Medical Truth Podcast
Medical Truth Podcast
Clarifying The Confusion With the World Health Organization Treaties vs. Amendments vs. Agenda 2030 - Interview with James Roguski
Are global health initiatives purely about safeguarding humanity, or do shadows of ulterior motives lurk beneath their surface? Join me, James Egidio, along with James Roguski, as we dissect the complex and often murky world of international health governance. The crux of our latest Medical Truth podcast peels back the layers of the WHO's proposed pandemic treaty, revealing the tightrope walk between national sovereignty and global cooperation. We scrutinize the power plays in Geneva, the potential overreach of 'open-ended frameworks', and the high-stakes negotiation table where the health of billions and the sovereignty of nations hang in the balance.
The conversation takes a turn toward the giants – not of folklore, but of the pharmaceutical industry – whose intricate dance with the WHO and nations rich in biological resources spotlights the tension between profit and equity. Roguski and I dissect the debate surrounding pathogens as national treasures versus communal assets, while also probing the looming presence of organized crime within global health infrastructure. We assess the treaty's true motives, pondering if the specter of pandemic is a smokescreen for control, or if there's an earnest drive to safeguard global well-being.
Finally, we wade into the depths of the global governance debate, evaluating the possibility of a world united under a singular flag and the moral implications that Pastor John MacArthur suggests such a unification could entail for the family unit and faith. We grapple with the significance of CBDCs and the importance of distinguishing well-intended global efforts from potential tyrannical overreach. Armed with insight and a call to remain vigilant, we urge our listeners to join the conversation, armed with facts and a critical eye, as we confront the narratives shaping our world.
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Get ready to hear the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about the United States health care system With your host of the Medical Truth podcast, james Agedio.
James Egidio:Hi, I'm James Agedio with the Medical Truth podcast. I'm your host. This last episode, I brought on a regular that I always bring on, james Rigauske, who discusses the issues with the World Health Organization. In the last episode, we talked about exiting the who and this episode was as a continuation of that, but we're going to expand on some topics that we haven't discussed in the past. Without further ado, let me introduce my guest, james Rigauske. James, how are you doing today?
James Roguski:Hey, james, long time, no see. It was just a couple of days ago, and so part of the reason why we're back again is, as we speak, this week and next week the last two weeks of March the intergovernmental negotiating body is meeting in Geneva to have what is scheduled to be their last meeting, or so they say. Boy, I really doubt it's going to be their last meeting, because the negotiations are actually quite contentious and I think they're very far away from reaching an agreement. But they did have a early morning session on Monday, the 18th, where that was made public, and so all of the many nations voiced their opinions and you could just see the divide, because what's really going on with these negotiations is probably not what most people think it is, and hopefully we'll get a chance to talk about that today.
James Egidio:Sure, absolutely so. I know the last time we spoke you had asked me if I had posted, because some of these episodes can run into a couple of hours if you let them, and I'm sure a lot of people don't want to sit there and listen to us two old guys panter back and forth for a couple of hours. So it's better that we broke it up like we did today, with part one on Friday, which was the 15th of March, and today's the 19th of March 2024. So today let's just get into what you had requested In the last episode, what we would cover today. Go ahead, james.
James Roguski:Sure, in the last episode, mostly what we talked about was the proposed amendments to the international health regulations, and what has been happening over the last year and a half is the information that was originally presented for that set of negotiations has gotten commingled in everyone's mind with what's going on with the other set of negotiations, which are headed towards a brand new agreement. Most people call it the pandemic treaty. It's had many names and arguably simply because it's what they said they wanted way back in May of 2021. It's structured as a framework convention, which means that they can agree to a framework, but then, year after year, this becomes a zombie bureaucracy where it meets on an ongoing basis forever and unelected on. Accountable bureaucrats would then go pretty much have a party once a year, go to Geneva and decide the fate of what would be done with tens of billions of dollars to be put towards pandemic prevention, preparedness and response. And the simplest example goes all the way back to 1992, where all of the nations, through the United Nations, signed on. The United States Senate gave two thirds consent and we are a party to the framework convention for climate change. If you think that's working out great for you, please realize that what happens with that is on a yearly basis, the conference of the parties gets together and they make decisions that we've pre agreed to and so, whatever it is, they decide that filtering into your life through whether it's national legislation, state legislation, local, county, city everyone is abiding by this framework that keeps having things added onto it. One thing I was talking about last fall when I was talking about this, was if you had someone who offered to bring a Christmas tree into your home and set it all up and decorate it for you sounds like a good idea, until they start bringing in some really weird decorations and you said, hey, you agreed to let me do that. Do you really want to have your nation agree to an open ended framework where they get to make all the rules year after year and we don't really have any control over what they decide? This is just an absolute abomination.
