Medical Truth Podcast
Medical Truth Podcast
Navigating the Threat to Sovereignty: The WHO's Overreach and the Dangers of New Health Regulations – A Deep Dive with James Roguski
Unlock the secrets of global health governance that could reshape your basic rights and freedoms as James Roguski returns to the Medical Truth podcast, exposing the shadowy underbelly of healthcare regulations. Prepare to have your eyes opened to the World Health Organization's proposed changes that could grant unprecedented power to the Director-General, catapulting us into an era where fear could dictate governance and manipulate the masses. James Roguski expertise sheds light on the concerning ambiguity of these proposals and the potential they hold for global health dictatorship.
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Get ready to hear the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about the United States healthcare system With your host of the Medical Truth podcast, James Egidio Hi.
James Egidio:I'm James Egidio with the Medical Truth podcast. Welcome to my guest, who I've had on several times. I consider an expert on this topic the World Health Organization. To further do to update the listeners and viewers of the Medical Truth podcast, I'd like to introduce my guest, a regular, james Rikusky, on the who and what's going on. James, welcome, thanks for having me, james, I appreciate it.
James Roguski:My special magic, amazing superpower is that I actually read their documents and sometimes I feel like I'm the only one in the theater watching their theatrical production that they put on. But it's actually quite interesting and intriguing and hopefully I'll be able to bring some accurate reporting to your audience?
James Egidio:Absolutely, yep, absolutely. So recently, there was some decisions that were made that you can update the viewers and listeners of the Medical Truth podcast on. And what was that?
James Roguski:They've been having meetings and maybe to give a little tiny bit of background and we can certainly dive into what you have up on the screen there I was poking around looking for an early version of the other document which most people talk about as the pandemic treaty, because in their meetings even though they didn't put it anywhere in writing they said that by March 8th they were going to present quietly amongst the inner circle of which I'm not one a new version of the treaty. And so I was looking for that, and, lo and behold, I stumbled upon the Holy Grail in terms of what I've been looking for, which was the negotiating text for the amendments to the international health regulations. Now that's it's not top secret, but it's pretty darn close. I've put in FOIA requests and I got an answer back from the State Department. They had me as number 2731 on their list and they might be able to get to it nine months from now. Right, that's a little bit too late, considering that May 27th is when the World Health Assembly begins. And so I found on one of the organizations that is obviously in the inner circle. They got the document and they put it up on their website. I didn't hack anything, or it wasn't a whistleblower situation or anything like that. I just happened to hit a search string looking for the treaty and I ended up on their webpage, downloaded the negotiating text of the amendments and publicized it, and now they've taken it off of their website. You can still get it on archiveorg. It's not a complete document. There are 10 articles that are still being negotiated, some of the very important ones that they left for last because they're having great disagreement. But if you want to pop up that, that's really the summary. I have a good friend that helped me out. We bounced this whole thing back and forth for two or three days. We literally read through the 60 page document and I came out with 10 issues that I think are vitally important, and so number one on the list.
James Roguski:The director general of the World Health Organization, tedros Gubrasius, already has the authority to just declare a public health emergency of international concern pretty much any time he wants. There really isn't any restriction, other than if you cry wolf too many times, nobody's ever going to believe you, and so what they want to add to that and this really came from the United States all the way back in 2022. This was part of the very first documents that I found. They want to give him also the ability to declare an early action alert as well as, on the other end of the spectrum, not a pandemic, but a pandemic emergency. Now they have definitions for these things, but they're really so vague that, again, it's pretty much if he wants to say that an early action alert is needed, he can say so. Now, that's not necessarily going to have any legally binding impact on anyone in any country.
James Roguski:It's all part of the fear mongering quite frankly, terrorist activity of trying to keep people afraid all the time. Their talk of disease X being 20 times more deadly than COVID is nothing other than propaganda and terrorism. So one of their executive directors in this program, mike Ryan, said in a recent discussion that they received 37,000 reports from the nations around the world in 2023 that something was going on. There was some kind of an outbreak or an increase in this, that or the other disease, and all of the nations are obligated to report that to the WHO. Arguably, they could have 37,000 early action alerts and bring in Bill Gates' germ team to go do whatever local compliant officials would be willing to do to try to deal with whatever kind of problem they say they have, and so there's no checks or balance on the Director General's ability to fear monger and they've done it very well.
