.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:Like even government institutions, because they had to. Even when we weren't mayor, I'd never wore one. But even when people weren't wearing masks out here they're still in the government buildings where having people do it. So they're a little more. But I'm going to say, hopefully, the Supreme Court of Florida they're human too. They've got family members, they live here, they see what's going on in other states versus here and hopefully they're awake enough that a majority of them will say, yeah, you got to take these off the market. But honestly, hopefully Governor DeSantis just does the right thing.
James Egidio:Yeah, yeah, you wrote a book on hypnosis, I believe, right.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:Yeah, I wrote a book on hypnosis, mind body healing. I'd probably write it differently if I wrote it today. The funny thing is, like I did some radio years ago and nobody likes to sound in their own voice. Even Russ Limbaugh I couldn't didn't like sound his own voice, nobody does. But with writing it's the opposite. Like you write something like this is great and then further distance you're looking eh it doesn't totally suck. But yeah, I did. And there's definitely there is a mind body thing to Trial. I've had to be careful because I'm not a medical doctor or anything I do is that jumps with the mind body stuff with my practice. So I had a woman that lost her sense of smell for over a year. She was like a COVID long hauler I think. She had leukemia when she was younger, a compromised immune system and it did about four sessions with multiple issues. This was just one issue but did about four sessions with her and got about 80% of her sense of smell back.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:And then she got COVID again and lost it and so I saw her two weeks later. She still had COVID, I didn't care. But two more sessions we got 100% of her smell back. And then she went to Portugal like a little while later and she came back because you started to lose her smell because everybody there got the shot and you were all shedding on her, and so we got her smell back. There's a definite mind body thing that goes on and you've all known her. Are is a mechanism, he's a material monist. He thinks that consciousness is an illusion. You're just biological machine. And then you got the other side over here, where maybe everything exists in your mind, and that was James Braid. I got acquainted for his hypnotism, had that view and maybe it's a little bit of both, but maybe the distinction is arbitrary anyway, but yeah.
James Egidio:We'll have to do an episode on that. This whole thing with being hypnotized with people who are still wearing a mask and still haven't gotten broke the COVID hypnotic state.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:That's why it's important to say the truth. James, I know you're going to wrap it up, but I think that's why it's important to say the truth, because go back to Solomon Nash's studies on conformity. One more person says the truth. Other people wake up.
James Egidio:Yeah, absolutely. Thank you so much. We'll keep us updated on everything that's going on. I'll get you back on again and we'll discuss.
Dr. Joseph Sansone:We'll talk about how they pulled it off the market.
James Egidio:Hopefully, god willing. Yeah, hopefully. Thank you so much for joining me for this episode of the Medical Truth Podcast. Thank you, sir. Thanks, all right.
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