James Roguski:Now they had a meeting yesterday and essentially, there is great division amongst the various nations, and not for the reasons people might think. This is essentially, in my view, a trade dispute, and it all started back in December of 2021 and the relatively poor nations looked at what was going on and they said wait a minute, we're not getting enough jabs. All of the wealthy nations bought 10 jabs per person and they called upon the WHO to have a second session of the World Health Assembly, which met at the end of November beginning of December 2021. And the declaration that came out of that was they wanted to have the WHO oversee negotiations for a new agreement to ensure equitable access to pandemic related products. The problem is they are not getting into. Wait a minute. If you have jabs that don't stop infection, don't stop transmission, cause immune dysfunction, disease, disability and death, and you have tests that tell people that they have an asymptomatic case of some disease, what is it that you're actually seeking? If those are the types of pandemic related products that you're upset about not receiving, you actually should be down on your knees counting your blessings that you didn't get tricked into believing something that was false.
James Roguski:But what's really going on, I think, is best exemplified by what happened with Omicron and when South Africa and Botswana identified what they said was a new variant very different from what everybody was talking about before. It came out of nowhere. Who knows where it came from. In their computers they had a genetic sequence that they said was a new variant that they were dealing with. When they made that public, they did what they thought they were obligated to do, which was to be transparent and share that information with the world. The international health regulations were supposed to protect them from other nations imposing travel restrictions, but it didn't work, because Europe and a bunch of other nations stopped travel to South Africa and then, to add insult to injury, pfizer and Moderna took that genetic information and ultimately added it into the boosters and made a couple of more billion dollars. So what these negotiations are about is that the nations were upset that they handed over this incredibly valuable information. They got punished by other nations for being transparent with travel restrictions, and then a whole bunch of money was made by corporations that pirated that information and didn't share it. So what is going on with these negotiations and I can see scrolling on the bottom?
James Roguski:You can go to stopthetreatyorg and read the actual document, and this is what I encourage everyone to do, because many people have talked about these issues and on March 13th of 2024, the latest version of the document, the quote unquote treaty, was published by the WHO. They're currently negotiating it. Realize that the sands are shifting and little things will probably change if they can reach agreement. But at the moment I strongly encourage everyone to go to stopthetreatyorg and listen to the video recitation that I did of some of the most pertinent aspects of this agreement, because what most people think is in this agreement is totally different than what it actually says.
James Roguski:Whatever it is you think about the treaty the pandemic treaty it's really not what most people have been saying. It's talking about setting up a system where billions of dollars go into looking for pathogens with pandemic potential. Now, whenever I see that phrase, I turn it around and and I say they're looking for pathogens with pandemic profiteering potential. Then they want to bring it into the WHO laboratory network so they can study it, possibly do gain a function. They used to have language in the document about that, but they took it out because they know that's very contentious. Then they want to have what they call a standard material transfer agreement. Essentially, they want a contract with the pharmaceutical companies and the WHO saying we found this really scary genetic sequence for virus or some other pathogen and if you want it, you're going to have to promise to share the benefits with us.
James Roguski:That is what they are arguing about now. It's not good versus evil, it's, you know, big pharma versus nations who are claiming rightfully, I believe that these biological resources are part of their sovereign resources. It used to be that nations would have their raw materials plundered, whether that was forestry products or gold and silver or diamond mines or any other kind of natural resource. They are categorizing pathogen information as a sovereign resource. It literally says that in the latest, in the latest couple of versions of the proposed agreement, and they don't want to be forced to give that up for free. They want a piece of the pie and they want investment, not only for that information, that intellectual property or that sovereign resource. They want the corporations who are then going to turn that into value added products like drugs and jabs to share their intellectual property, share their manufacturing know-how, share the investment capital to turn around and build geographically distributed manufacturing. They want to be able to build, and they're already actively building these manufacturing plants in Rwanda and South Africa. They have a mRNA hub where they're trying to spread this all throughout Africa. They want to be able to build and manufacture, build manufacturing plants and manufacture their own MRNA jabs, because it's inordinately profitable. And so what we're seeing here are not negotiations to take away your national sovereignty or to tell you what you can or cannot do with your doctor or any of that sort of thing.