James Roguski:That doesn't mean nations or states or counties or cities are obligated to do anything, but I've often called the WHO the World Hypnosis Organization If they say, oh, you got a problem, you should do this, you should do that, you should do the other thing.
James Roguski:Many compliant officials use that as an excuse, and one of the things that I uncovered a couple of years ago does the date January 19, 2017, didn't mean anything to you, because what I found was that the CDC published in the Federal Register a change in a definition, amongst many other things all having to do with quarantines and lockdowns and travel and all that sort of stuff, and they redefined the criteria by which our Secretary of State, who's currently Javier Bacera, would be able to declare, from the Health and Human Services Department, a public health emergency, and so one of the criteria is not, oh, people are sick and dying, or any such thing.
James Roguski:It's tied to the Director General's declaration of a public health emergency of international concern PHEIC, fake. So if the Director General of the WHO declares a fake, our Secretary of Health and Human Services could declare a public health emergency in the United States based solely on he said so. So I get to say so too, and there's no way to turn that off. So it's not an obligation, it's an opportunity to use regulatory cover to say the Secretary of Health and Human Services says there's an emergency that kicks in all kinds of money and different rules and regulations apply, and people are often misunderstanding and misrepresenting this. This just means that it opens the door to more fear-mongering. Yeah, yeah, now there's nine more things. I'll run through them.
James Egidio:There are, but before you go any further than that, something interesting you brought up, I believe, in our second interview, which was that this whole speculation or about depopulation, with Bill Gates parroting that a lot, but you said something really interesting. I think, like you said in our second interview, where you mentioned, that this is also creating a lot of patients, future patients, and one in particular are the turbo cancers and the development of a lot of drugs cancer drugs on the market now that they're rolling out, and also biometrics, a lot of the technology with vaccine passports and digital currency. So I think that what we're looking at is it's a multi-layered cash cow for the globalist. So I think they're using and you may correct me on this the World Health Organization as an arm to. What do you say? Create this panic? What's your take on that? If?
James Roguski:we have time to talk about the other document, the treaty. We'll get deep down into it. I'll express my own personal viewpoint People who are anti-vax have an awful lot to learn. I'm anti-pharma. If you think swallowing poison or injecting poison into your body is a good idea to improve your health, wow, have you got a lot to learn. And so what they're trying to do primarily in the other document it's mentioned here a little bit is control that market sector. It's a money game. And let's get to where we talk about the treaty.
James Roguski:I don't want to keep these two things separate. This that we're talking about here are the proposed amendments to the international health regulations. So we talked about the Director General being able to declare either an early action alert, a fake or a pandemic emergency. That's just a declaration and the media gets ahold of. That fires up everybody, people in other nations, all the way down to the state, county, city, local level. They didn't need meaning all of the local officials over the last four years. They did not need any amendments to the International Health Regulations or any new treaty to abuse everyone's rights and freedoms. So this isn't really going to change how your local tyrant attempts to overstep their authority to abuse you. This is just going to give them more excuses to do so. Oh, tetra said it's a early action alert. It's reminiscent of with the terrorism watch, where they had you watch the news and it was red and orange and yellow the terror alert level. The same kind of idea. Just keep that constant state of oh my god, what's going on now? Yeah, the boogie man.
James Roguski:What's really concerning in these proposed amendments is that they mentioned quarantine in four separate places, two different articles and two annexes of the International Health Regulations, and so I think it would be helpful to just explain that the International Health Regulations have a purpose, and the idea is to facilitate and encourage nations to not try to hide a health problem that might be going on in their nation. The purpose of the IHR is to encourage nations to report as soon as they have a problem, to tell the WHO, to tell the world, and the point is that the other nations are not supposed to put down travel restrictions. But that didn't work at all. As soon as somebody said, oh, something's going on in China, something's going on in South Africa, boom, the travel restrictions hit, and so for that concept, the International Health Regulations from 2005 quite frankly failed miserably. The nations did whatever the heck they wanted to do.
James Roguski:What they're looking at adding is they want infrastructure to be built, ports of entry. Now this is so crazy. We're in the United States and you look at the southern border and what they're talking about here is for people who come in legitimately through a port, like on a cruise boat or airports or any other what they call conveyances. The language they use in here is that all conveyance operators would have to produce paperwork that would make it clear that no one on board is sick. So imagine coming into port on a cruise line and maybe you've got to take a rapid antigen test, spit test and show that you're not contagious, or boom, you're in quarantine. Now here's the problem. That's something that a lot of people will actually support. Oh, we don't want those dirty foreigners coming in. Okay, you got to think it through. You're the dirty foreigner when you go traveling.
James Egidio:Right.
James Roguski:And so when you want to go to Europe or Asia or wherever it may be, if you have to take a test that, quite frankly, you've got asymptomatic disease. What the heck is that your life can be turned upside down if, by requiring you to have some kind of a test and they use the terminology, whether you're embarking on the trip or disembarking you want to get off the boat, you might go straight into quarantine or your vacation is totally messed up. Now they also want to have additional paperwork. Number three, and one of the scariest parts of it, is the WHO would be in charge. If a vaccine and I use that term loosely was not approved by the devil, either pre-authorized or pre-approved or emergency use authorization, then it would be considered not valid. They make a hundred thousand dollars to give emergency use authorization to a vaccine. We'll talk about a money making program, and so that would determine whether or not you've got the proper travel paperwork, you've got the right injections, and so that is the problem that I've been worried about with these international health regulations from the get-go, because this is an old-school version, right? This is what they currently use, and if you see the form and if the lighting is good enough. You can see the form there. That is in annex six of the international health regulations.
James Roguski:The nations have agreed for only one vaccine yellow fever. Certain nations may require it. They want to dramatically expand that and this is what we need to push back on now. That's not saying that locally this is going to be applicable. This is for international travel, and a good example is Novak Jojkovic, the tennis player. Months ago, when the United States was still requiring vaccine certification to enter the country, he was not allowed in to play in a tennis tournament and then ultimately, months later, they changed the rules and then he could come in. United States citizens could come and go, jabbed or not, because our constitution protects us, but each nation's constitution allows them to abuse foreigners, and so he was not allowed to come in. I knew people who were married and one was a citizen and one wasn't, and the married the person who had US citizenship could come and go, but their spouse, who did not have citizenship, could not travel with him. That doesn't make any sense. You're a citizen, so there's different rules, but this is what they're playing on. It's a really sneaky trick where, if each nation could restrict the travel of every other nation's citizens. They get away with saying we're not violating our constitution because we're not doing it to our people. We're just encouraging every other nation on the planet to abuse our citizens freedoms Neat trick. And this is why everybody has to push back on this. Even exiting the WHO isn't a good enough example or solution, because even if we exit the WHO, if all of the other nations participate in this scheme, we're trapped. Now it's not a bad place to be trapped in the United States, but this is what they're trying to implement and we just. This is unacceptable. Period Now moving down to 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10,.
James Roguski:Surveillance doesn't necessarily mean what you might think. It means Surveillance. Yeah, it's cameras and audio equipment and GPS in your phone and all the other ways that they spy on you and such. But what they're really talking about is what they call one health surveillance, which is looking for pathogens everywhere you could possibly imagine, and so they want to find pathogens with pandemic potential, because it triggers the whole fear-mongering, turn that into products, turn that into jabs, turn that into money. So they want to be looking everywhere they possibly can. The pathogens with pandemic potential and the proliferation of them. We'll talk about more in the next document. Hopefully you can dig up the second document as well.
James Roguski:Number eight is something that probably, until I started getting into this a couple of years ago, I had no idea that in 2005, when they amended the regulations back then, every nation was obligated to create what they call a national IHR focal point, and that's an office in our Health and Human Services Department that's obligated to report if there's ever any kind of an outbreak or increase in disease or death rates or unusual ailments or whatever, 24-7,. They're supposed to be in communication with the WHO. I can almost accept that, yes, as a good member of the international community. If each nation has some kind of problem going on, the transparent nature of as soon as you tell the WHO if it's a big problem, they tell everybody. Okay, fine.
James Roguski:But now Russia, of all nations, submitted an amendment way back in September of 2022 to, in addition to the focal point, have it be a national IHR authority, and it would be required to have legislation passed to give that office in our government legal authority to implement whatever might need to be done to align with the new amendments to the regulations. Now that most likely would be something like TSA If they're cracking down at the border with quarantine for people who don't test properly. Where they would put this office remains to be seen, but it would require a new bureaucracy in each nation to implement all of the stuff that we're talking about here. And then there's problems with the disclosure of personal data and they have a couple of lines in the annexes about miss and disinformation, but basically they're kicking it to the individual countries for each country to do whatever they decide to do to stifle honest discussion of all of these problems.