James Roguski:What we're dealing with here is, I think, organized crime. I've dubbed it the new OPEC. Opec stands for the Oil Producing and Exporting Countries, saudi Arabia and so forth. The new OPEC is the Organization of Pandemic Emergency Corporations. They want the WHO to be in charge of a global distribution and logistics network. They've already got distribution points in Dubai that they talk very proudly about, that. They've got 20,000 square meters of distribution facilities in Dubai. That's four football fields.
James Roguski:So what they're looking at is setting up, I think, really a cartel, a mafia, racketeering organization to just buy up the production of all of these various companies. And the thing on the bottom, you have their exactly correct. They want to cause the problem or, at the very least, find something that they say is a problem Some pathogen that has pandemic profiteering potential, have money come from wealthy nations to go into a pool that they control and then be able to declare that there's an emergency and they have the solution. The reaction is fear, right, saying to somebody we have this new scary pathogen and now we have the solution. Over and over again, because it was a very profitable venture over the past four years.
James Egidio:But I know there seems to be so many layers to this, though, and what do you think is the end goal to all this? I can't just be with the World Health Organization. It's got to be with total control, don't you think?
James Roguski:If you can keep people in a state of fear and offer them the solution over and over again, people make very bad decisions, whether it was the Patriot Act and the war on terror and the terror alert. What's red or orange or yellow, you have to be very afraid. It's very analogous to something that Obama said about Ebola, but also Bush said and many people said about quote unquote terrorism the idea that, oh, it's better to fight it over there, because if you don't fight it over there, then you're going to have to deal with it at home. Obama very clearly said that about Ebola in West Africa. I believe it was in 2014.
James Roguski:And so the idea that they're trying to put out is that if wealthy nations want to protect themselves from the next pandemic, it's likely to come where there are poorer nations, where the people live more closely in contact with both domesticated animals and wild animals.
James Roguski:And they're trying to put forth the quite frankly lie that, oh, this zoonotic transfer from some animal is going to jump species to a human being. That if wealthy people want to protect themselves from the next pandemic, they have to give money to build out the pharmaceutical hospital emergency industrial complex in poorer nations in order to stop it at the source, quarantine them, treat them, surveil them, and if you give us your money, we'll go invest it there to protect you from the problem that is likely to start in the lower income nations. The lower income nations certainly need many things, but it's quite arguable, if not insane, to believe that the first, most important thing that they need is to have wealthy oligarchs setting up laboratories looking for pathogens, doing genetic sequencing, and then bringing them into biological laboratories so that they can sign contracts to get a piece of the pie from the pharmaceutical drugs and jams that they would then inflict upon their own people Anything. That's just how you profit from fear of ingrain.
James Egidio:Yeah, I know the last episode you had mentioned that, and this is where I'll disagree with you, james.
James Egidio:I agree on a lot of things that you talk about with the World Health Organization, but there's one thing that you said in the last episode a few days ago was that you don't believe that this is a good versus evil thing. And I have to disagree with that, and I'll tell you why. Because when you look at it in the grand scheme of things, it comes down to especially with the World Health Organization, the World Economic Forum it comes down to control, right. It comes down to how are we going to control the masses of people, right, with this one world government? And there's a lot of churches, and this is why they want to censor a lot of churches and a lot of pastors and why they want to pretty much rip apart family and faith and especially family, where they indoctrinate kids with this transgender agenda and the hormones and the surgeries and the confusion, and all that is because they know that the power and the strength is in family and in faith. And there's one particular pastor out of California, where you're at, by the name of John MacArthur.
Speaker 4:Now I'm going to play a three-minute video right now and what he says and what he believes is the whole agenda we're all aware of the fact that people have been talking about global unity, one world government, for a long time, and there are many conspiracy theories about people secretly moving everything in that direction. But there are also realities which are anything but secret and are not theories, but are certainly actions being taken by globalists to move the world toward one world government. This is escalating among the elitist, power hungry people who control the levers of culture and society. They want one world government. And why do they want that? They give several reasons. One is what they call equity, so that they can redistribute all the assets and all the wealth and all the possessions equally across the planet to everyone. Another one is because of currency. They have a desire for a singular currency, global currency, and they would like that to be cryptocurrency, electronic currency, so they can control all finances and all spending by everyone. And then another one of their motivating desires is environment. They want equal commitment upon every nation of the world, all people of the world, to the environmental plan. Right now, many nations are supposedly doing what they can to achieve environmental goals, while many other nations pay no attention. Another one of their goals is taxation. They want global taxation so that no one. No corporation can escape to some location where the taxation is lower.