James Egidio:Yeah, yeah, it sounds like they're looking to set up almost like a homeland security for health oversight.
James Roguski:I wouldn't be surprised if such an office ended up in Homeland Security, but if I had to guess, I would say the transportation safety administration. I think that's what TSA stands for. Whether or not any of this happens remains to be seen, because there's great disagreement about 10 articles that, quite frankly, they have been not talking about, which many of the nations are very unhappy with that. We're not in this negotiating text document. The nations in Africa and in Bangladesh and elsewhere put forth a proposal which, if you have, do you have handy access to the other top 10? I don't, James. We'll get everybody to go there. If you just simply go to exitthewhoorg and scroll down the page on exitthewhoorg, you should be able to find the top 10 reasons why we should push back on the treaty.
James Egidio:Yeah, and I'll post that on the website as well. Wonderful yeah, and on Substack.
James Roguski:This particular document that we're talking about here all of the proposed amendments has been super secret for well over a year, and so many of the things that people have talked about are not in this negotiating draft. It remains to be seen, because they have one more week worth of meetings in April 22nd to the 26th. The problem is they were supposed to present a finished version by January 27th and they failed miserably well past almost two months past the deadline. What they appear to want to do and I've been reporting on this since October is just keep negotiating right up to the last minute, drop it on the table and expect it to be okay that they violated their own rules and didn't give the world four months notice on what it is they're going to be considering in.
James Egidio:May. Let me ask you a question about that though. Do you think, in your professional opinion, that perhaps with an upcoming presidential election here in the United States, that there's some hesitancy in dragging their feet just to see what's going to happen and how things are going to unfold?
James Roguski:It's going to work to their disadvantage, actually, because in this particular case, with the amendments to the regulations, the way it works is, if they were to adopt it, it would not go into effect immediately, but it would become in our awareness.
James Roguski:It's already in my awareness, but if they adopt it and it's in concrete and we can see what it is, the period of time that each nation has to reject it would span into the next administration. So whoever may be president on oh you know what, I didn't finish the punchline on my previous story. When the CDC changed how you connect the WHO declaring a fake and the health secretary using that to declare public health emergency. That was put into the record on January 19, 2017, which was the last full day of the Obama administration. They changed the rules the day before Trump was inaugurated, go figure. And so payback being what it is, whoever may be the president starting January 20, 2025, will have the opportunity to just write a letter to the WHO and reject these amendments. If they do go through, my hope is that they continue to argue amongst themselves all the many different nations, and this just crumbles before the May 27th meeting, but then again, I'm an optimist, so we'll see what happens.
James Egidio:Yeah, something recently just was released with Melania, the prime minister of Italy, where she had funded or was going to fund the World Economic Forum or actually the WHO, with this decision from Italy's standpoint, and it was released the article in the newspaper in Italy and my wife's from Italy and she referenced that and it didn't match up the article in the Italian newspaper as opposed to what was reported on Substack.
James Roguski:What gets reported and what is real often doesn't add up. Send me that information. I've got some friends in Italy. I'll see what I can find out about that. I haven't had a chance to read that so I can't really tell you. But, what's really going on? I don't know. Are you able to pull up exitthewhoorg? Can we take a gander at the other document?
James Egidio:I don't have that on here for some reason, I don't know. Why Do you have it on your end?
James Roguski:You just go on a different window to exitthewhoorg, you should be able to scroll down and pop up the document. If you don't, that's fine, we can just talk about it, go ahead. And so what we've been talking about are amendments to an existing agreement, which there's many problems with what is in the international health regulations. But the really biggest problem currently is that more than a year ago, an enormous document 197 pages with over 300 amendments was made public. Many people have spoken about it, but a month and a half later, more than a year ago, on February 6th, international Health Regulations Review Committee published a report and basically said that a lot of the amendments were going to be very problematic given the WHO Constitution. Now I was pleasantly surprised a little bit shocking that I agreed with a lot of the things that were in that Review Committee report, but they've kept it all secret until I found this document a little while ago, and so what is in the document is substantially different than what we've been allowed to see, and that is really the problem.
James Roguski:They were obligated by Article 55 to give us a final copy that we would have four months to review. We've almost gone two months past that and they don't have any intention of showing us the final copy anytime soon, probably won't see it until April or May. That's just wrong. That's just in violation of their own rules. By rights they should have to wait until 2025 to push any of this through. And if they try to shove this through, man, is that going to be a campaign issue, because the next president will get to just reject it. Just write a letter and kick it out.
James Egidio:Is Congress doing anything about any of this clandestine activity by the World Health Organization there?
James Roguski:are a handful of people in Congress who have done some good things. If people go to exitthewhocom you'll see that we've got over 50 members of Congress who have signed on as co-sponsors to Andy Biggs's legislation HR 79, which is the WHO withdrawal act. So they're basically saying stop giving them money, give them a one-year notice and tell them to repeal the legislation of 1948 that got us involved. That's on exitthewhocom. So there's a handful, more than a handful, 10 handfuls over 50 members of the House, but not one senator which is the House that really matters has taken the action of just telling a staff member could you take Andy Biggs's House legislation HR 79, and copy it and submit it in the Senate. Probably take about five minutes. Not one senator has said yes, we should leave the WHO. Now there is another legislation.
James Roguski:People can go to wwwpublicendacom where I believe there are three senators who are advocating to exit the UN and the WHO and I support that as well. But that's a much higher bar and they've only gotten a handful of people to support that. Why won't even one senator copy Andy Biggs's legislation HR 79, and just submit it in the House for consideration? Call your senator If you go to exitthewhocom. There's a link there List all the senators phone numbers. Since it's got a little script, give them a call and go. Hey, what are you doing? We want out of this organization.
James Egidio:That goes back to my question too, I think. To me it seems like they're just concerned about whether President Trump's going to get back in office or not, because he mentioned that.
James Roguski:I have an interesting story. Back in I think it was October, I published an article and I had a little fun with my subscribers. I put in the title that no presidential candidate has spoken out about HR 79 to exit the WHO, and I knew that some of my subscribers were Trump supporters, some were Kennedy supporters and everybody else at the time, and I knew that some of them would have something to say about it. And so I got a bunch of comments that said, oh, trump did this and Trump did that. And my response was I know what happened in 2020, believe me, I know but what have they been saying on the campaign trail? And lo and behold, five days later there was a video from the campaign where Trump made a pretty strong statement. He said the treaty would be a no-go, the amendments would be a no-go and leave the WHO, don't give him any money. And he actually advocated to abolish the WHO. So OK, if you go to again exitthewhoorg and you scroll down, you can watch that video.
James Roguski:Robert F Kennedy Jr has come out in opposition to the pandemic treaty, but not to the WHO or the amendments, as strongly as Trump has Many other national leaders. The prime minister of Slovakia has said, there's no way he's signing the treaty. There are many various members of the European Parliament, but you got to really understand what is going on with this treaty to comprehend why it's just, in my view, evil. What they're trying to do is set up what I think is an organized crime syndicate. I've dubbed it the new OPEC. Ok, if you're familiar with OPEC the oil producing and exporting countries, saudi Arabia and so forth the new OPEC is the Organization of Pandemic Emergency Corporation. They want this cartel to be set up to profit off of the next pandemic. They want billions of dollars to be funneled into looking for pathogens around the world. That's what they call one health surveillance.
James Egidio:Right.
James Roguski:Your cat, your dog, your chickens, your pigs, your horses, your animals, whatever. Go to the local Batcave and scrape through the guano to see if you can find some pathogens. Wherever there's excrement there's pathogens, and so they're surveilling wastewater treatment plants. The CDC is surveilling when an airplane comes in internationally, the wastewater from the bathrooms is checked to see what kind of pathogens they can find. Hospitals that have antibiotic resistant microbes.
James Roguski:All of that would funnel into what they would set up as the WHO coordinated laboratory network. They want to build laboratories all over the world. We need a Wuhan Institute of Virology all over the place. Have the pathogens come in, get the genetic sequence. Maybe they would do gain of function. Or maybe just keeping that in a Petri dish it goes through repetitive cycles it could do its own gain of function.