Speaker 4:Another reason for their desire for a global, one-world government is immigration. They want to eliminate immigration altogether. They want to eliminate it by simply saying anybody can go anywhere. They want to go anytime anyway. Free movement of everyone. Another one of their goals in having one-world government is what they call crisis response, which was illustrated during the lockdown and the pandemic with COVID. They want to make sure the whole world responds the way the World Health Organization thinks they should respond. They want control over the responses to any kind of disease, any kind of pandemic, and they want uniformity. And then, of course, a big one war, because nations fight each other, and this seems to go on all the time. They want to eliminate nations so that there are no national wars. And the goal of all of this if they can create equity, common currency, control of the environment, universal taxation, Eliminate borders so there's no illegal immigration, Control all crises and end all wars, We'll bring about world peace.
Speaker 4:I don't know if you know this, but they already have a flag. It's called the One World Flag. It's the flag of humanity and the unity of the nations. Part of it is green for the earth, humanity, human progress and unity, agriculture and life. Part of it is blue for the United Nations hope, water, atmosphere we breathe in sky. Part of it is black for the darkness of space, hardship that humanity will overcome and the last frontier of human exploration and settlement of the solar system and beyond. And it has 13 stars because they've divided the globe into 13 regions, One World Government. They are serious about this. This is one of the reasons I told you months ago that they have a problem with America because of the emphasis here on nationalism. That is a threat to their efforts to remove national identity.
James Egidio:So this is the flag, too, by the way, that I was sharing with you earlier before we started the recording and that's for people to see here. There's where he talks about the green, the blue, the black and the 13 stars. So what's your take on that?
James Roguski:You're going to have to allow me to agree with you, but you're going to have to let me clarify what it was I was actually talking about. Now, this is actually part of the problem. What he's essentially talking about is a totally different line of negotiations, and this is yet another way in which they serve to confuse people, to get everyone off target. What I was saying where it's not good versus evil is what I meant was that in these negotiations with the amendments and the treaty, the two sides that are doing battle and arguing over the poison pie that they all want a piece of, there's nobody in there who's saying anything that's good, with the exception of the representative from Chad who spoke up on Monday and he literally said and people can go to stoptreatyorg and see the four minute video. He said what is it that we're doing here? We need to be talking about helping people get healthy. What everyone here is talking about is how to divvy up the money and all of the resources and so forth.
James Roguski:And when I said it's not a question of good versus evil, what I very specifically meant was, in these negotiations at the WHO, it's big evil negotiating with little evil, and for the first time this morning there was a glimmer of somebody who said the quiet part out loud, and so I encourage people to go to stoptreatyorg and watch the Chad representatives speak for four minutes. Now what this pastor was talking about. I'm going to have to get you connected to Dr Rima Labo, because this is what she's talking about, and I put this all together. Not exactly that, but the United States responds to it on stoptheglobalagendacom. So now we're shifting gears away from the WHO, because what he's essentially talking about, item by line item, is the pact for the future that's coming in September. Pay attention, everybody, through the United Nations.
James Roguski:And so the very things that he mentioned. They would love to set up a government of the world, essentially in support of their deeply failing sustainable development goals as part of their agenda 2030.
James Egidio:Let me interject for a moment, though. Don't you think that the WHO is just one arm of this whole global takeover? We're just using the WHO in the diseases and the vaccines, and all that to usher in what, ultimately, what I personally feel is this digital slavery that they want to entrap everybody with.
James Roguski:All of those things. All of those things I agree with you in terms of. This is what's going on, but here's how they are messing with everybody's head. Those things are not in the amendments. What's in the amendments is quarantining people if they're traveling internationally Planet lockdown. What's in the amendments is emergency declarations. At the drop of the hat, we've got an early action alert. We've got a public health emergency of international concern, or a fake, or we've got a pandemic emergency. That's what's in the amendments.