James Roguski:That's something that people don't really talk about. Then they would want to be able to profit from that by having the transfer of that information. Literally, this is in the treaty treated as a sovereign resource. The nations of the world view the pathogens that they find as a sovereign resource. If you think about colonialism, where nations would come in and they would cut down the forest and take the hardwood or find a goldmine, or diamonds, or gemstones, or oil or natural gas the new gold rush.
James Roguski:Think about the original sequence, little tiny data file of the Wuhan Institute of Virology 1 genome that became known. They changed the name to protect the guilty. They changed the WIV1 to SARS-CoV-2. How many billions of dollars was that data file worth all by all?
James Roguski:What they want to do is make it so that they have a standard material transfer agreement, a contract that would label that genetic sequence as having been supplied by Nation X. Then, if any products are made from that, they want to have it be part of a pathogen access benefit sharing system, habs. The whole point of it is to monetize so that then if a jab is made from it and they say there's an outbreak and the local officials are compliant, the money flows through. The WHO wants to be in charge of a global distribution and logistics network. Tedros stated that they have. In just one of their six regions in Dubai they have a 20,000 square meter facility for football fields. Can you imagine how many billions of dollars of contracts for pandemic related products you would have to give out to your cronies to fill that?
James Egidio:That's where I was going to go with this. Next question I was going to ask you is have you spent any time looking at the money trail Following the money? Have you ever laid that out? Gates, I know, is behind a lot of that right.
James Roguski:They don't come out and save this directly. This is my interpretation. I like to separate when I've got facts that I can back up with evidence. And this is just me talking about it. They're looking at Bill Gates's money. That's chump change. They want to up this a whole order of magnitude that even Bill Gates can't handle. Their entire budget WHO in 2022, was about $4 billion. Gates maybe gave an eighth of that. The United States gave about a billion. We only needed to obligate it to give them a couple of hundred million. We gave three quarters of a billion over and above our obligations. It all comes with strings attached. They spent 30% of their budget over a billion dollars on salaries. That's why all the bureaucracies keep flourishing. They had 8,851 employees, or an average of 120 grand a year. They want to take their $4 billion From the very beginning. In May of 2021, they said that they were going to need $31 billion a year for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response and up to $100 billion for surge financing if something were to happen. Bill Gates is a popper. He can't handle that. They're looking to up their game in order of magnitude. I think I know the reason.
James Roguski:What clued me into all of this happened in November of 2022. I think we've spoken about this. The Indonesian health minister, who's not a doctor, he's a former banker was talking to the B-20, all the business leaders. He said that he knew that the United States Defense Department and the US government no-transcript had set up and were just about to implement, with the World Bank, the pandemic fund. And so he said to the audience this is a great business opportunity. Go invest meaning testing equipment, laboratory equipment, all of the things that the United States Defense Department was busy building out to support their global health security agenda, which is a fancy word for biological weapons research, development, proliferation.
James Roguski:In December, next month, congress passed and Biden signed the National Defense Authorization Act, and the United States pledged $5 billion over the next five years to exactly that fund. They were hoping to get $10 billion from other nations. They only got an extra billion, so the fund is hurting a little bit, but they still distributed $340 million in 2023 to 37 different nations. So we're building out the infrastructure all around the world with our money to go looking for pathogens, bring them into labs, do the genetic sequences. I think that the WHO has fund envy. They want to increase that so that they can be in control of the trade in international pathogens. What we're looking at is biological warfare weapons proliferation under the guise of oh, in order to stop the next pandemic, we got to build a Wuhan Institute of Virology in every nation on the planet and go find all the pathogens and start working on them.
James Egidio:Sure, it's that formula of problem solution, problem solution, and it just seems like there's so many different layers to this in terms of the taps into the pharmaceutical industry, it taps into biometrics, it taps into a lot of different industries, so you can just create, like you said, almost like an OPEC type of organization, just from future pandemics.
James Roguski:If you were doing a dissertation or a similar thing, having to do a thesis at a business school, and you laid out what happened over the last four years as a business model. Or maybe you're on Shark Tank, right, and then you go hey, we're going to go find a pathogen, we're going to bring it into a lab, we're going to make it more deadly, and then we're going to leak it out and we're going to scare all the governments around the world to give us money. Maybe they would go for it and think it's a great business plan, or maybe they'd laugh you off the stage. Nobody would ever fall for that. But it worked magically? Oh, it did, and so they're not doubling down, they're going up in order of magnitude. Yeah, maybe you can't fool all of the people, but apparently you can fool a lot of the people, and they didn't have the capacity to do that in what's called the global south or the lower income nations. They don't have enough money to build the infrastructure in poorer nations to do this. They've got different priorities, so they essentially want to take money from poor people in rich nations, either through tax dollars or just printing money out of thin air and hand it over to oligarchs in poor nations so that they can build out the infrastructure, high paying jobs, laboratories, all that sort of thing and a highly profitable business model that they're upset that they missed out on, Because when South Africa and Botswana identified Omicron and they handed over the genetic sequence, Pfizer and Moderna turned that into the boosters and made a couple of more billion dollars, and in the amendments that they submitted they said very clearly don't even think about pathogen access unless you incorporate benefit sharing.
James Roguski:They essentially said we ain't giving you no more stinking pathogens unless you pay up. And so it's a shakedown that's failing, because the pharmaceutical companies are saying, hey, we're not going to pay you nothing, you have to give us your pathogens and that's the end of that. And so I'm optimistic because this isn't good versus evil. This is big greed from the global north dealing with a lot of little greed from the global south, arguing over pathogens with pandemic potential in order to manufacture more mRNA jabs, as if that isn't insane.
James Egidio:But that's what this is all about? Yeah, it is. And I also think, too that, regardless of what the who decides on in terms of these amendments, these pharmaceutical companies, because I did a little research recently and found that a lot of the messenger RNA technology and a lot of these companies that manufacture and do the R&D research and development on these vaccines are out of China. And our relationship with China is not going to stop because there's too many politicians that have their hand in the till to stop it. And the new and greatest and latest technology is the RNA technology for all vaccines. I interviewed Dr William Acas and he mentioned that this is the tall order for the day is manufacturing all vaccines with the messenger RNA technology.
James Roguski:Nothing like taking a failed technology, and the WHO published a document quite some time ago where they were shooting for 500 new vaccines by 2030. And I have to admit, when I first saw it I thought it had to be a mistake, but they want to have a vaccine for everything and they do.
James Egidio:But I also think the silver lining of that, too, as well, is that I think people are becoming more aware of the dangers of these vaccines through alternative media sources. A lot of people are rejecting it a lot. The numbers are huge. You can't force people to take these vaccines, and the only way you can force them to do it is if you switch your fiat currency system to a digital currency system where you get people on a blockchain through whatever way they're going to do it, which I have my own thoughts on that and I won't get into too much detail on that right now but that would be the only way I would think that they would be able to force people to do that, because that's what is near and dear to people, of course, obviously, is their means to pay their bills, which is their money, and if you put people on a blockchain, you're going to force them to get the vaccine or you'll lose money in your account based on your social credit score.
James Roguski:Yeah, the ability to control whether or not someone is allowed to use their own money based on whatever criteria somebody else gets to set, is just such an absolute violation of personal rights and freedoms. It is, they get away with it in China, and that's what you're going to use, and so you're right.
James Roguski:What I see coming from all of this is people are awakening to the reality of what is really going on here. Yeah, they are. If you recall, about a decade ago, hillary Clinton, when she was Secretary of State, and then the Obama administration after she was gone, tried to get us into the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and that was essentially a trade deal to give all kinds of power to corporations which is the definition of fascism government and corporations working against the people. They kept it secret. They actually signed us into it, and then the people learned what the heck was going on and caused such a ruckus that the election in 2016,. It was just a toxic idea. Nobody could support the TPP Trans-Pacific Partnership, and it was killed by the fact that people learned what was in it. And so what I encourage everyone to do go to stoptotreatyorg. Look at the information that's there.
James Roguski:I did a little 14 minute video that just reads the pertinent aspects of what's in the treaty. Take your 14 minutes to get up to speed. And essentially what they're doing is trying to build out the market sector and be in control of the distribution of all of these products. You've got a 20,000 square meter distribution hub as one of your six regions and you fill that to the gills with pandemic related products. At some point you got to rotate your stock. You need an emergency to take all of that out of your warehouse so that you can replace it and keep the money flowing.