James Roguski:What's in the treaty is just this massive shift of money to go looking for pathogens to scare people with. It's a financial transfer from poor people in wealthy nations to oligarchs in poor nations so that they can abuse their own people and profit from it. When people say that all of the stuff that is in the pact for the future is in what the WHO is doing, it harms the legitimacy of what we're trying to push back against, because if you read the treaty or you read the amendments, you're not going to find any of that stuff in what the WHO is currently negotiating. Happy to get you connected to Dr Rima Labo and other people who are pushing back against the pact for the future. That's scheduled for September 22nd of 2024. Very important things. If we bring those into these discussions, it makes everyone look like they're a conspiracy theorist, because you're not going to find that in these documents.
James Egidio:But the thing is, it seems like they usher in any kind of CBDC, central Bank digital currency where everything that you own is consolidated on one blockchain for you to be able to buy or sell anything, that they pretty much can control you and have you do anything that they want at that point.
James Roguski:I'm very much in agreement with you, but the game that they're playing, that's messing with everyone's head, is that, is not this.
James Egidio:Yeah, no, I get you.
James Roguski:And so what is happening is people are saying, oh, something is in these old documents, and that's what they're doing now, and something is in these future documents, and that's what they're doing now. When you mush it all together and you don't keep it clear, everybody's head gets fried, and so when you go to speak intelligently to your congressperson or anyone else in the world, it sounds wrong because it is, and so what I encourage people to do is you've got to compartmentalize it, because what they're trying to do is throw everything, including the kitchen sink, at you, and then people talk about it. If you pull up the treaty, you're not going to find anything in the treaty that is any of those things. It's not an attack on national sovereignty. It's not putting the WHO in control of your relationship with your doctor. It's not central bank digital currency. It's not climate change. Those are things that are in the sustainable development goals and the pack for the future Very important things but they are not in this document.
James Roguski:So when people get it all muddled up, it loses the focus, and what we have here right now their negotiations are about to fall apart If we focus on the fact. Large evil meaning the big pharmaceutical companies are battling with wannabe oligarchs in the pharmaceutical world. In poorer nations they're fighting amongst themselves for a piece of the pie. It's mafia families doing battle.
James Roguski:And they're having great difficulty reaching any kind of agreement, and the crack in the armor happened on Monday, where the representative from Chad said wait a minute, you guys are all talking about money. You're talking about looking for pathogens and access and benefit sharing and distribution and logistics. What about the lives of people? What is it that you do to make people healthy? And he called them all out on it and what we need to do is focus our energies on their weak point. Their weak point is in these negotiations right now.
James Roguski:In the amendments. They're trying to get people to pay attention to everything that's not in these amendments so that they can slip through quarantines and vaccinations that the WHO says are approved, even though we all must know that the tests and the jabs are miserable failures and totally fraudulent. That's what they're trying to sneak through in the amendments. What they're putting through in the quote unquote treaty is just an enormous money transfer so that they can try to scare people that they missed over the past four years because the low income nations were having difficulty buying the jabs and injecting them into their own people. All of the other things that you mentioned are coming, but we have to focus on what they're doing now and not get confused with the many things that are in the pack for the future.
James Egidio:Yeah, but what do you say to someone who wants to refuse to take the A vaccine that they want to push on you for religious purposes? You're trampling on people's rights.
James Roguski:There was a case in the UK where someone won the case because they stated that their belief system incorporated the use of homeopathy, and so what people are getting confused with these WHO negotiations is the infringement of your personal rights and freedoms does not require any amendments to the IHR and it does not require a new pandemic treaty. Over the last four years, your local tyrant didn't need either of those things to pretend that they had authority over you. If you understand in the United States, please, that if you have a firmly held religious belief, that is all you need to protect yourself legally from any government official who tries to tell you that you have to do something to your body. You don't have to get into mRNA and jabs and health and all that sort of stuff If it's against your beliefs to participate in that activity. That is undeniable. That is your first amendment, right, and unfortunately people just did not understand how to best stand up against local tyrants. This is not the case that Tedros and the WHO is gonna send stormtroopers into your home to force inject you. What's likely to happen is the same thing that we allowed to happen over the last four years.
James Roguski:Some local official gets far beyond their authority, pretends that, oh, because somebody in Geneva or New York or DC said, oh, it's an emergency, that does not give them the authority to trample on your unalienable rights. That's what unalienable means emergency be damned. You have the right, but you have to protect it. And so there's local issues that we had to deal with over the last four years. What's going on in Geneva with the United I'm sorry, not the United Nations, but the WHO is. They're trying to work out quarantine and vaccine requirements for international travel. That's in the amendments. They're trying to do a huge money transfer to build out big pharma in low income countries, because they missed a lot of those people over the past four years. What's going on with the United Nations? And in September, the pact for the future is all tied in with the sustainable development goals and all of the things that pastor mentioned are exactly what we need to focus on. But that's not happening here with the WHO. That's happening there.
James Egidio:So when is this going back to the bargaining table, this whole quarantine, and at the drop of a hat they could say as a traveler, you have to take a vaccine, or whatever they want to do. When is this all supposed to take place?
James Roguski:The specific issue that you just mentioned. The amendments are scheduled for their final meeting April 22nd to the 26th. They've got one week of meetings and the issue with all of the looking for pathogens in the laboratory network and the pathogen access benefits, sharing contractual obligations to turn it into a profitable business and a distribution and logistics network. Those are ongoing right now and the last date is scheduled to be March 28th. They look like they're having great difficulty. There is a possibility that they might schedule an additional meeting if they don't come to some sort of an agreement, but their final meeting to discuss all of this is May 27th to June 1st. So we've got two months to flatten their plans, two months to flatten the who and what people need to do.
James Roguski:In my opinion, number one is get clear on the facts and all I have been doing for the last two years is compartmentalize. What they're doing in the amendments is quarantine and travel restrictions and vaccine requirements not that they should be called vaccines. What's in the quote unquote treaty is setting up a framework convention to create an organized crime syndicate that's gonna be looking for pathogens to scare you with so that they can profit from it, and that would then cascade downward when they say, oh, be afraid, and your local official becomes afraid and thinks that they have the authority to abuse you. That's a local issue. It always was, it always will be. What they're doing with the framework convention for climate change is part of the sustainable development goals and all of the other things that Pastor mentioned, and a few more, is what they're planning for. The pact for the future coming in September Part mentalized and we'll have a much better time.
James Egidio:No, I'm glad you clarified that, james, because that's the reason why I bring you on. I feel like you're the expert in this whole thing and, plus, for me, that's why I interview experts like you, because for me, I'll just start babbling and throwing up everything up on the wall and I'm very insightful and I do a lot of research on everything that I do. But I think you're right. I think we're all handling it the way it was presented to us back into 2020, when COVID was announced. It's like nobody knew how to handle it and everybody freaked out and there was lockdowns and nobody took five steps back and took a deep breath and said, okay, what's really going on here, and let things unfold. And that's why we're where we're at today, and I think they take advantage of that too.
James Roguski:Offer an opinion. Okay. Everything that I've been saying before is easily documented. Sure, arguably okay, but I think it's pretty strong argument.
James Roguski:Their weak point is much of what they're doing is centered on trying to collect carbon taxes because of their concept of global warming. Slash, climate change slash, whatever they want to rename it. Next, they wanna try to control people's lives under the false scenario that, because there's too many people on the planet and we're all trying to stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer using whatever kind of fuel we may use, that they should be in charge of everything having to do with energy. When people wake up to that scam and the fact that they're trying to control the world based on a false narrative, their whole plan falls apart, because that's what they're hoping to trick everybody with, and for many people, it has been working. There are people, younger generation, who are petrified that the world is gonna explode and overheat and we're all gonna die because of global warming, and they're in an ongoing panic about climate change. The issues are obviously complicated and people are easily led down the primrose path, but then you look at wait a minute. Fuel prices just doubled when the Biden administration came in the office, right.
James Roguski:Who's collecting all those profits? Follow the money, right. Look at what they're doing to solve the problem. Nobody's actually solving the problems, they're just profiteering from it. Same thing with what's going on with the whl create a problem, everyone to be afraid, and If you're in position to collect the money that is offering some solution to the problem, then you can see what is actually going on. Could we bow know who benefits? It's almost always traceable. It's a deeper evil.