James Roguski:And so this is an organized attempt to set up an organized crime syndicate where they would be motivated to find a problem to use the products that they've made. That may or may not be safe and effective. That's just a lie from the beginning. But when you understand that those tens of billions of dollars are not going to dealing with heart disease and stroke and cancer and leukemia and diabetes and malaria and tuberculosis or good clean water or nutritious food, do poor nations really need to be looking for pathogens in the wild, building laboratories and manufacturing mRNA vaccines when people are not being properly nourished and they don't have access to good, clean water? And what really kills people are the things that I just mentioned? Obviously, those things are not as profitable, and that's what's driving this, because over the last four years, what was the biggest growth industry? Covid.
James Egidio:Sure was, but again, it's the people who have to make the decision and, like you said from the very beginning, it's all based on fear for now, whether people make the decision to take these vaccines or not, or these bio weapons, as I call them. So what do you do when you don't have takers? Is you force people to have to take them with things that are most important to them? Again, like I said, they're finances, and if you could control that, which I know they're working on, then you pretty much can control people any way you want.
James Roguski:It's all interrelated and I've been pushing back on these amendments and this so-called treaty slash framework convention, which please understand that it's not just a one and done treaty as a framework convention. It's very much like the framework convention for climate change, where they would set up a whole new bureaucracy Right Every year. Every year, have the conference of the parties get together, make decisions and hand out contracts and decide on their budget, and the problem is it just keeps going year after year. So if you like how the framework convention for climate change has been working out, you'll probably love the framework convention for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.
James Roguski:I don't think so. Putting a bunch of unknown bureaucrats in charge of handing out billions of dollars in contracts to fill up distribution hubs and be able to go looking for the next pathogen with pandemic profiteering potential sounds like a way to make a lot of money for your friends. It doesn't sound like what you would do to stop the next pandemic, but that's how they're presenting it and I'm pretty darn sure that the average man or woman, if they just put their eyeballs on this, they can see right through it. It's ridiculous, it's unacceptable. We, the people, just simply need to say no.
James Egidio:Yeah, and the other thing too is talking about the climate change agenda, this whole thing with geoengineering. Just yesterday I left the house around 930. I live here in Florida and it was a beautiful, clear day and all of a sudden you see all the chemtrails across the sky, even in a circular pattern, and by 4 o'clock in the afternoon it was like the whole entire sun was like dimmed out and it looked like almost like when there's a fire, like a wildfire, and it blocks the sun and it was real gray and orange and dark and it was just horrible. And that's all part of the whole agenda with climate changes, creating basically the climate change.
James Roguski:But whether it's poisons raining down from the sky or pesticides in your food or water or whatever industries that are assaulting our health, the biggest violator of it is the pharmaceutical hospital emergency industrial complex. As long as people believe that swallowing one, two, three, four, five or more poisons a day, pharmaceutical prescription medications or injecting them into your arm is the pathway to health, we're going to continue to have these problems, because that's not how you get healthy. That is the system that triggers the diseases that people suffer from. You can't tell whether it's actually a problem that you have or a problem due to the poisons that you've been convinced to swallow every day, absolutely and until people wake up. It's not just anti-vax, it's anti-pharma. Right, if you think that swallowing poison is the path to good health, you're part of the problem.
James Egidio:That's right. That's right, absolutely. James, thank you so much for the work that you do. I will continue to bring you on and update the listeners and viewers of the Medical Truth podcast about the World Health Organization and these decisions.
James Roguski:As we record this. Now we've got a little bit more than two months to flatten the who, so spread the word, take this video and share it all over the place. I put up an enormous activist toolbox on exitthewhoorg. I always try to give my phone number. It's 310-619-3055. If you have any questions, you want to get involved, just give me a call. You've got on the screen right there. James Serkowskisubstackcom is where all the information is. Get informed. The top part of exitthewhoorg is just understand what we're dealing with. I got a 10-minute video on the amendments, a 14-minute video on the Framework Convention. I have faith that every man or woman on the planet can watch a 10-minute video, watch a 14-minute video, understand what these two things are, and once they do that, their answer is almost universally oh, hell, no.
James Egidio:What do they say? Yeah, absolutely, James. Your work is amazing. I know, like I said earlier, the go-to guy for anything that has to do with the World Health Organization. I really appreciate the work that you do, and I'm sure the listeners and viewers of the Medical Truth Podcast do as well. Like I said, I'll continue to bring you on and update us on everything that's going on. Thanks, again. Thanks, appreciate it, all right.
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