James Roguski:The evil is deeper than greed, but you can find it if you follow the money right so what they want with the who is 30 billion dollars a year and a hundred dollars surge funding, and, and they've already set up the pandemic fund that the United States is utilizing. So Keep it simple in a certain sense. Go to stop the who calm and you can learn about the pandemic treaty and the amendments. You can go to reject the amendments calm for just the amendments. You can go to stop the treaty org for just the treaty, and and. There are many other things that are going on. Just realize that they're not all Involved in what's going on with the who. Keep them separate. Focus on whatever aspect of it is important to you and hit the right target with the right information, because they know that if they just continually try to overwhelm us, it's hard to focus, and so what I've managed to do over the last two years is stay laser focused. Keep it clear, yeah, and, and push back in the right way against the thing that you're objecting to, and what I encourage everyone to do is take any of the documents that are involved. Take a video of a Paragraph or a sentence that you find objectionable, so that no one can say you're spreading misinformation, and give your Opinion of it. Put out a little tick-tock video, telegram, wherever you might want to put it, instagram, stay, whatever it is you want to say about what's going on, and you will be another Drop that is in this flood that they can't hold the damn back, the flood of truth that is coming out. They're trying desperately to stop it.
James Roguski:Sure, if you just keep speaking your truth, it's overwhelming to them and on Monday I saw a little crack in their armor. The representative from Chad spoke some of the quiet part out loud. That's the name of the article speaking the quiet part out loud. Just go to James for gusky dot sub sec calm and see what he had to say and see if it mostly doesn't resonate with what you believe. They're talking about making money and distributing products and resources. They've totally forgotten about why are they there? It's about people being ill. How do you take care of somebody? It's not by signing contracts to move products around and make money. It becomes so brutally obvious. They are not going to be able to hold back the truth if we just simply keep speaking it.
James Egidio:Yeah, I think with the mere fact of the truth that's coming out about the vaccine or the bio weapon, there's as mentioned this in the last episode as well is there's a lot less takers to this than there were at the beginning. So what do they do with these supplies of this so-called vaccine, when no one's taken it.
James Roguski:Maybe we should encourage the list of people that you had on that graphic to take a few more, since they're so wonderful.
James Egidio:And then here's another interesting development that took place about a week ago. I actually shared this with dr Sansone, which was the whole thing, with Donald Trump Pushing the vaccine, or at least endorsing it. What was your take on that?
James Roguski:It's astonishing that he is unable to see the light. When you're at your own rally, in your own people boo, something that you say Time after time you would think somebody would be an advisor who's got the guts to say hey might want to wake up and change your tune. It's astonishing. It's astonishing. Can't, can't explain insanity, but you can just point it out and what it really comes down to is we, the people, have to look in the mirror and Identify what it is that we believe and then go out and publicly speak our truth. If you learn something new that you had wrong in the past, that's fine. Change, learn from it. And that's something that he apparently is unwilling or unable to do.
James Roguski:In regards to the jab, but each individual person has the power to be the media. You've got a phone or a camera or you know somebody who does just say what it is you believe. Base it in fact, put it out into the universe, and I trust that they will not be able to keep up with this swarm of bees. Everyone around the world speaking truth to power. Their lies will crumble, but not if we're silent. We have to speak up.
James Egidio:Yeah, and I think this is a huge undertaking, even for the so-called globalist as well, because you've got so many different arms, you've got the World Health Organization and you have all these people involved with the world economic form, that there's just so many loose ends that they can't even tie together to control people, and I think you mentioned it in several episodes where there's pushback from other countries with this global pandemic, these amendments and whatnot, with the World Health Organization, so it's almost impossible for them to globalize and have One world government. What's your take on that?
James Roguski:If, if it seems like we're playing whack-a-mole with the different things that they're trying to do, imagine, from their point of view, trying to keep eight billion people down. Okay, the more people who stand up and speak out, the harder it is for them. They cannot stop us all, but if we stop ourselves, it makes their job easier. So don't be silent. Get the facts, read the documents, read the information. I've tried to make it simple. Share that with the next person, as People become more clear and aware of what's going on. Everyone I've ever talked to about this looks at the information and their gut response is are they crazy?
James Roguski:Yeah, hell, no, we're not going for that. It's only the lack of awareness that is problematic. Your silence is consent. Share this video, share it with the next person, go through the various websites and all the information, and if anybody has any question, just give me a phone call 310 619 3055. I don't know everything, that's for sure. Nobody really does, and I do have a good grasp on what's going on with the WHO. And if you have any questions, just give me a call the best grasp.
James Egidio:That's why I always have you on the show. I'm gonna actually dedicate a segment to you on my new show. All right, who are you? With James Ruggusky, and you give us the updates at least once a week. Thanks, again. James for joining me for this episode of the medical truth podcast. Thanks, Thanks for having me, you got it All right.
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